Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
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- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Registry Replication (RegRep) agent
To ensure efficient failover of an application, the registry of the node on which the application was taken offline and the registry of the node on which the application is brought online must be synchronized.
The Registry Replication agent synchronizes the registry of both the nodes by monitoring the designated registry keys. When an application changes the registry keys on the active cluster node, the agent logs these changes to the shared disk. When failover occurs, the agent updates the registry of the system on which the application is brought online using the logs on the shared disk. The RegRep agent provides you the option to:
exclude certain subkeys from being replicated.
mark keys for replication or exclusion, even though they do not exist when the agent is configured.
mark keys for replication or exclusion dynamically, even when the resource is online.
When the Registry Replication agent is started, it forks an independent process to monitor registry changes. Even if the VCS engine, HAD, dies, the process continues logging registry changes to the shared disk.
If you wish to replicate the registry of an application running on a node outside VCS, run the utility VCSRegUtil on that particular node.
See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information on VCSRegUtil utility.
The Registry Replication agent runs in the context of the local system user while the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) hive has values in the context of the current user. As the local system user account does not map to a current user account, the Registry Replication agent does not replicate the keys under the HKCU hive.
The RegRep agent supports intelligent resource monitoring and uses Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) for resource state change notifications.
For more information about IMF, refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.