Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
About hardware replication agents for NetApp
The VCS hardware replication agent for Network Appliance provides failover support and recovery, in environments employing Network Appliance filers for storage and SnapMirror for replication.
The agent monitors and manages the state of replicated filer devices and ensures that at a time only one system has safe and exclusive access to the configured devices.
The agent can be used in local clusters, single VCS replicated data clusters, and multi-cluster environments set up using the VCS Global Cluster Option.
The package contains three agents; each agent is described in subsequent sections:
NetAppFiler agent - Monitors the state of the filer.
NetAppSnapDrive agent - Connects and disconnects virtual disks (LUNs) using the iSCSI or FC protocol.
NetAppSnapMirror agent - Determines the role of the filer volumes with respect to replication and promotes a read-only snapmirrored volume to a read-write source volume during a wide-area failover.
The NetApp agents are available with Cluster Server for Windows and require a separate HA/DR license.