Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Attribute definitions
Table: NotifierMngr agent required attributes
Required Attributes | Description |
SnmpConsoles | The system name or IPv4 address of the SNMP manager and the severity level of the messages to be delivered to the SNMP manager. The severity levels of messages are Information, Warning (default), Error, and SevereError. Specifying a severity level for messages generates delivery of all messages of equal or higher severity. For example: ""=Error ""=Information Type and Dimension: string-association |
SmtpServer | The system name of the SMTP server. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
Table: NotifierMngr agent optional attributes
Optional Attributes | Description |
MessageQueue | Size of the VCS engine's message queue size. Default is 30 messages. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
NotifierListeningPort | Any valid, unused TCP/IP port number. Default is 14144. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
SnmpdTrapPort | The port on which SNMP trap PDUs are sent. The value specified for this attribute is used for all consoles if more than one SNMP console is specified. Default is 162. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
SnmpCommunity | The community ID for the SNMP manager. Default is "public." Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
SmtpFromPath | This attribute must be set to a valid email address, if a custom email address is desired for the FROM: field in the email sent by notifier. Type and Dimension:string |
SmtpRecipients | The email address to which information is sent and the severity level of the messages to be received. The severity levels of messages are Information, Warning (default), Error, and SevereError. Specifying a severity level for messages indicates that all messages of equal or higher severity are received. Example: ""=SevereError ""=Warning Note: SmtpReceipents is a required attribute if SmtpServer is specified. Type and Dimension: string-association |
SmtpReturnPath | This attribute must be set to a valid email address, if a custom email address is desired for the Return-Path: field in the email sent by notifier. Note: If the mail server specified in the SmtpServer does not support VRFY, then you need to set the SmtpServerVrfyOff to 1 in order for the SmtpReturnPath to come into effect. Type and Dimension: string |
SmtpServerTimeout | This attribute represents the time, in seconds, for which the notifier waits for a response from the mail server for the SMTP commands sent to the mail server. Increase the specified value if the mail server takes long to send response for the SMTP commands sent by the notifier. Default is 10. Type and Dimension: integer |
SmtpServerVrfyOff | Setting this value to 1 results in notifier not sending a SMTP VRFY request to the mail server specified in SmptServer attribute, while sending emails. Set this to 1 if your mail server does not support SMTP VRFY command. Default is 0. Type and Dimension: boolean |