Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
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RemoteGroup agent
The RemoteGroup agent establishes dependencies between applications that are configured on different VCS clusters. For example, you configure an Apache resource in a local cluster, and a MySQL resource in a remote cluster. In this example, the Apache resource depends on the MySQL resource. You can use the RemoteGroup agent to establish this dependency between these two resources. With the RemoteGroup agent, you can monitor or manage a service group that exists in a remote cluster.
Some points about configuring the RemoteGroup resource are:
For each remote service group that you want to monitor or manage, you must configure a corresponding RemoteGroup resource in the local cluster.
Multiple RemoteGroup resources in a local cluster can manage corresponding multiple remote service groups in different remote clusters.
You can include the RemoteGroup resource in any kind of resource or service group dependency tree.
A combination of the state of the local service group and the state of the remote service group determines the state of the RemoteGroup resource.
Veritas InfoScale products support the RemoteGroup agent when:
When it points to a global group
The RemoteGroup agent must then map the state of the global group in the local cluster.
When it is configured inside a local parallel service group
The RemoteGroup resources on all cluster nodes monitor the same remote service group unless its attributes are localized.
When it is configured inside a local failover service group
For more information on the functionality of this agent, see the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.