Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Process agent
The Process agent brings processes online, takes them offline, and monitors their status. You can specify different executables for each process routine. You can configure the Process agent to monitor processes in a virtual server context. By default, processes are monitored in the context of the LocalSystem account. You can run a process with user privileges by specifying the user name, password, and domain.
You can configure a service group for the Process agent using the Application Configuration wizard or manually using the command line.
Refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more details.
The Process agent supports intelligent resource monitoring and uses Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) for resource state change notifications. The agent supports IMF-based monitoring only when the resource is in the online state.
For more information about IMF, refer to the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.
The Process agent does not use IMF notification for monitoring the program specified in the MonitorProgram attribute.