Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
GoogleDisk agent
The GoogleDisk agent lets you configure data disks for HA in GCP, so that the disks can also be failed over during an application failover between instances.
To store the data of the applications that you configure for HA, InfoScale supports the following storage types with GCP VM instance:
Zonal persistent disks - Standard and SSD
Regional persistent disks - Standard and SSD
The GoogleDisk agent brings the GCP data disks online, monitors their status, and takes them offline. The GoogleDisk agent uses GCP Python SDK to determine whether the data disks are attached to the virtual machines or not.
Your Google service accounts must have the following permissions, at the least:
compute.projects.get (at the project level, to fetch the project metadata)
compute.instances.get (at the instance level, to fetch the instance metadata)
compute.instances.attachDisk (at the instance level, to attach a disk to the instance)
compute.instances.detachDisk (at the instance level, to detach a disk from the instance)
compute.zoneOperations.get (to check the status of operations in the zone)
compute.disks.get (to fetch the list of the current users of a disk)
- iam.serviceAccountUser (lets a principal attach a service account to a resource)
To access Google APIs, the
Python module must be present on the InfoScale cluster nodes.You must first create a disk before you configure a resource for it. Otherwise, the online operation fails.
Add dependencies in the service group as depicted in Figure: Sample service group dependency
Install Python SDK for GCP on each of the cluster nodes by running the following commands in C:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSPython
, or wherever the VRTSPython
folder is installed on the node:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
Open | Fetches the current GCP VM instance name and the zone and project to which the instance belongs, using its metadata. |
Online | Attaches the GCP disk to the VM instance. |
Offline | Detaches the GCP disk from the VM instance. |
Monitor | Determines whether the GCP data disk is attached to the current VM instance or to any other VM instance within or outside the cluster. It also identifies the mode in which the disk is attached and accordingly returns a status value. |
Clean | Detaches the GCP disk from the VM instance. |
ONLINE | Indicates that the GCP disk is attached to the current VM instance. |
OFFLINE | Indicates one of the following:
FAULTED | Indicates that the GCP disk was unexpectedly detached from the VM instance outside of VCS control. |
Table: Required attributes
Attribute | Description |
DiskName | Name of the disk. Type and dimension: string-scalar |
ReadOnly | Mode in which to attach the disk:
Default value: 0 (READ_WRITE) Type and dimension: boolean-scalar |
RegionalDisk | Type of the disk:
Note: Regional disks can fail over across zones, and they can be attached in the READ_WRITE mode only. Default value: 0 (zonal disk) Type and dimension: boolean-scalar |
Table: Optional attribute
Attribute | Description |
ProjectID | Project to which the VM instance belongs. Type and dimension: string-scalar |
Zone | Zone to which the instance belongs. Type and dimension: string-scalar |
VMName | Name of the GCP VM instance on which the agent runs. Type and dimension: string-scalar |
type GoogleDisk ( static int FaultOnMonitorTimeouts = 0 static str ArgList[] = { DiskName, ReadOnly, RegionalDisk, ProjectID, Zone, VMName, tempProjectName, tempVMName, tempZone } boolean ReadOnly = 0 boolean RegionalDisk = 0 str DiskName str ProjectID str Zone str VMName temp str tempProjectName temp str tempZone temp str tempVMName )
GoogleDisk VVRSG-GoogleDisk ( DiskName = sql-disk )
The GoogleDisk agent uses the DBG_1 and the DBG_2 debug log levels.