Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Attribute definitions
Table: Lanman agent required attributes
Required Attributes | Description |
IPResName | The name of the IP resource on which the Lanman resource depends. Do not define a value for this attribute if the MultiNet attribute is set to 1. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
VirtualName | The virtual computer name to be assigned to the server. The virtual name must be fewer than 15 characters. Note that if you specify a virtual computer name in lowercase letters, the agent converts it to uppercase. For example, the name VCSServer is converted to VCSSERVER. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
Table: Lanman agent optional attributes
Optional Attributes | Description |
ADContainer | Specifies the distinguished name of the Active Directory container or the organizational unit (OU) for the newly created computer object. If no value is specified for this attribute, the Lanman resource creates the computer object in the default container "Computers." Note that the user account for VCS Helper service must have adequate privileges on the specified container to create and update computer accounts. Refer to Microsoft documentation for information on assigning user privileges for a container. By default, the attribute contains no value. Note: Value specified for this attribute will be effective only if ADUpdateRequired is set to 1. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
ADCriticalForOnline | Defines whether the Lanman resource faults if the agent fails to update the Active Directory. The value 1 indicates that the resource faults in case of a failure to update the Active Directory. The value 0 indicates that it does not. Default is 0. Type and Dimension: boolean-scalar |
AdditionalDNSServers | An array that specifies the IP addresses of the additional DNS servers that will be updated by the Lanman resource. For all the Windows DNS servers, the forward and reverse lookup zones must be configured. For all the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) servers, only the forward lookup zones are required. All additional DNS servers are considered as Windows DNS servers by default. If any additional DNS server is a Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) server, you will have to specify it in the attribute value. Example: "{"" = "","" = "BIND"}" Where is the IP address of a Windows DNS server, and is the IP address of a BIND DNS server. By default, the attribute contains no value. Values specified for this attribute will be effective only if DNSUpdateRequired is set to 1. The Lanman agent creates only CNAME records on BIND servers. You must also specify the AliasName attribute in case of BIND server updates. Note: The Lanman agent supports BIND version 8 and above. Note: In cases where the default DNS is a BIND DNS server, set the value of the DNSOptions attribute to IgnoreDefault, and specify the BIND DNS server details in this attribute. Note: If the BIND DNS servers are configured for secure updates, then you must configure the TSIG keys either in the DNSZones attribute or the TSIGKeyFile attribute. Type and Dimension: string-association |
ADUpdateRequired | Defines whether the Lanman resource updates the Active Directory with the virtual name. The value 1 indicates that the agent updates the Active Directory. The value 0 indicates it does not. Default is 0. Type and Dimension: boolean-scalar |
DNSCriticalForOnline | Defines whether the Lanman resource faults if the agent fails to update the DNS. The value 1 indicates that the resource faults in case of a failure to update the DNS. The value 0 indicates that it does not. Default is 0. In case of an IPv6 environment this attribute has no effect on the Lanman agent behavior. Even if this attribute is set to 0, the Lanman resource faults if the agent is unable to update the DNS. Type and Dimension: boolean-scalar |
DNSOptions | An array that specifies the way in which the Lanman resource updates the DNS servers. This attribute can take one or all of the following values:
Any combination of these values can be specified for the attribute. This attribute takes effect only when the Lanman resource comes online. See Updating DNS servers for more information. By default, the attribute contains no value. Values specified for this attribute will be effective only if DNSUpdateRequired is set to 1 and additional DNS servers are specified in the AdditionalDNSServers attribute. Note: In cases where the default DNS is a BIND DNS server, set this attribute value to IgnoreDefault, and specify the BIND DNS server details in the AdditionalDNSServers attribute. Type and Dimension: string-vector |
DNSUpdateRequired | Defines whether the Lanman resource updates the DNS with the virtual IP address. The value 1 indicates that the resource updates the DNS. The value 0 indicates it does not. Default is 0. If you set this attribute but there are no DNS servers specified in the TCP/IP properties, then you must specify the DNS servers that you wish to update in the AdditionalDNSServers attribute. If NetBios is disabled over TCP, set this attribute value to 1. In case of an IPv6 environment this attribute has no effect on the Lanman agent behavior. Even if this attribute is set to 0, the Lanman agent updates the DNS with the virtual IPv6 address entry by default. Note: If the virtual IP is an IPv6 address, you must specify the DNS server IP address, either in the network adapter properties or in the Lanman agent's AdditionalDNSServers attribute. Note: The Lanman resource does not update the DNS for the manual DNS entries. See Updating manual DNS entries for more information. Type and Dimension: boolean-scalar |
DNSRefreshInterval | This attribute represents the time interval, in seconds, after which the Lanman agent attempts to refresh the resource records (RRs) on the DNS servers. You must set a value for this attribute if you want the Lanman agent to refresh the records on the DNS servers. The default value zero indicates that the Lanman agent does not attempt to refresh the records on the DNS servers. The Lanman agent logs warning messages if it is not able to refresh the DNS records. After 3 failed attempts, the Lanman agent logs error messages for subsequent failures. If the Lanman agent is unable to refresh the DNS records, and the records are removed as a result of a scavenging operation or by the DNS administrator, the Lanman resource will fault. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
DNSZones | An array that specifies a list of DNS zones (in case of multi-domain environments with parent-child configurations) for which the Lanman resource should create and update Address (A) records and canonical name (CNAME) records in the DNS server of the parent domain. Example: {"", ""} Where and are DNS zones representing different child domains. By default, the attribute contains no value. This means that the Lanman agent will create and update resource records only in the DNS name servers for the zones in which the nodes exist. If multiple zones are being updated on BIND DNS servers that are configured for secure updates, then each zone may require a different TSIG key. In such a case, you must specify the absolute path of the TSIG key file in the attribute value. Example: {"" = "C:\TSIGKey1.key", "" = "C:\TSIGKey2.key"} Where TSIGKey1.key is the TSIG key for the DNS zone, and TSIGKey2.key is the TSIG key for the DNS zone Note: The Lanman agent supports BIND version 8 and above. Type and Dimension: string-association |
AliasName | A string representing the alias to the canonical name. The Lanman agent creates a CNAME record using the value specified in this attribute. Example: "www" Where www is the alias to the canonical name By default, the attribute contains no value. Note: This attribute is required if a BIND DNS server is specified in the AdditionalDNSServers attribute. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
TSIGKeyFile | Required when you configure BIND DNS for secure updates. Specify the absolute path to the file that contains the private Transaction Signature (TSIG) key. This key is used by the nsupdate utility to perform secure BIND DNS updates. See the BIND man pages for more information about secure DNS updates. You must copy the files containing the keys (typically the .key and the .private file) on each of the nodes that is listed in the service group's SystemList. By default, the attribute contains no value. Example: C:\TSIG\ Note: The Lanman agent supports BIND version 8 and above. Type and Dimension: string-scalar |
TTL | This value defines the Time To Live (TTL) value (in seconds) that gets stored in the DNS records created by the agent. Default: 0 Example: TTL = 7200 Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
MultiNet | Defines whether the Lanman resource binds multiple IP addresses with the virtual name. The value 1 indicates the resource binds multiple IP addresses specified in MultiNetInfo with the virtual computer name. The value 0 indicates the resource binds a single IP address specified in IPResName. Default is 0. Type and Dimension: boolean-scalar |
MultiNetInfo | An array that specifies details of the IP addresses to be bound to the virtual computer name. If MultiNet is set to 1, configure this attribute in the following format: MultiNetInfo = { "IP=ip_address1 Mask=subnetmask1 WINS=wins_ip_address1 MACAddress=macaddress1", "IP=ip_address2 Mask=subnetmask2 WINS=wins_ip_address2 MACAddress=macaddress2" } Note: Specifying Mask and MACAddress is optional. If not specified, the Lanman agent discovers the subnet mask from the current configuration. Note: MACAddress is required if netbios is disabled for the IP address. Type and Dimension: string-vector |