Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
FileShare agent error messages
The specified attribute name has invalid value.
Recommended Action: Verify the configuration file and make sure the correct attribute value is specified.
The agent failed to open the folder specified in the ShareName attribute.
Recommended Action: Verify whether the specified folder exists. Check the permissions for the folder.
The specified folder name is already shared.
Recommended Action: Verify the configuration file for the specified ShareName.
The agent failed to share the specified folder.
Recommended Action: Verify the configuration file for the specified ShareName.
The number of users authorized to access a share is less than the number of users specified in the MaxUsers attribute.
Recommended Action: Make sure the number of users authorized to access a share and the number of users specified in the MaxUsers attribute is same.
The agent failed to unshare the specified folder.
Recommended Action: Verify the configuration file for the specified share name.
The specified path name is already shared.
Recommended Action: Verify that the share name does not already exist on the network. If the share does not exist, contact Veritas Technical Support.
Recommended Action: See the Windows error code for more information. Contact Veritas Technical Support if the problem persists.
The agent requires the Server service to be started before it can bring the resource online.
Recommended Action: Verify that the Server service is running properly.
Recommended Action: See the corresponding error_id for more information. Error ID 6 denotes a mismatch in the configured permission and the actual permission for the folder share. Error ID 7 denotes an error while matching the configured permission and actual permission for the share.
The specified share name contains invalid characters.
Recommended Action: Make sure the specified share name does not contain special characters (\, /, :, *, ?, <, >, |).