Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
GenericService agent error messages
No value specified for the ServiceName attribute.
Recommended Action: Verify the ServiceName attribute defined in the configuration file is assigned a value.
No value specified for the Password attribute.
Recommended Action: Verify the Password attribute defined in the configuration file is assigned a value.
The agent failed to decrypt the specified password.
Recommended Action: Use the vcsencrypt utility to get an encrypted password. Specify the encrypted password to the Password attribute in the configuration file.
The agent failed to convert the password attribute. This is a VCS internal error.
Recommended Action: Offline and online the service group. Contact Veritas Technical Support if the problem persists.
The agent failed to allocate the memory. This is a VCS internal error.
Recommended Action: Offline and online the service group. Contact Veritas Technical Support if the problem persists.
The agent failed to obtain the SID for the specified user.
Recommended Action: Verify that the domain controller is accessible, or the specified user exists. See the error code if the problem persists.
The agent failed to obtain the SCM handle. This occurs if the specified Service Control Manager (SCM) database does not exist, or the requested access is denied.
Recommended Action: Verify that SCM can be run on the host.
The agent failed to online the service because the service was not in STOPPED state.
Recommended Action: Verify the state of the service and re-issue the online command.
The agent failed to decrypt the specified password.
Recommended Action: Verify that it the password is encrypted using the VCS Encrypt utility (described in the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.).
The agent failed to change the user context in which the service will run.
Recommended Action: See the Windows error code for further information.
The agent failed to start the specified service.
Recommended Action: Verify the binaries for the specified service exist, or the service is configured to run in the context of the specified user. Start the service manually if the problem persists.
The agent failed to online the service within the time specified in the DelayAfterOnline attribute.
Recommended Action: Verify the state of the service in the SCM. If the state of the service is START PENDING, increase the time specified in DelayAfterOnline attribute. If the problem persists, start the service manually.
The agent did not wait for the service to start. This is a VCS internal error. Refer to the documentation specific to the service to determine the cause.
The agent failed to obtain the information about the user in whose context, the specified service will run.
Recommended Action: Verify that the user exists, or the domain controller is accessible. See the error code if the problem persists.
The agent failed to obtain the SID for the specified user.
Recommended Action: Verify that the domain controller is accessible, or the specified user exists. See the error code if the problem persists.
The user information specified in the UserAccount information is different from the user information, in whose context the service will run.
Recommended Action: Stop the service and modify the user information. Re-issue the online command.
If the service has an invalid state, the agent attempts to offline the service. The agent fails to offline the service, if the process is shared with other services. In such cases, the agent attempts to kill the shared process. You risk potential data loss.
The agent failed to enable the privilege required to kill a process. See the Windows error code for further information.
The resource definition in the configuration file contains an invalid, or incorrect service name.
Recommended Action: Verify the ServiceName attribute defined in the configuration file is the same as the display name used by SCM. Verify that the specified service was opened successfully.
The agent failed to determine the status of the service. This is a VCS internal error.
Recommended Action: Offline and online the service group. Contact Veritas Technical Support if the problem persists.
The agent failed to offline the service because the service is not in STARTED state.
Recommended Action: Verify the state of the service and re-issue the online command.
The agent failed to stop the specified service.
Recommended Action: Verify the binaries for the specified service exist, or the service is configured to run in the context of the specified user. Stop the service manually if the problem persists.
The agent failed to offline the service within the time specified in the DelayAfterOffline attribute.
Recommended Action: Verify the state of the service in the SCM. If the state of the service is STOP PENDING, increase the time specified in DelayAfterOffline. If the problem persists, stop the service manually.