Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Sample configuration
Sample 1
In the following configuration, the online function spawns the executable test.exe with online as a command-line argument. The offline function spawns the executable test.exe with offline as the command-line argument. The monitor function monitors the attribute value for StartProgram, test.exe, and checks the state.
Process Process_Test ( StartProgram = "\"X:\\bin\\test.exe\" /online" StopProgram = "\"X:\\bin\\test.exe\" /offline" UserName = Administrator Password = bphNepE Domain = "VCS_DOMAIN" )
Sample 2
In the following configuration, the batch file start.bat starts an instance, MyProcess, of the executable process.exe. The batch file stop.bat stops the process instance of process.exe. The batch file monitor.bat monitors the attribute value for StartProgram, and checks the state of the process.exe. Note that the executable process.exe resides in the directory C:\batchfiles, which is specified as the StartupDirectory.
To configure the process agent by editing the configuration file directly, the configuration is as follows:
PROCESS-Process_SG ( StartProgram = "\"C:\\batchfiles\\start.bat\" MyProcess" StartupDirectory = "C:\\batchfiles" StopProgram = "\"C:\\batchfiles\\stop.bat\" MyProcess" MonitorProgram = "\"C:\\batchfiles\\monitor.bat\" MyProcess" UserName = Administrator Password = jxpVmxM Domain = "" )
To configure the Process agent using the Cluster Manager, enter the attributes as follows:
StartProgram = "C:\batchfiles\start.bat" MyProcess StartupDirectory = "C:\batchfiles" StopProgram = "C:\batchfiles\stop.bat" MyProcess MonitorProgram = "C:\batchfiles\monitor.bat" MyProcess UserName = Administrator Password = jxpVmxM Domain = ""