Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Lanman agent
The Lanman agent enables clients to access data and applications on a cluster node by associating the virtual IP address with the virtual computer name in the WINS database. The agent provides the option of associating multiple IP addresses from different subnets with the virtual computer name. The agent also provides the option of creating the virtual computer object in any organizational unit in the Active Directory and enhances the DNS updating capabilities of VCS.
The Lanman agent registers the following services with the WINS server:
Server (20h)
Workstation (00h)
Messenger (03h)
In an IPv6 environment, the Lanman agent relies on the DNS records to check for duplicate server names on the network. If the DNS entry for a virtual server name that uses an IPv6 address does not exist, the agent fails to validate the server for name duplication on the network. If the virtual IP is an IPv6 address, you must specify the DNS server IP address, either in the network adapter properties or in the Lanman agent's AdditionalDNSServers attribute.
The agent supports Kerberos authentication by providing the option of adding the virtual computer name to the Active Directory and adding the virtual IP address to the DNS. The agent uses the VCS Helper service user context for AD and DNS updates.
The Lanman agent updates and monitors the canonical name (CNAME) mapping in the domain name server when failing over applications across subnets (performing a wide-area failover.) The Lanman agent also supports creating DNS records in different DNS zones.
If security policies are enabled, ensure that the startup type of the Server Service is set to Automatic.