Cluster Server 8.0 Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows
- Introducing VCS bundled agents
- Storage agents
- Network agents
- FileShare agents
- Services and applications agents
- VCS infrastructure and support agents
- VCS hardware replication agent for NetApp
- Troubleshooting bundled agents
Attribute definitions
This section summarizes the required and optional attributes of the DiskRes agent.
Table: DiskRes agent required attributes
Required Attribute | Description |
Signatures | An array specifying the signature of each SCSI disk. To retrieve the disk signature, use the VCS utility, "havol" with the "scsitest" option. See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for instructions on how to use the utility. Type and Dimension: string-vector |
Table: DiskRes agent optional attributes
Optional Attributes | Description |
ConfigPercentage | The percentage of shared disks a system must reserve to be designated owner of the DiskRes resource. When a system acquires reservation to the number of disks that equals this value, the resource is brought online on the system. Set this attribute to at least 51 percent. If you set this attribute to a value less than 50 percent, the agent changes it to 51 percent. Default is 80 percent. Note: If you set this attribute to a value less than 51 percent, the agent internally treats it to be 51 percent. However, this is not updated in the GUI. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
FailFastInterval | Number of seconds the resource waits before bringing down the system after reservation fails. If during this interval the resource acquires reservation, it is not brought down. The resource is brought down in case of a reservation conflict, that is, if another system acquires reservation to the shared disks. Note that if a resource is brought down under these conditions, all service groups on the system might fail over to another system in the cluster. Default is 1 second. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |
GracePeriod | Number of seconds the agent waits before taking over disk reservation after issuing a bus reset. Default is 5 seconds. Type and Dimension: integer-scalar |