NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
vmchange — change media information in EMM database
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vg_res -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -rh robot_control_host -v volume_group
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -res -m media_id -mt media_type -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -rh robot_control_host -v volume_group -rc1 rob_slot
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -exp date -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -barcode barcode -m media_id [-rt robot_type]
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -m media_id -vltcid vault_container_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -barcode barcode -vltcid vault_container_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -d "media_description" -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -p pool_number -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -maxmounts max_mounts -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -clean cleanings left -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -n num_mounts -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -new_mt media_type -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -new_rt robot_type -m media_id -rn robot_number
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -new_v volume_group [-m media_id |{-b barcode -mt media_type -rt robot_type}]
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vltname vault_name -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vltsent date -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vltreturn date -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vltslot vault_slot -m media_id
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -vltsession vault_session_id -m media_id
-api_eject -map map_id:mapid:...:mapid | any -w [-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -res -ml media_id:media_id: ...:media_id -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -rh robot_control_host [-v volume_group]
-multi_eject -w [-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -res -ml media_id:media_id: ...:media_id -rt robot_type -verbose -rn robot_number -rh robot_control_host
-multi_inject -w [-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -res -rt robot_type -verbose -rn robot_number -rh robot_control_host
[-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] -res -robot_info -verbose -rn robot_number -rt robot_type -rh robot_control_host
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Volmgr\bin\
Change volume information in the Enterprise Media Manager database.
Any authorized user can run this command.
For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- -h EMM_server | volume_database_host
This option is only applicable for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
The name of the Enterprise Media Manager database host that contains information about volumes. If no host is specified, the configured EMM server is used by default.
- -vg_res
Change volume group residence.
- -rt robot_type
Specifies the robot type of the robot where the volume is located.
Valid robot types for NetBackup Enterprise Server follow:
none, acs, tld
Valid robot types for NetBackup Server follow:
none, tld
- -rn robot_number
Unique, logical identification number for the robot where the volume is located.
- -rh robot_control_host
Name of the host that controls the robot, where the volume is located.
- -v volume_group
A volume group is a logical grouping that identifies a set of volumes that reside at the same physical location.
- -res
Changes the volume's residence.
- -m media_id
Specifies the media ID of the volume to change.
- -mt media_type
Specifies the media type of the volume to change.
Valid media types for NetBackup Enterprise Server follow:
dlt, dlt2, dlt3, hcart, hcart2, hcart3, dlt_clean, dlt2_clean, dlt3_clean, hcart_clean, hcart2_clean, hcart3_clean
Valid media types for NetBackup Server follow:
dlt, hcart, dlt_clean, hcart_clean
- -rc1 rob_slot
Robot coordinate 1 is the robot slot number where the volume is located.
The following applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server:
Do not enter slot information for API robot types. The robot software tracks the slot locations for these robots.
- -exp date
Expiration date for this volume.
The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The
file (UNIX) and theinstall_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.See the "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II for more information.
- -barcode barcode
Specifies the barcode that is attached to the volume.
- -d "media_description"
Media description for the volume. The double quote marks are required if the description contains any spaces.
- -p pool_number
Index of the volume pool that contains this volume. You can get the pool index using vmpool -listall.
- -maxmounts max_mounts
Maximum number of mounts that are allowed for this volume. Only used for non-cleaning media.
- -n num_mounts
For non-cleaning media, num_mounts is the number of times this volume has been mounted.
- -clean cleanings_left
For cleaning media, cleanings_left is the number of cleanings that remain for this cleaning tape.
- -new_mt media_type
Specifies the media type of the volume to change. See the -mt option for a list of media types.
- -new_rt robot_type
Specifies the robot type. See the -rt option for a list of robot types.
- -new_v volume_group
A volume group is a logical grouping that identifies a set of volumes that reside at the same physical location.
- -b barcode
Specifies the barcode that is attached to the volume.
- -vltcid vault_container_id
Changes the container in which a volume is stored. vault_container_id (a string of up to 29 alphanumeric characters) specifies the new container for the volume. Use the -m or -barcode option to specify the volume.
- -vltname vault_name
Specifies the name of the logical vault that is configured for the robot that ejected the volume.
- -vltsent date
Specifies the date the volume was sent off site.
The format of date depends on the user's locale setting. For the C locale, the date syntax is as follows:
mm/dd/yyyy [hh[:mm[:ss]]]
- -vltreturn date
Specifies the date the volume was requested for return from the vault vendor. For catalog backup volumes, this date is the date that the volume is requested for return from the vault vendor.
The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The
file (UNIX) and theinstall_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.See the "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" topic in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II for more information.
- -vltslot vault_slot
Specifies the vault vendor's slot number for the slot that this volume occupies.
- -vltsession vault_session_id
Specifies the ID of the vault session that ejected this media.
- -api_eject
Eject ACS volumes from the specified robot. The ejection timeout period is one week.
- -map map_id:mapid: ...:mapid | any
For ACS robots, this option can specify multiple media access ports (MAPs) to use for eject operations. The map_id (also known as the CAP ID) can be all or ALL, which specifies all MAPs in the robot. Or it can be a colon-separated list of MAP IDs in the format of ACS,LSM,CAP. When the -map option is used, media are ejected to the MAPs that are specified by using a nearest MAP algorithm. The algorithm assumes that the LSMs are connected in a line.
- -w
Wait flag. This flag must be used with the eject, multiple eject, and multiple inject commands.
- -verbose
Selects the verbose mode.
- -ml media_id:media_id: ...:media_id
Specifies a list of media to be ejected from the robot.
- -multi_eject
Uses the robotic library's media access port to eject multiple volumes. This option is only valid for TLD robot types. The ejection timeout period is 30 minutes.
- -multi_inject
Uses the robotic library's media access port to inject multiple volumes. This option is only valid for TLD robot types. The user must run the vmupdate command after this operation to update the EMM database.
Some robotic libraries implement different functionality for their media access ports. For example, some libraries have the front-panel inject and the eject features that conflict with NetBackup's use of the media access port. (For example, Spectra Logic Bullfrog.) Other libraries require front-panel interaction when you use the media access port (for example, Spectra Logic Gator).
The media is returned to (injected into) the robot in the following situation: you use an eject option and the media is not removed and a timeout condition occurs. If this action occurs, inventory the robot and then eject the media that was returned to the robot.
Make sure that you read the operator manual for your robotic library to gain an understanding of its media access port functionality. Libraries such as those that are noted may not be fully compatible with NetBackup inject and eject features if not properly handled. Other libraries may not be compatible at all. In addition, NetBackup performs limited validation of these option parameters.
Example 1 - Change the expiration date of volume AJS100:
# vmchange -exp 12/31/12 23:59:59 -m AJS100
Example 2 - Change the pool (which contains volume AJS999) to pool 1 (the NetBackup pool):
# vmchange -p 1 -m AJS999
Example 3 - Eject volumes abc123 and abc124 from ACS robot number 700. The residences for these two volumes are changed to standalone.
# vmchange -res -api_eject -w -ml abc123:abc124 -rt acs -rn 700 -rh verbena -map 0,0,0
Example 4 - Change the container ID of volume ABC123:
# vmchange -vltcid Container001 -m ABC123