NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpclntcmd — test functionality of a NetBackup system and enable Fibre Transport services on a NetBackup client
[-sv] [-pn [-verbose]] [-self] [-hn hostname] [-server NBU_master] [-ip ip_address] [-gethostname] [-is_local_host hostname] [-is_server hostname] [-is_media_server hostname] [-is_master_server hostname] [-is_emm_server hostname] [-get_local_client_patch_version] [-get_local_server_patch_version] [-check_vxss] [-check_vxss_with_host hostname] [-get_pbx_port hostname] [-get_remote_host_version hostname] [-reverse_name_lookup [allowed | restricted | prohibited]] [-sanclient [0 | 1]] [-get_fqdn hostname] [-get_local_dn] [-get_local_fqdn] [-get_local_sn] [-is_trusted_master hostname]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The bpclntcmd command tests the functionality of a NetBackup system and displays information about it. It also enables and disables the Fibre Transport services on a NetBackup client.
- -check_vxss
Checks if NBAC is configured correctly on the local system.
- -check_vxss_with_host hostname
Checks if NBAC is configured correctly on the local system to connect to the remote host hostname.
- -clear_host_cache
NetBackup caches host name to IP address mappings to minimize DNS lookups. Each NetBackup process typically has its own in-memory cache and all the processes also share a cache that is stored on the file system. This option removes all the entries in the shared cache on the file system.
If host names/IP addresses have recently been updated on DNS or other host lookup services, the NetBackup caches may be out of sync for up to an hour. To ensure that NetBackup is in sync with host name changes, you can do the following: Stop NetBackup, run bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache, then restart NetBackup.
- -get_fqdn hostname
Returns the fully qualified domain name for the specified hostname.
- -gethostname
Returns the host name that NetBackup uses on the local system.
- -get_local_client_patch_version
Returns the version of the local client patch software.
- -get_local_dn
Returns the domain name of the local host.
- -get_local_fqdn
Returns the fully qualified domain name of the local host.
- -get_local_server_patch_version
Returns the version of the local server patch software.
- -get_local_sn
Returns the short host name of the local host.
- -get_pbx_port hostname
Displays the number that hostname considers the PBX port number. If hostname is not specified, the option displays the number that the local host considers the PBX port number.
- -get_remote_host_version hostname
Returns the version of NetBackup that is running on the system that is identified in the hostname variable.
- -hn hostname
Returns the host name, alias, and IP address information about the host name that is identified in the hostname variable.
- -ip ip_address
Returns the host name, alias, and IP address information about IP address, ip_address.
- -is_emm_server hostname
Checks if hostname is operating as the EMM server on the local system.
- -is_local_host hostname
Checks if hostname is a network interface on the local system.
- -is_master_server hostname
Checks if hostname is the master server on the local system.
- -is_media_server hostname
Checks if hostname is a media server on the local system.
- -is_server hostname
Checks if hostname is a master server or a media server on the local system.
- -is_trusted_master hostname
Checks if hostname is a trusted master server on the local system.
- -pn [-verbose]
Returns what the master server considers your host name (or peer name) to be.
Use the -verbose option to return how the master server sees the connecting host: Source IP address and port number, host name to which the IP resolves, and policy client for that host name. The - verbose option shows additional connection details including the host certificates that NetBackup uses to authenticate the hosts.
- -reverse_name_lookup [allowed | restricted | prohibited]
Determines if NetBackup can use the reverse name lookup of the host name-IP. Use of this function can be allowed, prohibited, or restricted.
- -sanclient [ 0 | 1 ]
0 - Disables the client Fibre Transport (FT) service. The command returns a NetBackup SAN client to normal client functionality.
1 - Enables the client FT service, which effectively turns a regular NetBackup client into a SAN client.
- -self
Returns the information about the local system.
- -server NBU_master
Returns the host name information of the NetBackup master server.
- -sv
Returns the NetBackup version of the master server.
See bpnbat.