NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpplinfo — manage or display policy attributes for NetBackup
policy_name -L | -l | -U [-v] [-M master_server,...]
policy_name -set | -modify [-v] [-M master_server,...] [-reason "string"] [-generation generation] [-active | -inactive] [-pt policy_type] [-job_subtype sub_type] [-ut] [-ef effective_time] [-residence label] [-pool label] [-priority number] [-rfile flag] [-blkincr flag] [-multiple_streams flag] [-keyword "keyword phrase"] [-encrypt flag] [-collect_tir_info value] [-compress flag] [-crossmp flag] [-follownfs flag] [-policyjobs max_jobs] [-chkpt flag] [-chkpt_intrvl interval] [-collect_bmr_info flag] [-application_consistent flag] [-sg server_group | *ANY* | *NONE*] [-data_class class | *NULL*] [-res_is_stl 0 | 1] [-granular_restore_info 0 | 1] [-enable_client_direct 0 | 1] [-ignore_client_direct 0 | 1] [-use_accelerator 0 | 1] [-application_discovery 0 | 1] [-discovery_lifetime seconds] [-ASC_apps_attr agent:[;truncatelogs=1|0],...] [-optimized_backup 0 | 1] [-ExchangeSource source [-Exchange2010Server server,... ]] [client_list_type type] [- selection_list_type type] [-application_defined value,...] [-dynamic_multi_streaming flag 0 | 1 [-max_streams_per_volume [1-20]] [-max_files_in_batch [1-2000]]] [-use_backup_host_pool flag 0 | 1 [-backup_host_pool "backup host pool name"]] [-use_vendor_change_tracking flag 0 | 1] [-ora_bkup_arch_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"] [-ora_bkup_ctrl_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"] [-ora_bkup_data_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"] [-ora_bkup_fra_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"] [-ora_bkup_set_id "[set_id]"] [-ora_bkup_data_file_args "[args]"] [-ora_bkup_arch_log_args "[args]"] [-snapshot_method_args keyword=value,keyword=value,...] [-dynamic_multi_streaming flag 0 | 1 [-max_streams_per_volume number] [-max_files_in_batch number]] [-use_backup_host_pool flag 0 | 1 [-backup_host_pool "name"]] [-use_vendor_change_tracking flag 0 | 1]
policy_name -set | -modify -deployment_package item -deployment_media_server media_server [-deployment_limit_jobs max_concurrent_jobs] [-deployment_master_server master_server] [-deployment_use_existing_certs 0 | 1] [-deployment_cert_source (cert_store | file)] [ -deployment_components javagui_jre=(include | exclude | match)] [-deployment_unix_stage_loc path] [-deployment_win_stage_loc path] [-unix_eca_cert_path path] [-unix_eca_trust_store_path path] [-unix_eca_private_key_path path] [-unix_eca_crl_path path] [-unix_eca_key_passphrasefile path] [-unix_eca_crl_check_level (use_cdp | use_path | disabled)] [-win_eca_cert_path path] [-win_eca_trust_store_path path] [-win_eca_private_key_path path] [-win_eca_crl_path path] [-win_eca_key_passphrasefile path] [-win_eca_crl_check_level (use_cdp | use_path | disabled)] [-win_eca_cert_store path]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpplinfo initializes, modifies, or displays the attribute values for a NetBackup policy. Authorized users can initiate this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
bpplinfo consists of two forms. The options that you use with bpplinfo depend on the form of bpplinfo being used.
The first form of bpplinfo displays policy information. The -L, -l, and -U options lists the policy information in different ways.
The second form of bpplinfo initializes or modifies the policy attributes.
-set initializes or reinitializes policy attributes to their default values, except for those attributes that are specified on the current command line.
-modify modifies the policy attributes specified on the current command line. The rest of the policy attributes not on the current command line remain unchanged.
To modify policy attributes, use the -modify option. This option affects only the attributes that you specify on the command line. Be careful how you use the -set option, which resets all attributes to their default values, except those that are specified on the command line. If you use -set to change one or two attributes, you may inadvertently return all the unspecified attributes to their default values.
It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies.
If the user modifies the policy, they must make sure that the policy continues to meet the service level objective as defined by the protection plan.
If the user deletes the policy, they must make sure that the asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.
- policy_name -L | -l | -U
Lists the information for this policy. This option is required.
-L specifies a long list type and produces a listing with one policy attribute per line, in the format policy_attribute: value. The value can be expressed both in numeric and name form. Fields in the list include:
Policy Type
Policy Generation (version)
Follow NFS Mounts (applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server)
Cross Mount Points
Client Compress
Collect TIR Info
Policy Priority
Ext Security Info
File Restore Raw
Client Encrypt
Max Jobs/Policy
Mult. Data Stream
Snapshot Method
Snapshot Method Arguments
Perform Offhost Backup
Backup Copy
Use Data Mover
Data Mover Type
Use Alternate Client
Alternate Client Name
Use Virtual Machine
Hyper-V Server
Enable Instant Recovery
Disaster Recovery
Collect BMR Info
Max Frag Size
Checkpoint Restart
Volume Pool
Share Group
Data Classification
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy
Granular Restore
Backup Host Pool Name
Use Vendor Change Tracking
Dynamic Multi-Stream
Max Streams/Volume
Max Files in batch
-l specifies a short list type and produces a terse listing. This option is useful for scripts or the programs that rework the listing contents into a customized report format. A short listing contains the following information for the specified policy:
Line 1: "INFO", client_type, follow_nfs_mounts, client_compress, priority, proxy_client, client_encrypt, disaster recovery, max_jobs_per_policy, cross_mount_points, max_frag_size, active, collect_tir_info, block_incr, ext_sec_info, i_f_r_f_r, streaming, frozen_image, backup_copy, effective_date, policy ID, number_of_copies, checkpoint, chkpt_interval, policy_info_unused1, pfi_enabled, offhost_backup, use_alt_client, use_data_mover, data_mover_type, collect_bmr_info, res_is_ss, granular_restore_info, job_subtype
Line 2: "KEY",keyword
Line 3: "BCMD",backup_command
Line 4: "RCMD",restore_command
Line 5: "RES", residence
Line 6: "POOL", pool
Line 7: "FOE", this field is not used
-U specifies a user list type and produces a listing with one policy attribute per line, in the format policy_attribute: value. This listing is similar to the -L listing, but contains fewer fields.
- -v
Selects the verbose mode. This option causes bpplinfo to log additional information for debugging purposes. The information goes into the NetBackup administration daily debug log. This option is meaningful only when NetBackup enables the debug log function (that is, when the following directory is defined):
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin
- -M master_server,...
A list of alternative master servers. This list is a comma-delimited list of host names. If this option is present, each master server in the list runs the bpplinfo command. Each master server in the list must allow access by the system that issues the bpplinfo command. If an error occurs for any master server, the process terminates at that point.
For the display form of bpplinfo, the report is the composite of the returned information from all the master servers in this list. bpplinfo queries each of these master servers. The master server returns information from its policy catalog.
For the policy-definition form of bpplinfo, the policy is created or modified on each master server in the list.
The default is the master server for the system running bpplinfo.
The second form of bpplinfo initializes attribute values for a policy or modifies the attribute values for a policy. The following options apply to this form:
Not all options apply to every policy type. For example, if the policy type is MS-Windows, bpplinfo accepts the options -compress and -crossmp. When bpplinfo completes, it returns a zero status. However, NetBackup handles the policy with the MS-Windows policy type as though the options were not set.
- -active | -inactive
Set the policy to active or inactive. If the policy is active, NetBackup runs all its automatic schedules and permits user-directed backups and archives to be used. A policy must be active for an automatic backup to occur (the default).
If the policy is inactive, NetBackup does not run any automatic schedules or permit user-directed schedules to be used. This option is useful to inactivate a policy temporarily to prevent schedules from being used.
- -application_consistent flag
Specifies that the virtual machine is quiesced before a persisted hardware snapshot is taken (flag=1). Otherwise, the hardware snapshot does not quiesce the virtual machine (flag=0) (default condition).
- -application_defined value,...
This option only applies to a SQL Server Intelligent Policy. The client_list_type must be set to 1, 2, or 3. The values that are defined for this option apply to database operations, unless the value is preceded with TL_.
An exception is VDI_TIMEOUT. The value is applied to both database backups and transaction log backups.
This option can use one or more of the following values:
STRIPES=value or TL_STRIPES=value - Divides the backup operation into multiple concurrent streams. A stream corresponds to a job in the activity monitor. For example, if STRIPES=3 is set, each database is backed up using three jobs. The value range is 1-32. The default value is 1.
BUFFERS=value or TL_BUFFERS=value - The buffer size that SQL Server uses for reading and writing backup images. The value range is 1-32. The default value is 2.
MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE=value or TL_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE=value - Specifies the maximum size of an I/O transfer (buffer read-write) between SQL Server and the NetBackup SQL Agent. Calculated as 64 KB * 2^MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE. The range value is 0-6 (64 KB-4 MB). The default value is 6 (4 MB).
BLOCK_SIZE=value or TL_BLOCK_SIZE=value - Sets the incremental size that SQL Server uses for reading and writing backup images and can be set for each backup operation. All data transfers are a multiple of this value up to the MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE. Calculated as 512 bytes * 2^BLOCK_SIZE. The range value is 0-7 (512 B-64 KB). The default value is 7 (64 KB).
BATCH_SIZE=value or TL_BATCH_SIZE=value - The number of backup operations to start simultaneously. The range value is 1-32. The default value is 1.
CHECKSUM=0 | 1 | 2 or TL_CHECKSUM=0 | 1 | 2 - Controls if SQL Server performs backup checksums. The default is 0.
0 = No checksum is performed.
1 = Checksums are performed and the backup continues even if SQL detects an error.
2 = Checksums are performed, but the backup stops if any errors are detected.
CONVERT_BACKUP=0 | 1 or TL_CONVERT_BACKUP=0 | 1 - Converts a differential or a transaction log backup to a full backup if no full backup exists for the database.
For more information, see the NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator's Guide.
COMPRESSION=0 | 1 or TL_COMPRESSION=0 | 1 - Controls if SQL Server backup compression is used. If you enable SQL Server compression, do not enable NetBackup compression. The default is 0.
0 = Compression is not enabled.
1 = Compression is enabled.
SKIP_OFFLINE=0 | 1 or TL_SKIP_OFFLINE=0 | 1 - Controls how the agent deals with the databases with a status that prevents NetBackup from successfully backing up the database. These statuses include offline, restoring, recovering, and emergency mode, etc. When this option is enabled, the agent skips the backup of that database. NetBackup does not log an error for these databases. The job details indicate if a database is skipped. The default is 0.
0 = Offline databases are not skipped and a failed job are generated for each offline database.
1 = Offline databases are skipped and no failures are generated for skipped databases.
COPYONLY=0 | 1 - This option allows SQL Server to create an out-of-band backup so that it does not interfere with the normal backup sequence. The default value is unchecked except for full database persistent frozen image backups. The default is 0.
0 = Backup is not copy-only.
1 = Backup is performed as copy-only.
SKIP_READONLY_FGS=0 | 1 - This option can exclude any filegroups that are read-only from the backup. The resulting backup is a partial image because the image does not contain all filegroups. The default is 0.
0 = Read-only filegroups are not skipped.
1 = Read-only filegroups are skipped.
TL_* - All values that have a TL_* correspond to transaction log backups (for example, when the transaction log schedule is run).
TL_TRUNCATE_LOGS=0 | 1 - Determines if the transaction log is truncated at the end of the backup. The default is 1.
0 = Logs are not truncated.
1 = Logs are truncated.
PREFERRED_REPLICA - Determines how to perform instance or availability group backups.
0 = Performs the backup on the specified instance.
1 = Backups always occur on the primary replica.
2 = Honors your SQL Server backup preferences and protects the preferred replica.
3 = Skips any availability databases on the instance.
VDI_TIMEOUT - The timeout interval for the SQL Server Virtual Device Interface. The selected interval is applied to both database backups and transaction log backups. The range value is 300 - 2147483647. The default value is 300.
- -application_discovery 0 | 1
Enables the VMware policy to automatically select virtual machines for backup when you create a policy for vCloud Director.
- -ASC_apps_attr agent:[;truncatelogs=1|0],...
Enables the file-level recovery of database data for Exchange, SQL Server, or SharePoint. The agent value can be
, orsharepoint
.You can enable (;truncatelogs=1) and disable (;truncatelogs=0) truncate logs for Exchange and SQL Server.
The following are several examples that show how to use this option:
To enable Exchange file recovery:-ASC_apps_attr exchange:
To enable Exchange, SQL Server, and SharePoint file recovery:-ASC_apps_attr exchange:,mssql:,sharepoint:
To enable SQL Server recovery and truncate logs:-ASC_apps_attr mssql:;truncatelogs=1
To truncate Exchange logs and not truncate SQL Server logs (note the final colon):-ASC_apps_attr exchange:;truncatelogs=1,mssql:
To enable both Exchange and SQL Server with truncate logs:-ASC_apps_attr exchange:;truncatelogs=1,mssql:;truncatelogs=1
- -blkincr flag
This option applies only if you are running NetBackup Enterprise Server and also have Veritas Oracle Edition, which supports block-level incrementally.
0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). Perform block-level-incremental backups for clients in this policy.
If 1, perform block-level-incremental backups.
If 0, disable block-level-incremental backups.
- -client_list_type type
This option is used for MS-SQL-Server and Oracle policies.
If 0, the type is HOST. This policy is the legacy MS-SQL-Server or Oracle policy. The valid schedule types are FULL and USER.
The following types apply to a SQL Server or Oracle Intelligent Policy. The valid schedules types are FULL, INCR, and TLOG.
If 1, the type is INSTANCE and you can add registered instances or databases in the instances to the policy.
If 2, the type is INSTANCE_GROUP and you can add registered instance groups to the policy.
The following type applies only to SQL Server Intelligent Policies.
If 3, the type is AVAILABILITY_GROUP and you can add availability groups with registered replicas to the policy.
The following type applies only to Oracle Intelligent Policies.
If 4, the type is RAC_DATABASE and the client type for backup is Oracle RAC.
- -chkpt [1|0]
Enables and disables the checkpoint restart for the policy. If 1, the command enables the checkpoint restart. If 0, the command disables the checkpoint restart. The default is 0.
- -chkpt_intrvl interval
Enables and disables the checkpoint interval for the policy. The variable interval is the checkpoint interval in minutes. The default interval is 15 minutes. The range for this interval is between 5 minutes and 180 minutes. If the checkpoint restart is not enabled, then this parameter has no effect.
- -collect_tir_info value
Collect true image recovery (TIR) information. True-image recovery allows NetBackup to restore a directory to exactly what it was at the time of any scheduled full or incremental backup. The files that are deleted before the selected backup time are not restored. After this attribute is enabled, NetBackup starts to collect additional information. It begins with the next full or incremental backup for the policy.
If 0, NetBackup does not keep track of true-image-recovery information.
If 1, NetBackup collects TIR information.
If 2, NetBackup collects TIR information and tracks client files.
- -collect_bmr_info flag
Collect Bare Metal Restore information.
If flag is 0, do not collect Bare Metal Restore information.
If flag is 1, collect Bare Metal Restore information.
If -collect_bmr_info is set to 1 and the policy type is not Standard or MS-Windows, bpplinfo fails.
If -collect_bmr_info is set to 1 but the policy does not collect true image restore information with move detection, Bare Metal Restore ignores the following: incremental backups and restore files from the last full backup.
- -compress flag
Specifies whether to compress files or not. If set to 1 (enabled), the client software compresses the selected files onto the media. Compression reduces the size of the backup files and the storage media required, but may increase the total backup time. If set to 0 (disabled), the files are not compressed onto the media (the default condition). Note compression is independent of the VxFS compression.
This option has no effect on the hardware compression that may be available on the storage unit.
- -crossmp flag
0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). Specifies whether to cross mount points during backups or not.
If 1, NetBackup backs up or archives all files and directories in the selected path, regardless of the file system on which they reside.
If 0, NetBackup backs up or archives only those files and directories on the same file system as the selected file path (the default).
This attribute can affect the Follow NFS policy attribute, which applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.
For more about the cross mount point attribute, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -data_class class
Specifies the data classification (for example, gold or platinum).
- -deployment_cert_source (cert_store | file)
Use this option to indicate the source of the certificate for Windows hosts. Use -deployment_cert_source cert_store to indicate a Windows certificate store. Use -deployment_cert_source file to indicate that the certificate is in a file. If you use the -win_eca_cert_store option, you must specify -deployment_cert_source cert_store. In all other cases, use -deployment_cert_source file.
- -deployment_components javagui_jre=(include | exclude | match)
Use this option to specify if the Java GUI and JRE should be present on the target systems after the deployment job runs.
A value of include indicates that you want these components to be installed or upgraded on the target systems.
A value of exclude indicates that you do not want the components on the target systems. Any preexisting Java GUI and JRE components are removed.
A value of match indicates that you want to preserve the current state of the Java GUI and JRE components. The components are upgraded if they are present on the pre-upgraded system. The components are not installed if they are not present on the pre-upgraded system.
- -deployment_limit_jobs max_concurrent_jobs
The maximum number of jobs that are allowed per policy. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -deployment_master_server master_server
If the client has multiple master servers, the master_name value is the master server that contains the repository. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -deployment_media_server media_server
The name of the media server that communicates with and deploys packages to the policy's clients. Packages are cached on the media server to minimize communication and improve performance. The package repository resides on the master server. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -deployment_package item
The name of the package you want installed. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -deployment_unix_stage_loc path
Used to specify an alternate staging location for UNIX or Linux clients. Currently not used.
- -deployment_use_existing_certs 0 | 1
Use this option to specify if you want the installation to use existing certificates if they are available. Use 1 to enable this option and 0 to disable this option.
- -deployment_win_stage_loc path
Used to specify an alternate staging location for Windows clients. Currently not used.
- -disaster 0 | 1
Collect required information for Intelligent Disaster Recovery. This attribute applies only when you back up Windows clients.
0 = Do not allow disaster recovery (Default)
1 = Allow disaster recovery
- -discovery_lifetime seconds
Specifies the time in seconds to reuse the VM selection query results.
- -dynamic_multi_streaming flag 0 | 1
Enable dynamic multistreaming for NAS-Data-Protection policy type. A value of 1 allows dynamic multistreaming and a value of 0 does not allow dynamic multistreaming.
-max_streams_per_volume number: Specify the maximum number of streams per volume between 1 to 20. The default value is two.
-max_files_in_batch number: Specify the maximum number of files in a batch between 1 to 2000. The default value is 500.
- -ef effective time
This time specifies the time the policy is active.
- -enable_client_direct
0 - Does not enable client-side deduplication for all clients. If this setting is set to 0 and if -ignore_client_direct is set to 0, then the client-side deduplication setting in host properties is used for each client.
1 - Enables client-side deduplication for all clients.
- -encrypt flag
Specifies whether files should be encrypted or not. If flag is set to 1, encryption is enabled.
- -Exchange2010Server server,...
For an Exchange DAG, a list of one or more servers in the DAG that you select as preferred backup sources. The preferred server list is required if -ExchangeSource is 1, unless the database only has an active copy. The list is ignored if -ExchangeSource is 2 and is optional if -ExchangeSource is 0.
- -ExchangeSource source
Indicates what database backup source you want to use for an Exchange Database Availability Group (DAG). The default is 0. The following are the possible values for this option:
0 - Backs up the passive copy of a database or the passive server. For a DAG, you can also configure a preferred server list. NetBackup backs up the passive copy on a server in the preferred server list. If the passive copy is not available, NetBackup backs up the active copy.
1 - Backs up the passive copy of a database or passive server. For a DAG, you must also configure a preferred server list. NetBackup backs up the passive copy on a server in the preferred server list.
2 - Backs up the active copy of a database or active node. For Exchange 2010 and later, the preferred server list is ignored.
3 - Disables the database backup source.
- -follownfs flag
This option applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.
0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). Specifies whether to follow NFS mount points or not. For MS-Windows policy types, setting this flag affects the policy attribute Backup network drives instead of the Follow NFS attribute.
If 1, NetBackup backs up or archives any NFS-mounted files encountered.
If 0, NetBackup does not back up or archive any NFS-mounted files encountered (the default).
The behavior of this attribute varies depending on the setting of the Cross Mount Points attribute.
For more about the Cross Mount Points attribute, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -granular_restore_info flag
Enables or disabled the granular recovery attribute, which restores the individual objects that reside within a database backup image. This attribute is available for MS-Exchange_Server, MS-SharePoint, and MS-Windows (for Active Directory).
If 1, display granular restore information.
If 0, do not display granular restore information.
For more information about granular restores, see the NetBackup for Exchange Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -ignore_client_direct 0 | 1
0 - Does not disable client-side deduplication for all clients. If this setting is set to 0 and if -enable_client_direct is set to 0, then the client-side deduplication setting in host properties is used for each client.
1 - Disables client-side deduplication for all clients.
Allows the generic policies for the Duplicate feature or the LiveUpdate feature to be displayed. By default, the policies for these two features are not displayed.
- -keyword "keyword phrase"
The value is associated with all backups created by using this policy. The keyword phrase can be used to link related policies. It can also be used during restores to search only for the backups that have the keyword phrase association.
- -M master_server,...
Same as explained earlier.
- -multiple_streams flag
0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). Allow Multiple data streams.
If 1, allow multiple data streams.
If 0, disable multiple data streams.
- -optimized_backup 0 | 1
Enables the backup of deduplicated data that some Microsoft Windows operating system versions provide. If a client has a deduplicated file system configured, NetBackup backs up the deduplicated data. If the client is not set up for deduplication or does not support it, then a normal file backup occurs.
- -ora_bkup_arch_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"
Specifies the Oracle RMAN backup piece names for the archived redo logs. Ensure that the format ends with _%t to indicate a timestamp. NetBackup uses this timestamp as part of its search criteria for catalog images. Without this timestamp, performance might degrade as the NetBackup catalog grows.
Specify an empty string ("") for the file_name_fmt to cause the default format to be used.
- -ora_bkup_ctrl_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"
Specifies the Oracle RMAN backup piece names for the control files. Ensure that the format ends with _%t to indicate a timestamp. NetBackup uses this timestamp as part of its search criteria for catalog images. Without this timestamp, performance might degrade as the NetBackup catalog grows.
Specify an empty string ("") for the file_name_fmt to cause the default format to be used.
- -ora_bkup_data_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"
Specifies the Oracle RMAN backup piece names for the data files. Ensure that the format ends with _%t to indicate a timestamp. NetBackup uses this timestamp as part of its search criteria for catalog images. Without this timestamp, performance might degrade as the NetBackup catalog grows.
Specify an empty string ("") for the file_name_fmt to cause the default format to be used.
- -ora_bkup_fra_file_name_fmt "[file_name_fmt]"
Specifies the Oracle RMAN backup piece names for the Fast Recovery Area (FRA). Ensure that the format ends with _%t to indicate a timestamp. NetBackup uses this timestamp as part of its search criteria for catalog images. Without this timestamp, performance might degrade as the NetBackup catalog grows.
Specify an empty string ("") for the file_name_fmt to cause the default format to be used.
- -ora_bkup_arch_log_args "[key=value,...]"
The key=value pairs are used to override the default arguments that are used when backing up Oracle archived redo logs using RMAN. Any key not explicitly specified is reset to the default value. Specify an empty string ("") to reset all keys to the default values. Use a comma (,) to separate key value pairs. Spaces are not permitted. The keys and their values are as follows:
ARCH_DELETE_UNTIL - After a successful backup, archive logs that are older than the number of hours configured here are removed. The default is zero (0) which is off, to a maximum of 999 hours.
DELETE_ARCH_LOGS_AFTER_COPIES - Delete the archived redo logs after they are successfully backed up one or more times. You can omit this key or set the key to 0 to not delete the logs after the backup. The default is 0.
INCLUDE_ARCH_LOGS - Includes the archived redo logs in the full and the incremental schedule backups. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 1.
NUM_FILES_PER_BACKUP_SET - Specifies the maximum number of archived redo log files to include in each backup set (FILESPERSET). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
NUM_STREAMS - The number of parallel backup streams that can be used in a backup operation. RMAN is instructed to allocate a concurrent channel for each stream. The default value is 1.
SIZE_BACKUP_SET - Specifies a maximum size for each backup set in kilobytes (MAXSETSIZE). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
SPECIFY_MAX_LIMITS - Must be enabled to modifying these additional keys. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 0.
- -ora_bkup_data_file_args "[key=value,...]"
Specifies the key=value pairs that are used to override the default arguments that are used when backing up Oracle data files using RMAN. Any key not explicitly specified is reset to the default value. Specify an empty string ("") to reset all keys to the default values. Use a comma (,) to separate key value pairs. Spaces are not permitted. The keys and their values are as follows:
NUM_STREAMS - The number of parallel backup streams that can be used in a backup operation. RMAN is instructed to allocate a concurrent channel for each stream. The default value is 1.
SKIP_READ_ONLY or FORCE_READ_ONLY - Enable read-only tablespace options. The SKIP option ignores the read-only tablespace during backup. FORCE means that RMAN backs up all files. Only one of the two may be enabled concurrently. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 0.
OFFLINE - Shut down the Oracle database and put it in the mount state before the backup. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 0.
SKIP_OFFLINE - Direct the backup operation to not access offline data files. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 0.
SPECIFY_MAX_LIMITS - Must be enabled to modifying these additional keys. Valid values are 0 and 1, the default is 0.
READ_RATE - Specifies the maximum number of kilobytes (KB) that RMAN reads each second on this channel (RATE). This parameter sets an upper limit for bytes read so that RMAN does not consume too much disk bandwidth and degrade performance. If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
SIZE_BACKUP_PIECE - Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of each backup piece that is created on this channel (MAXPIECESIZE). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
NUM_OPEN_FILES - Controls the maximum number of input files that the backup operation can have open at any given time (MAXOPENFILES). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
NUM_FILES_PER_BACKUP_SET - Specifies the maximum number of input files to include in each backup set (FILESPERSET). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
SIZE_BACKUP_SET - Specifies a maximum size for each backup set in kilobytes (MAXSETSIZE). If not specified, the RMAN default is used.
DATA_GUARD - This option lets you specify a policy to always back up the primary or a standby database. If the option is not specified then the default is 0.
0 is None.
1 is Require Standby.
2 is Require Primary.
3 is Prefer Standby.
- policy_name -set | -modify
Initializes or modifies attributes for this policy. This option is required.
-set initializes (or reinitializes) attributes for the policy to their default values, except for those attributes that the options on the current command-line set.
-modify modifies attributes for the policy. Attributes not explicitly set by options on the current command line do not change their values.
- -policyjobs max_jobs
The maximum number of concurrent jobs that NetBackup allows for this policy (corresponds to the Limit Jobs per Policy setting in the administration interface). The value of max_jobs is always greater than or equal to 0.
For the default or when -policyjobs is 0, bpplinfo sets max_jobs to a value that corresponds to unlimited. The maximum number of jobs is 8 for NetBackup and 999 for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
- -pool label
Specifies the volume pool for the policy. The default is NetBackup. The volume pool should be one of the volume pools for the policy storage unit. This attribute is not relevant if a disk storage unit is the residence for the policy. If the policy storage unit is Any_available (Residence: - appears on the bpplinfo display), the volume pool for any storage unit can be selected. If "*NULL*" is specified, the volume pool is set to NetBackup. To display the configured volume pools, run the following command:
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmpool -listall
Windows systems: install_path\Volmgr\bin\vmpool -listall
- -priority number
The priority of this policy in relation to other policies. Priority is greater than or equal to 0. This value determines the order in which policies are run. The higher the value, the earlier the policy is run. The default is 0, which is the lowest priority.
- -pt policy_type
Specify the policy type by entering one of the following character strings (the default is Standard):
BigData DataStore DataTools-SQL-BackTrack DB2 Deployment Enterprise-Vault FlashBackup Hyper-V Informix-On-BAR Lotus-Notes MS-Exchange-Server MS-SharePoint MS-SQL-Server MS-Windows NAS-Data-Protection NBU-Catalog NDMP Oracle SAP Split-Mirror Standard Sybase Universal-share Vault VMware
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason why you choose this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -res_is_stl 0 | 1
Specify this flag only when the name of the storage unit and the name of the storage lifecycle policy are the same. In all other cases this flag is ignored. The possible values are as follows:
0 - the residence is a non-storage life cycle policy
1 - the residence is a storage lifecycle policy
- -residence label
Specifies the label of the storage unit for storing the backups that were created according to this schedule. The default is Any_available, which allows the policy to use any storage unit whose On demand only attribute is set to No. Specify the storage unit if the policy must use a specific storage unit. You must select the desired storage unit if it has the On demand only attribute set to Yes. If "*NULL*" is specified, the residence for the schedule is set (or reset) to Any_available. The policy residence determines the residence for the policy schedules, unless the setting on an individual schedule specifies a residence. Run bpstulist to display the set of defined storage units.
- -rfile flag
0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
If 1, allow Individual File Restore From Raw.
If 0, disable Individual File Restore From Raw.
For a FlashBackup policy, this option is ignored, since the attribute is always enabled.
Advanced Client is available only if you are running NetBackup Enterprise Server and have the separately-priced option.
- -selection_list_type type
This option is used for MS-SQL-Server policies. The value you choose determines the type of backup selections or file list items you can add with the bpplinclude command.
If 0, the type is HOST. This type must be used with the legacy MS-SQL-Server policy. The only backup selection that is valid for this type is the path of the backup batch file.
The following types apply only to a SQL Server Intelligent Policy.
If 1, the type is WHOLE_DATABASE. The only backup selection that is valid for this type is WHOLE_DATABASE.
If 3, the type is DATAFILE. The only backup selection that is valid for this type is the name of the file.
If 7, the type is FILEGROUP. The only backup selection that is valid for this type is the name of the filegroup.
- -sg [server_group | *ANY* | *NONE*]
Specifies the server group(s) for the schedule. Do not use this option if the schedule resides on a disk storage unit. If *NONE* is specified, the writing media server owns the media that this policy writes. If *ANY* is specified, EMM chooses the media owner. *ANY* is the default value. Otherwise, the named share group owns the media. Specify a share group for each copy to display the configured share groups. Enter the following command:
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbsvrgrp -list -summary
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbsvrgrp -list -summary
- -snapshot_method_args keyword=value,keyword=value,...
Specifies the arguments for the snapshot method for a VMware policy. The following are the keywords and their values that you can specify:
disable_quiesce. The state of virtual machine I/O during the snapshot. The following are the allowed values:
0 virtual machine quiesce is enabled or 1 virtual machine quiesce is disabled.
Veritas does not recommend that you disable quiesce. In most cases, this option should be enabled.
To use this option, VMware Tools must be installed on the virtual machine.
To use this option with Linux virtual machines, you must also install the SYMCquiesce utility.
drive_selection. For the virtual machines that have multiple virtual disks, determine the kind of disks on the virtual machine that are included in the backup. This option can reduce the size of the backup, but should be used with care. The following are the allowed values:
0 include all disks, 1 exclude boot disk, or 2 exclude data disks.
enable_vCloud. Enables backup of the virtual machines that reside in a vCloud environment. Requires the automatic selection of virtual machines. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
exclude_swap. Exclude the data in the swapping and paging files from the backup. If the files are restored, they are restored as empty files. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
file_system_optimization. Reduces the size of the backup image by excluding any unused or deleted blocks within the file system on the virtual machine. This option supports the following file systems: Windows NTFS, and Linux ext2, ext3, and ext4. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
ignore_irvm. Ignore any virtual machine that was restored with Instant Recovery for VMware if the virtual machine is running from a NetBackup NFS datastore. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
multi_org. Allow the query rules to select virtual machines from different vCloud Director organizations and back them up to the same storage unit. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
nameuse. The type of name by which NetBackup recognizes virtual machines when it selects them for backup. The following are the allowed values:
0 VM host name, 1 VM display name, 2 VM BIOS UUID, 3 VM DNS name, or 4 VM instance UUID
post_events. The backup related events to send to the vCenter server. To post events to vCenter, NetBackup must perform the backup through a vCenter server. If NetBackup accesses the ESX server directly, the backup information cannot be displayed in vSphere Client. You must set the following permissions in vCenter: Log event, , and . The following are the allowed values:
0 no events, 1 all events, or 2 error events.
rHz. The wait time (in seconds) before the snapshot is retried. The default is 10 seconds. The following are the allowed values:
0 to 3600, inclusive.
rLim. The number of times the snapshot is retried. The default is 10. The following are the allowed values:
0 to 100, inclusive.
rTO. The timeout period (in minutes) for completion of the snapshot. The default is 0, which means no timeout. The following are the allowed values:
0 to 1440, inclusive.
serverlist. A colon-delimited list of virtual machine servers that NetBackup communicates with for this policy. To specify no server list, enter serverlist=.
skipnodisk. Do not back up a replicated (passive) VM in a vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) environment if that VM has no vmdk files. NetBackup skips that VM and backs up the corresponding active VM, which has vmdk files. The following are the allowed values:
0 disabled or 1 enabled.
snapact. This option specifies the action that NetBackup takes when a snapshot is discovered before NetBackup creates a new snapshot for the virtual machine backup. After it creates a snapshot, NetBackup usually deletes the snapshot when the backup completes. If snapshots are not automatically deleted (whether created by NetBackup or not), the performance of the virtual machine may eventually decline. The following are the allowed values:
0 continue backup, 1 abort if any snapshot(s) exist, 2 remove NetBackup snapshot(s) and continue backup, or 3 abort if NetBackup snapshot(s) exist.
trantype. How the snapshot data travels from the VMware datastore to the VMware backup host. The following are the allowed values:
san, hotadd, nbd, or nbdssl.
To specify more than one transport method, separate each with a colon. The order of modes indicates priority. For example, the following specification selects two modes and tries nbd first:
Virtual_machine_backup. Allows restore of individual files from the backup. With or without this option, you can restore the entire virtual machine. The following are the allowed values:
1 disabled or 2 enabled
vmdk_ca. The name of the VMware custom attribute that specifies the disk or disks to exclude from backups. For example, vmdk_ca=NB_DISK_EXCLUDE_LIST.
Set the value for the attribute on each virtual machine or managed host, as appropriate. The attribute must have comma separated values of device controllers for the disks to be excluded. For example: scsi0-0,ide0-0,sata0-0.
vmdk_list. Colon separated values of device controllers for the disks to exclude from VMware backups. For example: vmdklist=scsi0-0:ide0-0:sata0-0.
- -unix_eca_cert_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the certificate file and the certificate file name for UNIX and Linux hosts.
- -unix_eca_crl_check_level (use_cdp | use_path | disabled)
Specifies how you want to handle the Certificate Revocation List on UNIX and Linux hosts. Specify use_cdp to use the CRL defined in the certificate. Specify use_path to specify the path to the CRL. Specify disabled to not use a CRL.
- -unix_eca_crl_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the external certificate authority file for UNIX and Linux hosts. If you use the -unix_eca_crl_check_level use_path option, this option is required.
- -unix_eca_key_passphrasefile path
Use this option to provide the path to the passphrase file on UNIX and Linux hosts. This option is not required.
- -unix_eca_private_key_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the private key file and the private key file name on UNIX and Linux hosts.
- -unix_eca_trust_store_path path
This option lets you specify the path to the trust store and the trust store file name on UNIX and Linux hosts.
- -use_accelerator 0 | 1
Specifies that you want to use the NetBackup Accelerator which increases the speed of full backups through change detection techniques on the client.
If 1, enable NetBackup Accelerator.
If 0, disable NetBackup Accelerator.
For more about NetBackup Accelerator, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -use_backup_host_pool flag 0 | 1
Specifies if you want NetBackup to use a backup host pool. A backup host pool is a group of master or media servers that is used for backups. A value of 1 enables the use of backup host pool. A value of 0 disables the use of backup host pool. When -use_backup_host_pool is enabled, use the -backup_host_pool name option to specify the backup host pool name.
- -use_vendor_change_tracking flag 0 | 1
Enable vendor change tracking for incremental backups. Specify 1 to allow vendor change tracking for incremental backups. A value of 0 does not allow vendor change tracking for incremental backups.
- -ut
If any of the date or the time arguments follow -ut, they are accepted as UNIX time, instead of the standard time format. The -ut option is used primarily for Java.
- -win_eca_cert_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the certificate file and the certificate file name for Windows hosts.
- -win_eca_cert_store path
Use this option to specify the path to the Windows certificate store. You must enter the certificate location as Certificate_Store_Name\Issuer_Distinguished_Name\Subject_Distinguished_Name.
- -win_eca_crl_check_level (use_cdp | use_path | disabled)
Specifies how you want to handle the Certificate Revocation List on Windows hosts. Specify use_cdp to use the CRL defined in the certificate. Specify use_path to specify the path to the CRL. Specify disabled to not use a CRL.
- -win_eca_crl_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the external certificate authority file for Windows hosts. If you use the -win_eca_crl_check_level use_path option, this option is required.
- -win_eca_key_passphrasefile path
Use this option to provide the path to the passphrase file on Windows hosts. This option is not required.
- -win_eca_private_key_path path
Use this option to specify the path to the private key file and the private key file name on Windows hosts.
- -win_eca_trust_store_path path
This option lets you specify the path to the trust store and the trust store file name on Windows hosts.
References to NFS Mounts in the following examples apply only to NetBackup Enterprise Server.
Example 1 - Set the storage unit of the policy tstpolicy to tstunit and view the results:
# bpplinfo tstpolicy -modify -residence tstunit # bpplinfo tstpolicy -L Policy Type: Standard (0) Active: no Effective: no Follow NFS Mounts: no Cross Mount Points: no Client Compress: no Collect TIR Info: no Policy Priority: 0 Ext Security Info: no File Restore Raw: no Client Encrypt: no Max Jobs/Policy: 8 Mult. Data Streams: 1 Block Level Incremental: no Perform Snapshot Backup: no Backup Copy: 0 Date Mover Type: 2 Use Alternate Client: no Alternate Client Name: (none) Enable Instant Recovery: no Disaster Recovery: 0 Collect BMR Info: no Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Checkpoint Restart: no Residence: tstunit Volume Pool: NetBackup Use Backup Host Pool: no Backup Host Pool Name: (none) Use Vendor Change Tracking: no Dynamic Multi-Stream: no Max Streams/Volume: 4 Max Files in batch: 300
Example 2 - Activate the policy named test1 without modifying any other policy attributes, enter the following:
# bpplinfo test1 -modify -active
Example 3 - Return the attributes of tstpolicy to their default values, perform the following:
# bpplinfo tstpolicy -set # bpplinfo tstpolicy -L Policy Type: Standard (0) Active: yes Follow NFS Mounts: no Cross Mount Points: no Client Compress: no Collect TIR Info: no Policy Priority: 0 Ext Security Info: no File Restore Raw: no Client Encrypt: no Multiple Streams: 0 Disaster Recovery: 0 Max Jobs/Policy: 8 Disaster Recovery: 0 Collect BMR Info: no Max Frag Size: 0 MB (1048576 MB) Residence: - Volume Pool: NetBackup
Example 4 - Display a short listing for the policy that is named mkbpolicy:
# bpplinfo mkbpolicy -l INFO 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 1 KEY my temp directory BCMD *NULL* RCMD *NULL* RES mkbunit *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* POOL NetBackup *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* FOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Example 5 - Configure the Oracle policy that is named mypolicy. This example uses two RMAN channels concurrently for the data file backups. The example also skips read-only data files and includes no more than four files in each backup set. Remember that any key that is not explicitly set is automatically reset to the default value. Confirm the changes afterwards.
# bpplinfo mypolicy - modify - ora_bkup_data_file_args NUM_STREAMS=2, SKIP_READ_ONLY=1,FORCE_READ_ONLY=0,SPECIFY_MAX_LIMITS=1, NUM_FILES_PER_BACKUP_SET=4
# bpplinfo mypolicy - L Oracle Backup Data File Arguments: NUM_STREAMS=2, SKIP_READ_ONLY=1,FORCE_READ_ONLY=0,SPECIFY_MAX_LIMITS=1, NUM_FILES_PER_BACKUP_SET=4
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin/* /usr/openv/netbackup/db/policy/policy_name/info
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin/* install_path\NetBackup\db\policy\policy_name\info