NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
tpreq — request a tape volume for mounting and assign a file name to the drive
-m media_id [-a accessmode] [-d density] [-p poolname] [-priority number] [-f] filename
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Volmgr\bin\
This command initiates a mount request for a tape volume on a removable media device. The information that you specify with this command identifies and registers the specified file as a logical identifier for the mount request with Media Manager. It also manages access to the volume.
Media Manager automatically mounts the media if it is in a robotic drive. Otherwise, an operator mount request appears in the Device Monitor window. tpreq does not complete normally in the case of a mount request for a robotic drive, if operator intervention is required. These requests also appear in the Device Monitor window.
When the operation is complete, use tpunmount to unmount the volume and remove the file name from the directory in which the file was created.
On UNIX systems, tpreq calls the script drive_mount_notify immediately after the media is successfully placed in a pre-selected drive. This script allows user special handling to occur now. Control is then returned to tpreq to resume processing. The script is only called from the tpreq command for the drives that are in robots and is not valid for standalone drives. This script resides in the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/goodies directory. To use this script, activate it and copy it into the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin directory; usage information is documented within the script.
You must have administrator privileges to run this command.
- -m media_id
Specifies the media ID of the volume to be mounted. You can enter the ID in upper or lowercase; Media Manager converts it to uppercase.
- -a accessmode
Specifies the access mode of the volume. Valid access modes are w and r. If the access mode is w (write), the media must be mounted with write enabled. The default is r (read), which means the media may be write protected.
- -d density
Specifies the density of the drive. This option determines the type of drive on which the tape volume is mounted. The default density is dlt.
Valid densities for NetBackup Enterprise Server follow:
dlt for DLT cartridge, dlt2 for DLT cartridge 2, dlt3 for DLT cartridge 3, hcart for 1/2-inch cartridge, hcart2 for 1/2 Inch cartridge 2, hcart3 for 1/2 Inch cartridge 3.
The following applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server:
The half-inch cartridge densities (hcart, hcart2, and hcart3) can be used to distinguish between any supported half-inch drive types. However, tape requests can only be assigned to drives of the associated media type. For example, it assigns a tape request with density hcart2 that specifies a media ID with media type HCART2 to an hcart2 drive. Likewise, it assigns a tape request with density hcart that specifies a media ID with media type HCART to an hcart drive. The same rules apply to the DLT densities (dlt, dlt2, and dlt3).
Valid densities for NetBackup server follow:
dlt for DLT cartridge, hcart for 1/2 Inch cartridge.
The mount request must be performed on a drive type that satisfies the density.
- -p poolname
Specifies the volume pool where the volume resides. poolname is case-sensitive. The default is None.
- -priority number
Specifies a new priority for the job that overrides the default job priority.
- -f filename
Specifies the file to be associated with the volume. The file name represents a symbolic link to the drive where the volume is mounted.
The file name can be a single name or a complete path. If you specify only a file name, the file is created in the current working directory. If you specify a path, the file is created in the directory that is named in the path. filename cannot be an existing file.
If the tpreq command is successful, Media Manager creates a file with the name that you specified. This file contains the name of the tape device where the media is mounted. Do not delete this file. Use the tpunmount command to remove it.
The specification of -f before filename is optional.
Create file tape1 in the current working directory that links the file to the drive that contains the volume whose media ID is JLR01. The access mode for the tape file is set to write, and a 1/2-inch cartridge drive is assigned.
# tpreq -f tape1 -m jlr01 -a w -d hcart
See tpunmount.