NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbhba — run the utility to modify an HBA cards device ID
-modify -wwn string [ -wwn wwn_string ... ] -mode target | initiator
-l | -L
The directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
This command operates only on UNIX systems.
nbhba enables an administrator to set the mode of the HBA cards in the system. The HBA cards can respond as either target mode or initiator mode devices. To change the mode of the HBA card for use with the SAN Client, change the device ID of the QLogic card. The device ID changes from its standard designation to a special designation that allows only the target mode driver to be loaded.
- -l, -L
-l lists the drivers of all HBA cards that are installed in the system. -L also lists information about the cards. The following information appears for each HBA port:
Linux systems only: The first line of data lists the number of ports recognized, the number of target mode ports, and the driver mode (e.g., nbhba installed).
HBA index - a relative number of the HBA card in the system. This number is valid until the system restarts.
Device ID - the device ID as read from the card.
World Wide Name - the world-wide name that is read from the card.
Model Name - the physical slot in which the card is installed in the system.
Port - the port on the HBA card. Possible values are 0 or 1.
Mode - the mode of the card, target, or initiator.
- -modify
Modifies the mode of the HBA card. Specify the HBA card to be changed through the World Wide Name (wwn).
The mode of the card can be target or initiator. Target mode is used as the terminus for a SAN Client. Initiator mode connects the media server disk resources. Optionally, the administrator can input the specific QLogic device ID for either the target mode or initiator mode driver.
- -wwn string
Specifies the World Wide Name of the HBA card. These required selection criteria are used to specify which card and port to mark.
- -mode target | initiator
Sets the mode of the specified HBA card. Target mode uses the HBA as the target for a SAN Client. Do not set an existing card to initiator mode unless it had been previously set to target mode.
Example 1 - Set the HBA port with worldwide name "123456789ABCDEF0" to target mode:
# nbhba -modify -wwn 123456789ABCDEF0 -mode target
Example 2 - List information on all HBA cards that are installed on a Linux system (see the first line of the output). Note that Card #2 uses both ports.
nbhba -L 4 ports recognized; 3 target mode ports; mode : driver in nbhba mode Card #1 HBA Index #1 Device ID = 2312 World Wide Name = 21:00:00:E0:8B:8F:E6:45 Model Name = "QLA2340 " Port = 0 Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(100) Card #2 HBA Index #2 Device ID = 2312 World Wide Name = 21:00:00:E0:8B:9A:22:3D Model Name = "QLA2342 " Port = 0 Mode = target (designated for FT Server)(8101) HBA Index #3 Device ID = 2312 World Wide Name = 21:01:00:E0:8B:BA:22:3D Model Name = "QLA2342 " Port = 1 Mode = target (designated for FT Server)(8101) Card #3 HBA Index #4 Device ID = 2422 World Wide Name = 21:00:00:E0:8B:9B:28:89 Model Name = "QLA2460 " Port = 0 Mode = target (designated for FT Server)(8133)
Example 3 - This example is the short list type (-l) counterpart of Example 2 (long list type -L). It lists only the drivers of all the HBA cards that are installed on the system. Note that the first line of the output (4 ports recognized...) displays only on a Linux system.
# nbhba -l 4 ports recognized; 3 target mode ports; mode : driver in nbhba mode 1 2312 21:00:00:E0:8B:8F:E6:45 "QLA2340 " 0 0 100 2 2312 21:00:00:E0:8B:9A:22:3D "QLA2342 " 0 1 8101 3 2312 21:01:00:E0:8B:BA:22:3D "QLA2342 " 1 1 8101 4 2422 21:00:00:E0:8B:9B:28:89 "QLA2460 " 0 1 8133