NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbsqlite — protects the SQLite environment
-o backup -S primary_server_name -P policy_name -s schedule_name -d sqlite_database_path -z LVM_snapshot_size [-l backup_location]
-o restore -S primary_server_name -t target_directory [-id db_backup_id] [-C client_name]
-o query -S primary_server_name [-P policy_name] [-C client_name]
-o delete -S primary_server_name -id db_backup_id
-o help
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin
Use the nbsqlite command to run backup, restore, query, and delete operations to protect the SQLite environment. For more information about SQLite instances and databases, see NetBackup for SQLite Administrator's Guide.
- -C
The NetBackup client name.
- -d
Used to specify the SQLite database path.
- -id
Specifies the database backup image name.
- -l
Specifies the staging location for the backup.
- -o
Possible values are:
backup: Used to start the backup of the SQLite database or instance from the NetBackup client (-C) using the NetBackup DataStore policy name (-P) and schedule (-s).
Additionally, Windows requires the primary server name (-S) and the database path (-d). Linux requires the snapshot size (-z).
restore: Used to restore the SQLite database or instance using the target restore directory (-t) and primary server (-P).
query: Used to query the primary server (-S) for information about SQLite database or instance backups.
delete: Used to delete the backup information from the NetBackup catalog but retain the backup on the storage media.
help: Display the help that is associated with this command.
- -P
Specifies the NetBackup DataStore policy name.
- -s
Use this option to indicate the NetBackup schedule name.
- -S
Specifies the name of the NetBackup primary server.
- -t
Use this option to indicate the name of the target restore directory.
- -z
Specifies the snapshot size of LVM backup type.