NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bmrepadm — manage external procedures
[-data] -list [pattern]
[-data] -delete procedureName
[-data] -extract procedureName
[-data] -add fileName
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The bmrepadm command lists, adds, extracts, or deletes external procedures from the database. The bmrepadm command is installed and runs on the NetBackup primary server.
A procedure name (procedureName) must be in the form procedureType.clientOs or clientName_procedureType.
procedureType is one of the following strings:
clientOs is one of following strings:
name is the name of a Bare Metal Restore client.
- -add pathName
Adds the external procedure in pathName to the database. The last component of pathName must be a valid external procedure Name.
- -data
Manipulates an arbitrary user-supplied data file instead of an external procedure. This option also relaxes all of the naming convention rules for procedure and file name argument values. The names of data files can be anything except a valid external procedure name.
- -delete procedureName
Deletes the procedureName external procedure from the database. The procedureName must be a valid external procedure name.
- -extract procedureName
Extracts an external procedure from the database and writes it to the current directory. The procedure name must be a valid external procedureName.
- -list [pattern]
Lists the entries (external procedures or user-supplied data files) in the database. Only the entries that match the pattern are listed. If no pattern is specified, all entries in the database are listed. The "*" character may be used in the pattern to match a procedureName.
bmrepadm does not validate client names. That is, you can add an external procedure for a nonexistent client.
If you use NetBackup Access Management and your user credentials and the computer credentials expire, renew them before you perform prepare-to-restore operations. Use the bpnbat -Login command to renew your user credentials and the bpnbat -LoginMachine command to renew the computer credentials.
Specify -? to display the command usage statement when it is the only option on the command line.
Example 1 - Add a data file:
# bmrepadm -data -add nameNotMatchingEPname
Example 2 - List the data files:
# bmrepadm -data -list
Example 3 - Add an external procedure that runs for all Solaris clients after the NetBackup restore phase of restoration:
bmrepadm -add pathname/postrestore.sol
Example 4 - Add an external procedure that runs before the disks are formatted on a client that is named zanzibar
bmrepadm -add pathname/zanzibar_preformat