NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
vmupdate — inventory media contents of a robotic library and update the EMM database
-rt robot_type -rn robot_number [-rh robot_host] [-h EMM_Server | volume_database_host] [[-if inventory_filter_value] [-if inventory_filter_value] ...] [-full] [-recommend] [-interactive] [-involgrp volume_group] [-outvolgrp volume_group] [-mt media_type] [-p pool_name] [-use_barcode_rules] [-use_seed] [-mp media_id_prefix] [-empty_map]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Volmgr\bin\
Inventory the media contents of a robotic library and update the Enterprise Media Manager database. If no options are specified, the volume configuration is updated to match the robot contents.
Any authorized user can run this command.
For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- -empty_map
Specifies that volumes in the media access port (map) are moved into the robot before the robot inventory is started. This option is only valid for TLD robot types.
- -full
Specifies full the inventory. The -full and -if options cannot be specified together.
- -h EMM_server | volume_database_host
This option is only applicable for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
The name of the Enterprise Media Manager database host that contains information about the volumes in a robot. If no host is specified, the configured EMM server is used by default.
- -if inventory_filter_value
This option is only applicable for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
Specifies the inventory filter values. Multiple -if options may be specified. The inventory filter value is an ACS scratch pool ID.
The -if and -full options cannot be specified together.
- -interactive
Prompts you before it updates the volume configuration.
- -involgrp volume_group
Specifies the volume group for the media that is moved into the robot.
- -mp media_id_prefix
Specifies the prefix that is used as a seed to generate new media IDs for media with no bar codes. This prefix should be between 1 and 5 characters in length and contain only valid media ID characters (alpha-num, "+", "_", ".", and "-" if it is not the first character).
- -mt media_type
Specifies the media type of the volume.
Valid media types for NetBackup Enterprise Server follow:
dlt, dlt2, dlt3, hcart, hcart2, hcart3, dlt_clean, dlt2_clean, dlt3_clean, hcart_clean, hcart2_clean, hcart3_clean.
Valid media types for NetBackup server follow:
dlt, hcart, dlt_clean, hcart_clean.
- -outvolgrp volume_group
Specifies the volume group for the media that is moved out of the robot.
- -p pool_name
Specifies the name of the volume pool to which new media are assigned.
- -recommend
Lists the changes that are required to update the volume configuration.
- -rh robot_host
Name of the host that controls the robot. If no host is specified, the host where you execute this command is assumed.
- -rn robot_number
Unique, logical identification number for the robot to inventory.
- -rt robot_type
Specifies the robot type of the robot to inventory.
Valid robot types for NetBackup Enterprise Server follow:
none, acs, tld.
Valid robot types for NetBackup server follow:
none, tld.
- -use_barcode_rules
Specifies that barcode rules are used for assigning attributes to new media.
- -use_seed
Specifies the automatic generation of media IDs for media with no barcodes.
Only limited validation of the option parameters is done.
Example 1 - Update the volume configuration on the EMM server named mymaster to match the contents of TLD robot 7 connected to the host macris:
# vmupdate -rt tld -rn 7 -rh macris -h mymaster
See vmcheckxxx.