NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbdecommission — used to decommission an old media server, NDMP host, or replication host and migrate Cloud Catalyst to MSDP direct cloud tiering
-oldserver hostname
[-list_ref | -newserver hostname [-bulk_media_move] [-file op_dump_file]]
[-machinetype [media | foreign_media | ndmp | replication_host]
[-M master_server] [-reason "reason"] [-v]
-migrate_cloudcatalyst [-oldserver hostname] [-oldstorageserver storageserver] [-oldstorageservertype type] [-cloudbucketname bucket] [-username username] [-password password] [-kmskeygroupname key group name] [-newdv disk volume] [-newdp disk pool] [-dryrun] [-start_with "start with phrase from previous attempt"]
-delete_cloudcatalyst -oldserver hostname -oldstorageserver storageserver -oldstorageservertype type
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbdecommission utility is an interactive tool. It assists in disabling, removing, or identifying policies, storage units, backup images, storage lifecycle policies, and storage devices. These actions let you retire or replace media servers, NDMP hosts, or replication hosts.
If multiperson authorization is enabled for image expiration operations, unexpired images are present, then NetBackup recommends that you expire the images with the bpexpdate command and doesn't proceed further.
For NetBackup versions 10.3 or earlier, when multiperson authorization is enabled, you cannot perform this operation with this command. Refer to the documentation for NetBackup status code 9382.
If tapes are present that reference the media server and multiperson authorization is enabled, you cannot perform this operation with this command. Refer to the documentation for NetBackup status code 9382.
The -list_ref -oldserver hostname option displays all that is associated with the old server, which allows users to break the associations on their own. This option does not decommission the server.
The -oldserver hostname [-newserver hostname] option provides detailed guidance to decommission the old server. You can run the command on the master server or any server that is not decommissioned. The decommissioning process is clean. It removes old media server or replication host entries in the EMM database which can slow down backup operations. The command does not assume that the old server is up and responsive. The optional -newserver lets you specify a replacement server for the old server. The -newserver option is not valid for the replication_host computer type.
The nbdecommission -migrate_cloudcatalyst option migrates an existing Cloud Catalyst server to MSDP direct cloud tiering. See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide for information about this option and its associated options.
Replication hosts are unique in that they are not a host in the local NetBackup domain. Rather, a replication host is a storage server in the target or the source domain of a replication relationship. The nbdecommission utility guides the removal of the replication relationship(s) with the storage server in the local domain, not the actual storage server in the remote domain.
Be careful when you use the nbdecommission command. Because the command may expire images, data loss may occur. Therefore, you should understand completely what the command does before you use it. Veritas recommends that you first preview all of the references to a media server, NDMP host, or replication host before you decommission it.
- -cloudbucketname bucket
The bucket or container name that is used for the Cloud Catalyst storage in the cloud.
- -delete_cloudcatalyst
Delete an old Cloud Catalyst storage server after migration. Normally the nbdecommission -migrate_cloudcatalyst command directly deletes the old Cloud Catalyst server. However, the new MSDP server may not have permission to do so. In that case this command should be run on the master server as directed by the output of the nbdecommission -migrate_cloudcatalyst command.
- -dryrun
Perform a migration trial run.
- -file decom_ops.txt
Writes the command operations to the specified file. Replace decom_ops.txt with a name that signifies its purpose or contents. You can use the -file option to maintain a record of the command operations.
- -kmskeygroupname key group name
KMS Key Group name that is used for the Cloud Catalyst server to be migrated.
- -list_ref -oldserver hostname
Displays the items that are associated with the old server. Use this option to break the associations yourself or to view existing associations.
- -machinetype
The type of the server that you want to decommission. List one of the following types: media, foreign_media, ndmp, or replication_host.
If not provided, nbdecommission automatically determines the type of server.
- -migrate_cloudcatalyst
Migrate a Cloud Catalyst server to an MSDP direct cloud tiering server.
- -newdp disk pool
New disk pool name to be used for the migrated MSDP direct cloud tiering server.
- -newdv disk volume
New disk volume name to be used for the migrated MSDP direct cloud tiering server.
- -newserver hostname
Specifies a new server to replace the old server that is to be decommissioned. If you specify a new server, it becomes the default media server or NDMP host for the replacement operations.
This option is not valid for the replication host machine type.
- -oldserver hostname
Initiates detailed guidance in decommissioning the old server. The command can be run on the master server or any server that is not decommissioned. This option does not assume that the old server is up and responsive.
If used with the -migrate_cloudcatalyst option the value is the Cloud Catalyst server hostname that you want migrated from Cloud Catalyst to MSDP direct cloud tiering server. If you use this option with the -delete_cloudcatalyst option, the value is the Cloud Catalyst server hostname you want deleted.
- -oldstorageserver storageserver
If used with the -migrate_cloudcatalyst option the value is the Cloud Catalyst storage server name that you want migrated from Cloud Catalyst to MSDP direct cloud tiering server. If this option is used with the -delete_cloudcatalyst option, the value is the old Cloud Catalyst storage server name to be deleted.
- -oldstorageservertype type
If used with the -migrate_cloudcatalyst option the value is the storage server type of the Cloud Catalyst server that you want migrated from Cloud Catalyst to MSDP direct cloud tiering server. If this option is used with the -delete_cloudcatalyst option, the value is the storage server type of the Cloud Catalyst server to be deleted.
- -password password
Credentials for the Cloud Catalyst storage in the cloud.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason for performing this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose the string with double quotes ("...") and the string cannot exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -start_with "start with phrase from previous attempt"
Resume the migration after you fix the cause of a previously failed migration. Use only as directed by the output of a previously failed nbdecommission -migrate_cloudcatalyst command.
Enclose the string in double quotes ("..."). The string should match exactly the output of the previously failed nbdecommission -migrate_cloudcatalyst command.
- -username username
Credentials for the Cloud Catalyst storage in the cloud.