NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbperfchk — measures a disk array's or a network's read and write speeds
-i option -o option [-s filesize] [-syncend] [-bs buffersize] [-directio] [-n number_of_buffers] [-nr] [-q] [-rc] [-ri interval] [-rp] [-v]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/pdde/pdag/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Veritas\pdde\
The nbperfchk command measures the read speed and write speed of a disk array. You can use this command to test the read speed and the write speed of the disks that host deduplicated data. For example, you can measure the speeds of the disks that host deduplicated data.
The nbperfchk command measures the read speed and write speed of either a disk array or a network. You can use this command to test the read speed and the write speed of the disks that host deduplicated data. For example, you can measure the speeds of the disks that host deduplicated data.
In a NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP), use this command to measure the speed of the disks that are attached to the media server. The media server can be running any operating system that Veritas supports for media servers and MSDPs.
Veritas recommends that you work with a Veritas technical support staff member when you run this command and interpret its results. Veritas recommends a minimum disk performance level of 130 MB/sec for deduplicated read and write operations.
The nbperfchk utility enables you to write a test file to a disk, read back that test file, and observe the read speeds attained during the read operation. You can use the results from nbperfchk to make sure that the ReadBufferSize parameter is set appropriately in your backup environment. The ReadBufferSize parameter resides in the [CRDataStore] section of the contentrouter.cfg file. You can use this command as follows:
Use the following command to write data to the disks:
nbperfchk -i inputpath -o outputpath -s filesize -syncend
Use the following command to read data from the disks:
nbperfchk -i inputpath -o outputpath -bs buffersize
Use the following commands to test network between computers A and B:
A: nbperfchk -i zero: -o tcp::port
B: nbperfchk -i tcp:computer_A_ip_address:port -o null:
For additional details on the use of the nbperfchk command, see:
- -bs buffersize
For buffersize, specify the read buffer size to use when nbperfchk runs. For example, 64k or 128k.
- -directio
Use this option to minimize input and output cache effects with the file specified. In general, this option degrades performance, but helps when applications perform their own caching. File input and output are done directly to and from the user-space buffers.
- -i inputpath
The -i option lets you provide input to the nbperfchk command. You can provide one of the input options shown:
File: -i inputpath
For inputpath, specify the full path to an input file. The nbperfchk command reads this file and generates information about the read speed when this file is read to disk.
Network: -i tcp:ip:port
You can omit the IP information to indicate the use of a local IP address. Use the format tcp::port to omit the IP address.
Generate data: -i data_format:
This input generates: all zero data (-i zero:), random data (-i random:), or sequence data (-i seq:). Be aware the trailing colon (:) is required.
- -n
Specifies the number of buffers. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 255. By default, this option is set to 255.
Use this option if the command fails due to insufficient memory. Reduce the number of buffers with this option to reduce the memory usage of the command.
- -nr
This option suppresses the test details and shows only the final report when the command exits.
- -o outputpath
The -o option lets you specify output options for the nbperfchk command. You can provide one of the output options shown:
File: -o filename
For filename, specify the full path to an output file. The nbperfchk command writes this file and generates information about the write speed when this file is written to disk.
Network: -o tcp:ip:port
You can omit the IP information to indicate the use of a local IP address. Use the format tcp::port to omit the IP address.
Null data: -o null:
To discard all the output, use -o null:
- -q
Use this option to disable all log displays. When you use TCP for network testing, if you are not concerned about the server or the client situation and don't want the information continuously displayed, use this option. This option suppresses all logging information, including the final report.
- -rc
If you specify this option, the report is displayed in compact mode with no line feeds.
- -ri
The report interval for the command. The value is shown in seconds. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 300. The default is 3.
- -rp
This option is the report probe option. It displays the buffers status in the report test details. When conducting TCP testing, use this option to view the buffer status of the server and the client. Use this information to determine if the issue is a server or a client issue.
- -s filesize
For filesize, specify a file size that is equal to or larger than the combined memory size of your computer plus the amount in the disk array. A file of this size ensures that the data is written to disk and not to a buffer.
- -syncend
The syncend parameter flushes the buffer and writes all data to disk.
- -v
Use this option to confirm the data the client receives is correct. This option is helpful to determine if there is any packet loss in the transfer process. Use this option with the -i option. If you do not use the -i option, the verification fails.
To analyze nbperfchk results and adjust the ReadBufferSize parameter setting
- Log on as the root user (UNIX) or the administrator (Windows) on the computer that hosts the content router.
In NetBackup environments, log on to the media server.
- Change to a test directory.
- Type the nbperfchk command in the following format to write a large test file to the content router:
nbperfchk -i inputpath -o outputpath -s filesize -syncend
For example, the following command writes a 64-GB data file that contains all zeros to the e drive:
nbperfchk -i zero: -o e:\data1 -s 64g -syncend
- Type the nbperfchk command in the following format to read the test file and observe the read speeds in the nbperfchk output:
nbperfchk -i inputpath -o NULL -bs buffersize
Example 1. To observe several read speeds with several buffer sizes, type the following series of commands:
nbperfchk -i e:\data1 -bs 64k -o NULL nbperfchk -i e:\data1 -bs 128k -o NULL nbperfchk -i e:\data1 -bs 256k -o NULL
Example 2. The following nbperfchk command reads back the data in file data1 and uses a buffer size of 1024 KB:
C:\Users\administrator.mymediaserver\Desktop>nbperfchk -i e:\data1 -bs 1024k -o NULL 195 MB @ 65.3 MB/sec, 194 MB @ 64.9 MB/sec 295 MB @ 49.4 MB/sec, 100 MB @ 33.5 MB/sec 403 MB @ 44.8 MB/sec, 108 MB @ 35.8 MB/sec 505 MB @ 42.1 MB/sec, 102 MB @ 34.1 MB/sec 599 MB @ 40.0 MB/sec, 94 MB @ 31.3 MB/sec 705 MB @ 39.2 MB/sec, 106 MB @ 35.5 MB/sec 821 MB @ 39.2 MB/sec, 116 MB @ 38.8 MB/sec 943 MB @ 39.4 MB/sec, 122 MB @ 40.8 MB/sec 1024 MB @ 40.1 MB/sec
Observe the following when you analyze the data:
The left two columns show the amount of data read and the average read speed.
For the bolded information in the example shown, the amount of data read is 403 MB. The average read speed is 44.8 MB/sec.
The right two columns show the average read speed in the last 3 seconds of each read.
For the bolded information in the example shown, the average amount of data that was read in the last three seconds is 108 MB. The average read speed for the last three seconds is 35.8 MB/sec.
Unless these numbers vary drastically from read to read, you can disregard the right two columns.
The final line shows the overall read speed.
In the example shown, final line is the 1024 MB @ 40.1 MB/sec information. In this example, the overall read speed for this test is 40.1 MB/sec.
This line is the most important line in the output because it shows you how fast the total read occurred with the buffer size you specified.
- Analyze your read speeds and adjust the ReadBufferSize parameter if necessary.
Your operating system, your disk speeds, and the ReadBufferSize parameter setting all affect restore and rehydration performance.
Veritas recommends that you type several nbperfchk commands and increase the size of the argument to the -bs parameter each time. Example 1 in step 4 shows this method. If you can enter ever-increasing arguments to the -bs parameter, you can probably increase the size of the ReadBufferSize parameter in the [CRDataStore] section of the contentrouter.cfg file.
By default, ReadBufferSize=65536, which is 64K. Veritas testing shows that ReadBufferSize=1048576, which is 1024 X 1024, or 1M, offers good performance on most Windows systems. On most UNIX systems, Veritas testing shows that ReadBufferSize=65536 (the default) offers good performance.
For information about how to edit NetBackup configuration files, see the NetBackup documentation.