NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
csconfig cldinstance — the cldinstance option for the csconfig command sets and fetches the cloud instance configuration settings.
[-a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -sh service_host_name [-se service_endpoint_path] [-access_style access_style_type] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no]]
-in instance_name -lc location_constraint [,location_constraint,location_constraint] -rn region_name [,region_name,region_name] -sh service_host [,service_host,service_host]]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-storage_class storage_class] [-obj_size object_size] [-ssl 0|1|2] [-crl 0|1] [-ntr 0|1] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name ]]] [-lc location_constraint,location_constraint] [-creds_broker creds_broker -url service_url -mission mission -agency agency -role role -cert_file cert_file_name -key_file private_key_file_name [-key_pass private_key_passphrase]]]]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type | -in instance_name]]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type]
-in instance_name]
-lc location_constraint [,location_constraint,location_constraint] -in instance_name]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name]
-in instance_name [-sh service_host_name] [-se service_endpoint_path] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no] [-access_style access_style_type]]
-in instance_name -lc location_constraint] -rn region_name -sh service_host_name
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-crl crl_usage] [-lc location_constraint,location_constraint [-auth_lc authentication_location_constraint] [-del_lc location_constraint [,location_constraint,location_constraint]] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name]]] [-url service_url -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file cert_file_name1 -key_file private_key_file_name1 [-key_pass private_key_passphrase]]]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-crl crl_usage] [-ntr 0|1] [-lc location_constraint,location_constraint [-auth_lc authentication_location_constraint] [-del_lc location_constraint [,location_constraint,location_constraint]] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name]]] [-url service_url -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file cert_file_name1 -key_file private_key_file_name1 [-key_pass private_key_passphrase]]]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-storage_tier storage_tier] [-ssl 0|1|2] [-crl 0|1] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name ]]]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type | -in instance_name]]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-crl crl_usage] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type -pxuser_name proxy_user_name ]]]
-in instance_name -pt provider_type [-auth_id authentication_identifier| [-auth_ver authentication_version -auth_url authentication_url]]]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name]]] [-tenant_type id | name -tenant_value tenant_value -sr storage_region_name ] [-user_type id | name -user_value user_value [,user_value,user_value] [-user_domain_type id | name -user_domain_value user_domain_value] -project_type id | name -project_value project_value [-project_domain_type id | name -project_domain_value project_domain_value] -sr storage_region_name]] [-crl 0|1]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type | -in instance_name]]
[-pt provider_type | -at api_type]
[-i] -in instance_name -user_name user_name -tenant_type id | name -tenant_value tenant value [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type [-pxuser_name proxy_user_name]]] [-user_type id | name -user_value user_value [-user_domain_type id | name -user_domain_value user_domain_value] -project_type id | name -project_value project_value [-project_domain_type id | name -project_domain_value project_domain_value]]]
-in instance_name]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name ]
-in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-crl crl_usage] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxhost proxy_host -pxport proxy_port [-pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage] [-pxauth_type proxy_auth_type -pxuser_name proxy_user_name]]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The csconfig command manages the Cloud Connect configuration settings from a remote or a local computer. The cldinstance option sets and fetches the cloud instance configuration settings.
Using this option, you can add, update, or delete only customized cloud instances and storage servers.
Use this option to add a new cloud instance.
- -access_style access_style_type
Use this option to provide the endpoint access style for the cloud service provider.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Valid values for -access_style_type are as follows:
1 - Virtual Hosted Style
2 - Path Style
The default value for access_style_type is 2.
- -auth_id authentication_identifier
Use this option to provide the identifier for the authentication URL.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -auth_url authentication_url
Use this option to provide the authentication URL provided by your cloud vendor. The authentication URL is composed of either HTTP or HTTPS and a port number.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -auth_ver authentication_version
Use this option to provide the authentication version that you want to use.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -http_port port_no
Use this option to provide the HTTP port with which you can access the cloud provider service in a non-secure mode.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -https_port port_no
Use this option to provide the HTTPS port with which you can access the cloud provider service in a secure mode.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -pt provider_type
Use this option to provide the cloud provider type.
When you use this option to add an OpenStack Swift cloud instance, you must first determine if the Authentication Identifier, the Authentication Version, and the Authentication URL are available within NetBackup. You can list this information with the command shown:
csconfig cldprovider -i -pt provider_type
Add the cloud instance with one of the commands shown:
If your Provider Type lists an Authentication Version and an Authentication URL under Location Name, you can use the Authentication Identifier in this command:
csconfig cldinstance -a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -auth_id authentication_identifier
If there is no Location Name section under your Provider Type, you must use the cloud vendor provided information. Use the cloud vendor provided Authentication Version value and find the corresponding value under the Credentials Broker Supported section. Use this value and the Authentication URL provided by your cloud vendor in the command shown:
csconfig cldinstance -a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -auth_ver authentication_version -auth_url authentication_url
- -se service_endpoint_path
Use this option to provide the cloud service provider endpoint.
For example, in case your cloud provider service can be accessed using the URL, the cloud service endpoint value is /services/objectstorage.
You can leave the value blank, if the cloud provider service can be accessed directly from the URL.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -sh service_host_name
Use this option to provide the cloud service provider host name.
If you want to add a public cloud instance, you need to get the service host details from the cloud storage provider.
If you want to add a cloud storage instance for a private cloud deployment, use the host name that is specified in the URL using which you can access your cloud provider. For example, if the URL is, the host name is
Do not prefix the service host name with HTTP or HTTPS.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Use this option to add a region for a specific cloud instance. When you add a region, access is restricted to the specified region.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -lc location_constraint
Use this option to provide the location identifier that the cloud provider service uses to access the buckets of the associated region. For a public cloud storage, you need to get the location constraint details from the cloud provider.
- -rn region_name
Use this option to provide a logical name to identify a specific region where the cloud storage is deployed.
- -sh service_host
Use this option to provide the service host name for the region.
Use this option to add a cloud storage server for the cloud instance.
- -agency agency
Use this option to specify the agency name the cloud provider supplied.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -cert_file cert_file_name
Use this option to provide the certificate file name.
The files that are mentioned in the parameters should exist on the master server at the following location:
On Windows:
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -creds_broker creds_broker
Use this option to provide the credential broker details. The creds_broker parameter is optional.
When you do not specify the creds_broker parameter, CREDS_PROMPT is used by default and you do not need to specify the parameters following creds_broker in the given syntax.
If you want to use access key credentials, use CREDS_PROMPT. The Amazon S3 connector directly communicates with the S3 service host using the access keys.
If you want to use the CAP service as your credentials broker, use CREDS_CAP.
Only the AmazonGov Cloud supports the CREDS_CAP option.
If you want to use AWS IAM Role use CREDS_ROLE. Only Amazon S3 and AmazonGov Cloud support the CREDS_ROLE option.
If you want to use AWS IAM Role Anywhere use the CREDS_IAM_ROLE_ANYWHERE value. Only the Amazon S3 and the AmazonGov Cloud support the CREDS_IAM_ROLE_ANYWHERE value.
If you want to use the Azure Service Principal use the CREDS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL value. Only Azure and AzureGov Cloud support the CREDS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL value.
The valid values for creds_broker are:
CREDS_PROMPT (default value).
- -crl
Use this option to verify if the SSL certificate must be checked for revocation before communication is established between NetBackup and cloud storage provider. This option can be enabled only if the SSL option is enabled. All cloud providers that use CA signed SSL certificates support this option. Valid values are:
0 - Disables certificate revocation check
1 - Enable certificate revocation check
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -key_file private_key_file_name
Use this option to specify the private key file name the cloud provider supplied.
The files that are mentioned in the parameters should exist on the master server at the following location:
On Windows:
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -key_pass private_key_passphrase
Use this option to specify the private key pass phrase the cloud provider supplied. It must be 100 or fewer characters.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -lc location_constraint
Use the -lc location_constraint parameter for adding a region to a storage server. You can configure multiple regions with one storage server.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Considerations for the -lc location_constraint parameter
NetBackup uses with the first region (authentication location) you have specified as location constraint to:
Verify the credentials.
Get the information of all the buckets.
Ensure that the associated cloud instance supports the region.
Use an empty set of double quotation marks ("") to provide a blank value.
- -mission mission
Use this option to specify the mission name the cloud provider supplied.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -ntr 0|1
Use the need token renew option to specify if the cloud alias supports token renew. When the option is enabled, the cloud credentials are not long term or static. Instead, NetBackup uses a mechanism to obtain a short-lived token to communicate with the cloud.
This option is specific to Veritas Alta Recovery Vault. The need token renew value is enabled (1) by default for any newly created cloud aliases. The value is disabled (0) for the aliases that are created on back-level media servers.
- -obj_size object_size
During the creation of a cloud storage server, you can specify a custom value for the object_size. Considerations for this value include the cloud storage provider, hardware, infrastructure, expected performance, and other factors.
Once you set the object_size for a cloud storage server, you cannot change the value. If you want to set a different object_size, you must recreate the cloud storage server.
- -project_domain_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the project's domain ID or domain name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -project_domain_value -project_domain_type_value
Use this option to provide either the project's domain ID or domain name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -project_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use the project ID or project name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials. When you provide the project ID, project name and domain information is not required.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -project_value project_value
Use this option to provide the project ID or project name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -pxauth_type proxy_auth_type
Use this option to provide the authentication type that must be used for proxy type HTTP.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables authentication)
- -pxhost proxy_host
Use this option to provide the host name and IP address of the proxy server.
- -pxport proxy_port
Use this option to provide the port number of the proxy server.
- -pxtunnel proxy_tunnel_usage
Use this option to specify if you want to use proxy tunneling.
Valid values are as follows:
0: Disable
1: Enable (Default)
Proxy tunneling is supported only for proxy type HTTP.
- -pxtype proxy_type
Use this option to provide the proxy type of the proxy server.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables the proxy type)
- -pxuser_name proxy_user_name
Use this option to provide the user name of the proxy server.
- -role role
Use this option to provide the role.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -sr storage_region_name
Use this option to provide the cloud storage region. You may use the cloud storage region that is geographically closest to the NetBackup media server that sends the backups to the cloud. You must use the value which was derived using -lr option.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -ssl -ssl 0, -ssl 1, -ssl 2
Use this option to specify the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for user authentication or data transfer between NetBackup and cloud storage provider.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Valid values are as follows:
0 - Disable SSL
1 - SSL for Authentication Only
2 - SSL for data transfer and authentication (Default)
- -storage_tier storage_tier
Use this option to provide the storage tier for Microsoft Azure. Valid values are:
- -sts storage_server_name
Use this option to provide the storage server name.
- -tenant_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the tenant ID or tenant name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -tenant_value tenant_value
Use this option to provide the tenant ID or tenant name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -url service_url
Use this option to provide the service URL.
The format of the service URL is https://hostname[:port][/path].
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -user_domain_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the user's domain ID or domain name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -user_domain_value user_domain_value
Use this option to provide either the user's domain ID or domain name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -user_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the user ID or the user name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials. When you provide user ID, user name and domain information is not required.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
- -user_type_value user_type_value
Use this option to provide either the user ID or the user name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Only OpenStack Swift supports this option.
Use this option to fetch the details of all cloud instances.
- -at api_type
Use this option to fetch the details of cloud instances for the specified cloud storage API type.
Valid values are:
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -pt provider_type
Use this option to fetch the details of cloud instances for the specified cloud provider.
Use this option to fetch the list of all cloud storage (or cloud instances) that are configured inNetBackup.
- -at api_type
Use this option to fetch the details of cloud instances for the specified cloud storage API type.
Valid values are:
- -pt provider_type
Use this option to fetch the list of the cloud instances specific to a cloud provider.
Use this option to fetch a list of available storage regions.
This option is supported only for OpenStack Swift using authentication version Identity V2 and V3.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -project_domain_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the project's domain ID or domain name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- project_domain_value project_domain_value
Use this option to provide either the project's domain ID or domain name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -project_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the project ID or project name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
When you provide project ID, project name and domain information is not required.
- -project_value project_value
Use this option to provide the project ID or project name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -pxauth_type proxy_auth_type
Use this option to provide the authentication type that must be used for proxy type HTTP.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables authentication)
- -pxhost proxy_host
Use this option to provide the host name or IP address of the proxy server.
- -pxport proxy_port
Use this option to provide port number of the proxy server.
- -pxtunnel proxy_tunnel_usage
Use this option to specify if you want to use proxy tunneling.
Valid values are as follows:
0: Disable
1: Enable (Default)
Proxy tunneling is supported only for proxy type HTTP.
- -pxtype proxy_type
Use this option to provide the proxy type of the proxy server.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables the proxy type)
- -pxuser_name proxy_user_name
Use this option to provide user name of the proxy server.
- -tenant_type id | name
Use this option to provide the tenant ID or tenant name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -tenant_value tenant_value
Use this option to provide the tenant ID or tenant name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -user_domain_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the user's domain ID or domain name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -user_domain_value user_domain_value
Use this option to provide either the user's domain ID or domain name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
- -user_name user_name
Use this option to provide the cloud storage user name.
- -user_type id | name
Use this option to specify if you want to use either the user ID or the user name that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
When you provide user ID, user name and domain information is not required.
- -user_type_value user_type_value
Use this option to provide either the user ID or the user name value that is associated with your cloud storage credentials.
Use this option to remove a cloud instance.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
Use this option to remove a region association for a specific cloud instance.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -lc location_constraint
Use this option to provide the location identifier that the cloud provider service uses to access the buckets of the associated region.
For a public cloud storage, you need to get the location constraint details from the cloud provider.
Use this option to remove the cloud storage server for specified cloud instance.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -sts storage_server_name
Use this option to provide the storage server name.
Use this option to update an existing cloud instance.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -access_style access_style_type
Use this option to provide the endpoint access style for the cloud service provider.
Valid values for -access_style_type are as follows:
1 - Virtual Hosted Style
2 - Path Style
The default value for access_style_type is 2.
- -http_port port_no
Use this option to provide the HTTP port with which you can access the cloud provider service in a non-secure mode.
- -https_port port_no
Use this option to provide the HTTPS port with which you can access the cloud provider service in a secure mode.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -se service_endpoint_path
Use this option to provide the cloud service provider endpoint.
- -sh service_host_name
Use this option to provide the cloud service provider host name.
Use this option to update a region for a specific cloud instance.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -lc location_constraint
Use this option to provide the location identifier that the cloud provider service uses for any data transfer operations in the associated region. For a public cloud storage, you need to get the location constraint details from the cloud provider.
- -rn region_name
Use this option to provide the cloud storage region.
- -sh service_host
Use this option to provide the cloud service provider host name.
Use this option to update the storage server for the specified cloud instance.
- -agency agency
Use this option to specify the agency name the cloud provider supplied.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -auth_lc authentication_location_constraint
Use this option to provide the authentication location constraint to update the cloud storage server's authentication location.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -cert_file cert_file_name
Use this option to provide the certificate file name.
The files that are mentioned in the parameters should exist on the master server at the following location:
On Windows:
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -del_lc location_constraint
Use this option to provide the location constraint to delete a region from the storage server.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -in instance_name
Use this option to provide the cloud instance name.
- -key_file private_key_file_name
Use this option to specify the private key file name the cloud provider supplied.
The files that are mentioned in the parameters should exist on the master server at the following location:
On Windows:
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -key_pass private_key_passphrase
Use this option to specify the private key file name the cloud provider supplied. It must be 100 or fewer characters.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -lc location_constraint
Use this option to provide the location constraint to update the storage server to add a new region.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
- -mission mission1
Use this option to specify the mission name the cloud provider supplied.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -pxauth_type proxy_auth_type
Use this option to provide the authentication type that must be used for proxy type HTTP.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables authentication)
- -pxhost proxy_host
Use this option to provide the host name or IP address of the proxy server.
- -pxport proxy_port
Use this option to provide the port number of the proxy server.
- -pxuser_name proxy_user_name
Use this option to provide the proxy server user name.
- -pxtype proxy_type
Use this option to provide the proxy type of the proxy server.
Valid values are as follows:
NONE (Disables the proxy type)
- -pxtunnel proxytunnel_usage
Use this option to specify if you want to use proxy tunneling.
Valid values are as follows:
0: Disable
1: Enable (Default)
Proxy tunneling is supported only for proxy type HTTP.
- -role role
Use this option to provide the role.
Only Amazon S3 supports this option with AmazonGov Cloud.
- -url service_url
Use this option to provide the service url.
The format of the service URL is https://hostname[:port][/path].
Only Amazon S3 supports this option.
Example 1: Add cloud instance of type Hitachi with custom ports for HTTP and HTTPS.
csconfig cldinstance -a -in -pt hitachi -sh -http_port 80 -https_port 443 -access_style 2
Example 2: Update cloud instance of type Hitachi with new Service Host (
csconfig cldinstance -u -in -sh -se -http_port 80 -https_port 443 -access_style 2
Example 3: Add storage server for Amazon S3 with proxy type HTTP and authentication type as basic and proxy tunneling disabled.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -pxtype HTTP -pxhost -pxport 527 -pxauth_type BASIC -pxtunnel 1 -pxuser_name test -lc us-east-1,us-west-2
This command prompts for the password.
Example 4: Add storage server for an existing AmazonGov Cloud instance with Credentials Broker supported.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -creds_broker CREDS_CAP -url -mission dummy_mission -agency dummy_agency -role dummy_role -cert_file dummy_file -key_file dummy_key_file -key_pass dummy_passphrase
Example 5: Update storage servers for existing AmazonGov Commercial Cloud Services instance with Credentials Broker supported.
csconfig cldinstance -us -in -sts -url -mission dummy_mission -agency dummy_agency -role dummy_role -cert_file dummy_file -key_file dummy_key_file key_pass dummy_passphrase
You can update one or many parameters of a storage server at the same time.
Example 6: Add OpenStack Swift cloud instance for authentication version Identity V2.
csconfig cldinstance -a -in -pt swstksw -auth_ver IDENTITY_V2 -auth_url
Example 7: List the storage regions for an OpenStack Swift-compliant cloud provider. This command is applicable only for authentication version Identity V2.
csconfig cldinstance -lr -in -user_name John -tenant_type id -tenant_value 1234
Example 8: Add storage server for an existing OpenStack Swift instance.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -tenant_type id -tenant_value 1234 -sr RegionUS
Example 9: Add storage server for an existing cloud instance for a OpenStack Swift-compliant cloud using the user ID and project name. When you provide the User ID, Domain Type and Value parameters are not required. This command is applicable only for authentication version Identity V3.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in swiftstack_v3 -sts swiftstack -user_type id -user_value user_id123 -project_type name -project_value project_name123 -project_domain_type id -project_domain_value domain_id123 -sr region_name
Example 10: Add storage server for an existing cloud instance for a OpenStack Swift-compliant cloud using the user name and project ID. When you provide Project ID, Domain Type and Value parameters are not required. This command is applicable only for authentication version Identity V3.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in swiftstack_v3 -sts swiftstack -user_type name -user_value user_name123 -user_domain_type name -user_domain_value domain_name123 -project_type id -project_value project_id123 -sr region_name
Example 11: List the storage regions of an existing cloud instance (Identity V3) for a OpenStack Swift-compliant cloud using the user ID and project name.
csconfig cldinstance -lr -in swiftstack_v3 -user_type id -user_value user_id123 -project_type name -project_value project_name123 -project_domain_type id -project_domain_value domain_id123
Example 12. List the storage regions of an existing cloud instance (Identity V3) for a OpenStack Swift-compliant cloud using the user name and project ID.
csconfig cldinstance -lr -in swiftstack_v3 -user_type name -user_value user_name123 -user_domain_type name -user_domain_value domain_name123 -project_type id -project_value project_id123
Example 13: Add storage server for existing cloud instance with location constraint.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -lc us-east-1,us-west-2
Example 14: Add region for a cloud instance.
csconfig cldinstance -ar -in -lc us-west-1 -rn "US West (N. California)" -sh s3-us-west