NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbcplogs — copy all NetBackup logs to a designated destination
destination [-s mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm] [-e mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm] [-d valued | valueh | valuem] [--tmpdir=pathname] [--use-reg-cmd 32|64] [--list-products] [--list-subproducts logproducts] [--nbsu | --no-nbsu] [--help-long] [--write-config] [--compress-before-bundle][--filecopy][--fast]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\support\
The nbcplogs command copies logs from various locations in the NetBackup system to a common area where you can more easily troubleshoot a problem. This utility lets you determine what logs are copied. To reduce the size of the copied logs, you can use the time frame option to specify a start time and an end time.
If you have a case ID provided by Technical Support in the form ########, rename the log files with the case ID number. Then manually upload the files to the Veritas Evidence server. More information is available:
For more about nbcplogs, see the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.
- --compress-before-bundle
Compresses the log files, then bundles them and adds them to the tarball. Compressing the files first instead of after the files are copied reduces peak disk usage.
- destination
Specifies the destination of the logs to be collected.
- -d | --duration valued | valueh | valuem
Sets the duration of the log data to be collected. The time units of the duration can be in d[ays], h[ours], or m[in]. For example:
--duration 5h /tmp/logs
- --fast
Fast search uses a binary search to strip out the lines that are outside the time frame of the file. This mechanism is useful when you copy large log files such as bpdbm. This option is rarely needed and should be used with caution.
- --filecopy
File copy is the default condition. It copies the entire log file.
- --help-long
Displays a complete set of options available for the nbcplogs command.
- -l | --logslog_type[.sub] [,...]
Limits the log types that are collected to only those specified on the command line. The sub option lets you specify a sub-category of a log type. If no log types are specified, all log types are copied.
- --list-products
Lists all the possible logs that can be reported on.
- --list-subproducts log_product
Lists all the log subproducts for the specified log product.
- --nbsu | --no-nbsu
Enables (--nbsu) or disables (--no-nbsu) running the nbsu utility as part of the nbcplogs command operation. The nbsu command utility gathers a wide range of diagnostic information that is helpful when it is used with the log data that is gathered.
The default condition is that nbsu runs and creates a support package to send to Technical Support.
- -s | --start mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm -e | --end mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss | mm/dd-hh:mm
Sets the start time (-s) or the end time (-e) for the collection of logs.
The -s option specifies a start date and time for the logs. If no corresponding -e option is used, the utility collects all log data from the start time to the present.
The -e option specifies an end date and time for the logs. If no corresponding -s option is used, the utility collects all log data present in the log files up to the end date.
If no start time or end time is specified, the default time period is the last 24 hours.
- --tmpdir=pathname
Specifies the staging directory the command uses when it bundles the logs into a tarball.
If --tmpdir is not specified, the default staging directory is used. That directory is:
UNIX or Linux:
- --use-reg-cmd [32|64]
This option is required when you run the nbcplogs command on a non-English Windows server.
- --write-config
Lets you to view or modify nbcplogs configuration values. This option creates a nbcplogs configuration file (
), which you can then edit.
Example 1 - Copy all volmgr logs between 1:00 and 2:00.
# nbcplogs --start 01:00 --end 02:00 --logs volmgr /tmp/logs
Example 2 - Copy the last 24 hours of nbpem logs and bpdbm logs, and run the nbsu utility:
# nbcplogs -l nbpem,bpdbm
Example 3 - Display the complete set of options available to use with the nbcplogs command:
# nbcplogs --help-long
Example 4 - Display the complete set of log subproducts available for the nbcplogs command:
# nbcplogs --list-subproducts vxul* "vxul" subproducts: * vxul.111 = /usr/openv/logs/nbemm aliases: 111, nbemm, vxul.nbemm * vxul.116 = /usr/openv/logs/nbpem aliases: 116, nbpem, vxul.nbpem * vxul.117 = /usr/openv/logs/nbjm aliases: 117, nbjm, vxul.nbjm * vxul.118 = /usr/openv/logs/nbrb aliases: 118, nbrb, vxul.nbrb * vxul.119 = /usr/openv/logs/bmrd aliases: 119, bmrd, vxul.bmrd...