NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
vmadd — add volumes to EMM database
-m media_id -mt media_type [-h EMM_server | volume_database_host] [-verbose] [-b barcode] [-rt robot_type] [-rn robot_number] [-rh robot_host] [-rc1 rob_slot] [-rc2 rob_side] [-p pool_number] [-mm max_mounts | -n cleanings] [-d "media_description"]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\Volmgr\bin\
Add volumes to the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) database.
Any authorized user can run this command.
For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- -m media_id
Specifies the media ID of the volume to add. The media ID can be a maximum of 6 ASCII characters. The actual character input is restricted to alpha numerics and '.', '+', '_', and '-' if they are not the first character.
The following applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server:
- -mt media_type
Specifies the media type of the volume to add.
Valid media types for NetBackup Enterprise Server are as follows:
dlt, dlt2, dlt3, hcart, hcart2, hcart3, dlt_clean, dlt2_clean, dlt3_clean, hcart_clean, hcart2_clean, hcart3_clean
Valid media types for NetBackup server are as follows:
dlt, hcart, dlt_clean, hcart_clean
- -h EMM_server | volume_database_host
This option is only applicable for NetBackup Enterprise Server.
The name of the Enterprise Media Manager database host that contains information about volumes. If no host is specified, the configured EMM server is used by default.
- -verbose
Selects the verbose mode.
- -b barcode
Specifies the barcode that is attached to the volume.
- -rt robot_type
Specifies the robot type of the robot where the volume is located.
Valid robot types for NetBackup Enterprise Server are as follows:
none, acs, tld.
Valid robot types for NetBackup server are as follows:
none, tld.
- -rn robot_number
Unique, logical identification number for the robot where the volume is located.
- -rh robot_host
Name of the host that controls the robot, where the volume is located.
- -rc1 rob_slot
Robot coordinate 1 is the slot number in the robot where the volume is located.
The following applies only to NetBackup Enterprise Server:
Do not enter slot information for Media Manager API robot types. The robot software tracks the slot locations for these robots.
- -p pool_number
Index of the volume pool that contains this volume. You can use vmpool -listall to determine the index for a given pool name.
- -mm max_mounts
Maximum number of mounts that are allowed for this volume. Only used for non-cleaning media. When this limit is exceeded, the volume can be mounted for read operations only.
- -n cleanings
The number of cleanings that remain for this volume. Only used for cleaning media.
- -d "media_description"
Media description of the volume. The double quote marks are required if the description contains any spaces.
Example 1 - Add volume AJU244 in the NetBackup volume pool to the EMM database on the host that is named llama. The volume has the barcode AJU244 and is in slot 2 of TLD robot 1. For write operations, the volume may be mounted a maximum of 1000 times.
The following point applies only to NetBackup server:
Only one host (the master) exists, so the -h option is not needed.
This command is usually entered on only one line.
# vmadd -m AJU244 -mt dlt -h llama -b AJU244 -rt tld -rn 1 -rh llama -rc1 2 -p 1 -mm 1000 -d "vmadd example"
Only limited validation of the option parameters is done.