NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbhostidentity — imports the NetBackup master server identity after a disaster.
-import -infile file_path [-altdir directory_path [-noacls]] [-mapuser domain1\user1:domain2\user2 [,domain3\user3:domain4\user4] [-dryrun]
-testpassphrase -infile file_path
[-import | -testpassphrase] -help
-info [-infile file_path] -query string [-json]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbhostidentity command is used to import the master server identity after a disaster. You need to provide the file path and the file name of the disaster recovery package for the master server identity you want to restore.
Disaster recovery packages store the master server identity and are created during catalog backups. NetBackup requires the disaster recovery package to restore the master server identity after a disaster.
Do not run the nbhostidentity command if you selected the disaster recovery mode during installation. In this scenario, the master server identity is automatically imported during the installation.
Run the nbhostidentity command on the master server after you install NetBackup to manually import the master server identity after a disaster.
The warning message that is shown is displayed when you run the command:
If new certificates are deployed on the media servers or clients after NetBackup master server installation, certificates on those hosts should be redeployed. To identify the hosts that need certificate redeployment, go to NetBackup Administration Console > Host Properties > Clients.
This process requires you to restart the NetBackup services.
Are you sure you want to proceed (y/n)?
Read the warning message carefully and then specify the option.
Press N to terminate the command execution. Press Y to run the nbhostidentity command and restart the NetBackup services.
After you enter Y, you must provide the appropriate passphrase to decrypt the specified disaster recovery package. The host identity import operation fails if the passphrase does not match the one that you have set earlier.
Ensure that the passphrase is same as what you set at the time of the catalog backup. The passphrase must be the same as the one that is associated with the specified disaster recovery package.
- -altdir directory_path
The -altdir parameter specifies the alternate directory location where you want to restore the disaster recovery package.
- -dryrun
Performs a dry run to test the disaster recovery package and its contents. This option is not supported with the -altdir and -noacls options. The option runs the following checks:
Passphrase check
Host name check
User existence check
FIPS mode check
- -import
Specifies the path name and the file name of the disaster recovery package for the master server identity you want to restore.
The disaster recovery packages are stored in the same location as the disaster recovery files. This location is specified during the catalog backup policy configuration. The disaster recovery package name is same as disaster recovery file name. The extension for the disaster recovery package is
. You must use the inifile parameter with the -import option.To run the nbhostidentity -import command, you must be an authorized user with system administrator or superuser privileges.
- -import -help
Displays the command usage statement for the -import option.
- -infile file_path
The path name and the file name for the disaster recovery package you want to validate or import. This parameter is required for the -import and the - testpassphrase option. If you want to use a network share, you must specify a path to a subfolder on that share.
- -info
Provides information about the disaster recovery package and its contents.
- -mapuser
Maps the users or groups that are referenced in the disaster recovery package to the existing users or groups on the system. You can map more than one user or group.
This option must not be used along with the -noacls option.
- -noacls
Lets you restore files without setting the Access Control List (ACL). This option is available only in case of the disaster recovery package restore to an alternate path.
- -query string
Retrieves the data that is queried. Replace string with one of the values shown:
files -infile file_path
Retrieves the identity files that are stored in the disaster recovery package.
nonexistingusers | neu
Retrieves the identity files with the users from the host that does not currently exist.
nonexistingusers | neu -infile file_path
Retrieves the users or groups that are referenced in the disaster recovery package, but do not exist on the system.
- -testpassphrase
Used to confirm that the passphrase for a disaster recovery package is correct. You must be an authorized user with system administrator or superuser privileges to run the nbhostidentity -testpassphrase command.
Use of this option begins an interactive session where you are prompted to enter the passphrase for the specified disaster recovery package. The nbhostidentity command confirms the passphrase that is entered matches the one associated with the disaster recovery package. You must use the inifile parameter with the - testpassphrase option.
- -testpassphrase -help
Displays the command usage statement for the -testpassphrase option.
- -help
Displays the command usage statement for the nbhostidentity command.
Example of the nbhostidentity command to recovery a master server identity.
# nbhostidentity -import -infile /dr/nbu_dr_file/ cat_backup_1438271286_INCR.drpkg
Example of the -testpassphrase option with an invalid passphrase.
# ./nbhostidentity -testpassphrase -infile /test2.drpkg Specify the passphrase that is associated with the disaster recovery package. Passphrase: The specified passphrase is not valid for the disaster recovery package - /test2.drpkg. nbhostidentity command failed.
Example of the -testpassphrase option with a valid passphrase.
# ./nbhostidentity -testpassphrase -infile /test2.drpkg Specify the passphrase that is associated with the disaster recovery package. Passphrase: The specified passphrase is valid for the disaster recovery package - /test2.drpkg. Command is successfully carried out.
See nbseccmd.