NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpplcatdrinfo — list, modify, or set the disaster recovery policies
policy_name [-v] [-M master_server] -L | -l | -U
policy_name -set | -modify [-v] [-M master_server,...] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] [-e email] -p path [-u user] [-pwd password] [-cp critical_policy_name1critical_policy_name2 ...]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The bpplcatdrinfo command lists, sets, and modifies the disaster recovery and critical policy information for policies of type NBU-Catalog:
Authorized users can initiate this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies.
If the user modifies the policy, they must make sure that the policy continues to meet the service level objective as defined by the protection plan.
If the user deletes the policy, they must make sure that the asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.
- -cp critical_policy_name1 ...
Lists the policy names that need to be added as critical policies.
- -e email
Specifies the email address where the disaster recovery information is sent when a catalog backup completes.
- -generation generation
Ensures that the command acts on a specific generation or version of a policy. The generation value increments each time a policy is saved. Use bpplinfo or bppllist to list the current generation value. If no generation is specified, the command acts on the current version.
- -L
Displays the listing in long format. See EXAMPLE that follows.
- -l
Displays the listing in short format; this option produces a terse listing. It also is called raw output mode. See EXAMPLE that follows.
- -M master_server,...
Lists alternative master servers. This option consists of a comma-delimited list of host names. If this option is present, each master server in the list runs the bpplcatdrinfo command. Each master server in the list must allow access by the system that issues the bpplcatdrinfo command. If an error occurs for any master server, the process stops at that point.
If bpplcatdrinfo produces a list, the list is the composite of the returned information from all the master servers in this list.
If bpplcatdrinfo adds, deletes, or modifies a client (explained later), the change is made on all the master servers in this list.
- -modify
Updates only the specified fields in the catalog policy. The fields that are not specified remain unchanged.
- -p path
Specifies the disk path where the disaster recovery information is stored when the catalog backup runs.
- policy_name
Specifies the name of the policy whose disaster recovery information is set, modified, or listed.
- -pwd password
Specifies the password if one is needed to access the path (-p). The -u option specifies the user ID.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason that you choose this command action. The reason text string is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -set
Modify updates of the specified fields in the catalog policy. The fields that are not specified are cleared.
- -U
Displays the listing in user format. This output format is exactly the same as -L.
- -u user
The user ID that is used with the password (-pwd) to access the path (-p).
- -v
Selects the verbose mode. This option causes bpplcatdrinfo to log additional information for debugging purposes. The information goes into the NetBackup administration daily debug log. This option is meaningful only when you enable the debug log function (that is, when the following directory is defined):
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin
Set the disaster recovery information path, username, password, email, and four critical policies for NBU-Catalog policy catpol
. Then list the catalog disaster recovery configuration for catpol
in long format (-L) and short format (-l).
# bpplcatdrinfo catpol -set -e -p /drx -u test -pwd passwd -cp pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4
# bpplcatdrinfo catpol -L Catalog Disaster Recovery Configuration: Email Address: Disk Path: /drx User Name: test Pass Word: xxxx Critical policy: pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4
# bpplcatdrinfo catpol -l DR_EMAIL DR_PATH /drx DR_MEDIA_ID *NULL* DR_DENSITY 0 DR_USER_NAME test DR_PASSWORD 1 DR_CRITICAL_POLICY pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4