NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpretlevel — display or change the values of the retention levels on the master server
[-s | -l | -L | -U] [-M master_server,...]
{-r levelperiod} | -d [-M master_server,...]
On UNIX and Linux systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpretlevel sets or changes time periods for each of the 100 retention levels and lists the current settings for levels. The time period can be specified in hours, days, weeks, months, or years. Retention levels 9 and 25 cannot be edited by the user.
The default periods for the retention values are as follows:
0 (1 week)
1 (2 weeks)
2 (3 weeks)
3 (1 month)
4 (2 months)
5 (3 months)
6 (6 months)
7 (9 months)
8 (1 year)
9-100 (infinite, except 25 which is expire immediately)
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, you can only specify a retention level between 0 and 24.
- -s | -l | -L | -U
Specifies what information is listed and how the information is formatted in the output. The possible values are the following:
-s is the short listing which contains the retention level, retention period, and equivalent days. -s is the default value.
-l is the condensed listing which contains the retention level, number of seconds, and period with no headings or formatting.
-L is the long listing which contains the retention level, equivalent days, retention in seconds, and retention period.
-U is the user listing which contains the level, number of days, and label of the retention period.
- master_server
Specifies the master server whose job retention levels are to be reported or changed.
- -d
Restores default retention periods for all retention levels. See the default values listed in the Description.
- -r levelperiod
Changes the retention period for a specified retention level. You can edit all retention levels (level) except 9 and 25. Levels 9-100 are set to infinity, except 25 which is set to expire immediately. The retention period (period) can be specified in days, weeks, months, years, or infinity (no limit). Include a space between the value and the units. For example, 3 d.
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, you can only specify a retention level between 0 and 24.
Enter the retention period in any of the following ways:
#hours: hour | hours | h
For example, four hours can be represented by 4 h.
#days: day | days | d
For example, four days can be represented by 4 d.
#weeks: week | weeks | w
For example, eight weeks can be represented by 8 week.
#months: month | months | m
For example, one month can be represented by 1 m.
#years: year | years | y
For example, one year can be represented by 1 years.
infinite | infinity | i
Example - Change the retention period of retention level 2 from its default value of three (3) weeks to five (5) weeks.
orbitervm1 # bpretlevel -r 2 5 w
See bpduplicate.
See bpimagelist.
See bpimmedia.
See bpmedialist.
See bpplsched.
See bpplschedrep.
See nbstl.