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Veritas NetBackup™ 故障排除指南
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NetBackup (9.1)
- 介绍
- 故障排除过程
- 对 NetBackup 问题进行故障排除
- vnetd 代理连接故障排除
- 安全证书吊销故障排除
- 验证 NetBackup 中的主机名和服务条目
- 冻结的介质故障排除注意事项
- 对 NetBackup Web 服务问题进行故障排除
- 解决 PBX 问题
- 远程主机验证问题故障排除
- 自动映像复制故障排除
- 使用 NetBackup 实用程序
- 灾难恢复
- 关于适用于 UNIX 和 Linux 的磁盘恢复过程
- 关于 UNIX 和 Linux 上的群集 NetBackup 服务器恢复
- 关于适用于 Windows 的磁盘恢复过程
- 关于 Windows 上的群集 NetBackup 服务器恢复
- 关于恢复 NetBackup 目录库
- 关于 NetBackup 目录库恢复和 OpsCenter
- 关于恢复整个 NetBackup 目录库
- 关于恢复 NetBackup 目录库映像文件
- 关于恢复 NetBackup 关系数据库
NBCC 进度显示的示例
默认情况下,NetBackup 一致性检查实用程序 (NBCC) 在标准输出上以数值显示它的进度。输出文件的名称为 nbcc-info.txt
为简明起见,对 NBCC 输出的以下示例进行了编辑:
1.0 Gathering initial NBCC information 1.1 Obtaining initial NetBackup configuration information NBCC is being run on NetBackup master server server1 NBCC version 8.1 Gather mode = full NBCC command line = C:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\support\NBCC.exe -nozip OS name = MSWin32 OS version = Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] NetBackup Install path = C:\Program Files\Veritas\ > dir output\nbcc\server1_NBCC_20130227_091747 2>&1 Parsed output for "bytes free" 5 Dir(s) 862,367,666,176 bytes free 2.0 Gathering required NetBackup configuration information 2.1 Determining the date format to use with NetBackup commands... Using the date format /mm/dd/yyyy 2.2 Building EMM host configuration information... Detected the EMM Server hostname lidabl11 Detected the EMM master server hostname lidabl11 Detected the EMM Virtual Machine entry pambl11vm3 Detected the EMM NDMP Host entry fas3240a ... 2.3 Obtaining EMM server aliases... EMM aliases for detected EMM Server server1 lidabl11.acme.com EMM aliases for detected master server server1 lidabl11.acme.com EMM aliases for detected media server server4 ... 2.4 Obtaining Storage Server information... Detected FalconStor OST direct copy to tape Storage Server falconstorvtl5 2.5 Building NetBackup storage unit list... Detected Storage Unit for NetBackup for NDMP media server reabl3 and NDMP Host falconstorvtl5 Detected disk media storage unit host lidabl11 Detected Disk Pool lidabl11_pdde_pool ... 2.6 Obtaining Disk Pool information... Detected Disk Pool lidabl11_pdde_pool host lidabl11 Detected Disk Pool lidabl11_pdde_pool member lidabl11 ... 2.7 Obtaining tpconfig Storage credential information... Detected the master server hostname lidabl11 and associated Storage server hostname lidabl11 ... 2.8 Obtaining tpconfig NDMP configuration information... Detected the EMM NDMP Host hostname fas3240a Detected the EMM NDMP Host hostname fas3240b ... 2.9 Analyzing EMM master and/or media servers and configured Storage Units... The following EMM server entries do not have configured Storage Units or Disk Pools: Media server - lidabl14 2.10 Obtaining NetBackup unrestricted media sharing status... Configuration state = NO 2.11 Obtaining NetBackup Media Server Groups... No Server Groups configured 2.12 Building NetBackup retention level list... 3.0 Obtaining NetBackup version from media servers lidabl11... lidabl14... reabl3... virtualization5400a... ... 3.1 Gathering required NetBackup catalog information Start time = 2013-02-27 09:41:07 3.2 Gathering NetBackup EMM conflict table list Found 0 EMM conflict records 3.3 Gathering list of all tapes associated with any Active Jobs Building NetBackup bpdbjobs list 3.4 Gathering all TryLog file names from the C:\Program Files\netbackup\db\jobs\trylogs directory Found 10 TryLogs for 10 active jobs. TryLogs found for all Active Jobs 3.5 Building NetBackup Image database contents list Reading Image number 1000 Reading Image number 2000 Reading Image number 3000 Reading Image number 4000 Found 4014 images in the Image database 3.6 Building EMM database Media and Device configuration attribute lists Obtaining the EMM database Media attribute list for disk virtual server lidabl11 ... There were 0 bpmedialist records detected for media server lidabl11 Getting device configuration data from server lidabl11 ... ... 3.7 Building EMM database Unrestricted Sharing Media attribute lists Found 0 Unrestricted Sharing media records in the EMM database 3.8 Building the EMM database Volume attribute list... Getting the EMM database Volume attributes from EMM server mlbnbu ... Found 43 Volume attribute records in the EMM database 3.9 Building NetBackup volume pool configuration list EMM Server lidabl11 3.10 Building NetBackup scratch pool configuration list EMM Server lidabl11 3.11 Gathering NetBackup EMM merge table list Found 0 EMM merge table records Summary of gathered NetBackup catalog information End time = 2013-02-27 09:44:16 Number of Images gathered = 4014 Number of database corrupt images gathered = 0 Number of EMM database Media attribute records gathered = 38 Number of EMM database Volume attribute records gathered = 43 Catalog data gathering took 189 seconds to complete dir results for created NBCC files: 02/27/2013 09:42 AM 8 nbcc-active-tapes 02/27/2013 09:42 AM 752,698 nbcc-bpdbjobs-most_columns 07/07/2011 09:43 AM 2,211,811 nbcc-bpimagelist-l ... 4.0 Verifying required catalog components were gathered 5.0 Beginning NetBackup catalog consistency check Start time = 2013-02-27 09:44:18 5.1 There were no tape media involved in active NetBackup jobs 5.3 Processing EMM database Volume attribute records, pass 1 (of 2), 4 records to be processed Processed 4 EMM database Volume attribute records. 5.4 Checking for duplicate EMM server host names in Volume attribute data 5.5 Processing Image DB, pass 1 (of 2), 3751 images to be processed 3751 images processed on pass 1 There were 0 images with at least one copy on hold detected. 5.6 Processing EMM database Media attribute records, pass 1 (of 3), 2 records to be processed Processed 2 EMM database Media attribute records. There were 0 tape media detected that are on hold. 5.8 Check for duplicate media server names in the EMM database Media attribute data 5.9 Processing EMM database Media attribute records, pass 2 (of 3), 2 records to be processed 5.10 Processing Image DB, pass 2 (of 2), 3751 images to be processed CONSISTENCY_ERROR Oper_7_1 5.11 NetBackup catalog consistency check completed End time = 2013-02-27 09:19:25 5.12 Checking for the latest NBCCR repair output directory C:\Program Files\Veritas\netbackup\bin\support\output\nbccr No repair file output directory detected. Summary of NBCC EMM Server processing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Primary hostname: + + lidabl11 + + Alias hostnames: + + lidabl11 + + Sources: + + nbemmcmd vmoprcmd + + EMM Server = yes + + EMM NetBackup version = 8.1 + + NBCC NetBackup version = 8.1 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary of NBCC Master server processing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Primary hostname: + + lidabl11 + + Alias hostnames: + + lidabl11 + + Sources: + + nbemmcmd bpstulist nbdevquery bpgetconfig + + Master server = yes + + EMM NetBackup version = + + NBCC NetBackup version = 8.1 + + Tape STU detected = no - Disk STU detected = yes + + Disk Pool Host = yes + + Associated Storage servers: + + lidabl11 lidaclvm1 + + EMM tape media record extract attempted = yes + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary of NBCC Media server processing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Primary hostname: + + lidabl14 + + Alias hostnames: + + lidabl14.acme.com + + Sources: + + nbemmcmd bpgetconfig + + Media server = yes + + EMM NetBackup version = + + NBCC NetBackup version = 8.1 + + Tape STU detected = no - Disk STU detected = no + + EMM tape media record extract attempted = yes + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ... ***NBCC DETECTED A NetBackup CATALOG INCONSISTENCY!*** Report complete, closing the .\output\nbcc\lidabl11_NBCC_20130227_094057\nbcc-info.txt output file.
以下指南中提供了 NBCC 选项的完整描述:《NetBackup 命令参考指南》。