Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
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- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
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- Vault stores and archives
Get-EVFSAFileServer retrieves details of all the file servers that are configured in the specified Enterprise Vault site. You can filter this list based on the type of file server.
Get-EVFSAFileServer is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Get-EVFSAFileServer [-SiteId <String>][[-Type] <FileServerType>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-EVFSAFileServer [-SiteId <String>] [-Identifier] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId (required) | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. If you omit this parameter, Get-EVFSAFileServer uses the ID of the site of the Enterprise Vault server where the command is running. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Type | The file server type. Possible values are WindowsFileServer, NetApp7ModeFileServer, NetAppCModeFileServer, and EMCCelerraOrVNXFileServer. |
-Identifier (required) | The fully-qualified DNS name, UNC name, or Entry ID of the file server target that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. The name should be the same as the name that was used when you added the file server, or the name that the Administration Console displays. Parameter aliases: FileServerDNSName, FileServerName, FileServerId. |
Retrieves the details of all the file servers that are set up for File System Archiving in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVFSAFileServer -SiteId 198...example.com -Type WindowsFileServer
Retrieves the details of all the Windows file servers that are set up for File System Archiving in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVFSAFileServer -Type NetApp7ModeFileServer
Retrieves the details of all the NetApp 7-Mode file servers that are set up for File System Archiving in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVFSAFileServer - Identifier abc.example.com
Get-EVFSAFileServer - FileServerDNSName abc.example.com
Retrieves the details of the file server with the fully qualified domain name 'abc.example.com' in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVFSAFileServer -Identifier \\abc
Get-EVFSAFileServer -FileServername \\abc
Retrieves the details of the file server with the UNC name '\\abc' configured in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVFSAFileServer -Identifier 198...example.com
Get-EVFSAFileServer - FileServerId 198...example.com
Retrieves the details of the file server with the Entry ID '198...example.com' configured in the Enterprise Vault site.
The following tables list the properties that are available:
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - WindowsFileServer properties lists the WindowsFileServer properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - NetAppCModeFileServer properties lists the NetAppCModeFileServer properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - NetApp7ModeFileServer properties lists the NetApp7ModeFileServer properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - EMCCelerraOrVNXFileServer properties lists the EMCCelerraOrVNXFileServer properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - DHSMServiceConfiguration properties lists the DHSMServiceConfiguration properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - WindowsFileServer properties
Name | Type | Description |
FileServerName |
String |
The UNC name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerDNSName | String | The fully-qualified DNS name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerId | String | The ID of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerType | FileServerType | The type of file server. In this case the value is WindowsFileServer. |
Archiving | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled for this server. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. |
PassthroughRecall | Boolean | Specifies if pass-through recall is configured. |
PassthroughRecallCacheLocation | String | Specifies the pass-through recall cache location. |
PassthroughRecallCacheSizeInGB | Integer | Specifies the pass-through recall cache location size in gigabytes. |
ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | Specifies whether to retain or delete an archived file when its placeholder is deleted. Values can be RetainArchivedFile or DeleteArchivedFile. |
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - NetAppCModeFileServer properties
Name | Type | Description |
FileServerName |
String |
The UNC name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerDNSName | String | The fully-qualified DNS name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerId | String | The ID of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerType | FileServerType | The type of file server. In this case the value is NetAppCModeFileServer. |
Archiving | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled for this server. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. |
ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | Specifies whether to retain or delete an archived file when its placeholder is deleted. Values can be RetainArchivedFile or DeleteArchivedFile. |
PlaceholderRecallsEnabled | Boolean | Specifies whether the processing of placeholder recalls for the NetApp filer is enabled. |
MaxRecallThreads | Integer | The maximum number of recall threads to be used when you recall items. This value is equivalent to the number of simultaneous recalls. |
RecallLimitMaxRecalls | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of items that a user is allowed to recall. |
RecallLimitTimeInterval | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of items that a user is allowed to recall in the specified time period. |
IgnoreRecallLimitForLocalAdministrators | Boolean | Specifies whether the recall limits apply to members of the local Administrators group for the NetApp filer. |
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - NetApp7ModeFileServer properties
Name | Type | Description |
FileServerName |
String |
The UNC name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerDNSName | String | The fully-qualified DNS name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerId | String | The ID of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerType | FileServerType | The type of file server. In this case the value is NetApp7ModeFileServer. |
Archiving | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled for this server. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. |
ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | ActionOnPlaceholderDelete | Specifies whether to retain or delete an archived file when its placeholder is deleted. Values can be RetainArchivedFile or DeleteArchivedFile. |
PassthroughRecall | Boolean | Specifies if pass-through recall is configured. |
PlaceholderRecallsEnabled | Boolean | Specifies whether the processing of placeholder recalls for the NetApp filer is enabled. |
MaxRecallThreads | Integer | The maximum number of recall threads to be used when you recall items. This value is equivalent to the number of simultaneous recalls. |
RecallLimitMaxRecalls | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of items that a user is allowed to recall. |
RecallLimitTimeInterval | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of items that a user is allowed to recall in the specified time period. |
IgnoreRecallLimitForLocalAdministrators | Boolean | Specifies whether the recall limits apply to members of the local Administrators group for the NetApp filer. |
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - EMCCelerraOrVNXFileServer properties
Name | Type | Description |
FileServerName |
String |
The UNC name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerDNSName | String | The fully-qualified DNS name of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerId | String | The ID of the file server that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. |
FileServerType | FileServerType | The type of file server. For Celerra or VNX the value is EMCCelerraOrVNXFileServer. |
Archiving | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled for this server. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. |
PlaceholdersEnabled | Boolean | Specifies whether placeholders are created on the share for the file server if the policy is enabled to create shortcuts. |
DHSMServiceConfiguration | DHSMServiceConfiguration | Specifies the DHSM service configuration that is required for placeholder creation. |
Table: Get-EVFSAFileServer - DHSMServiceConfiguration properties
Name | Type | Description |
UserName |
String |
Specifies the Data Mover user name with which Enterprise Vault authenticates the DHSM service. |
Password | SecureString | Specifies the password for the Data Mover account with which Enterprise Vault authenticates the DHSM service. This password is stored in an encrypted format in the Enterprise Vault Directory database. |
PortNumber | Integer | Specifies the port number on which the DHSM is configured. |
SSLRequired | Boolean | Specifies whether the DHSM service requires SSL connections. |
See Get-EVSite.
See New-EVFSAFileServer.
See Set-EVFSAFileServer.