Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Set-EVFSASiteSettings updates the site level settings that are configured for NetApp C-Mode server communication. If you do not specify a site ID using the -SiteId parameter and Set-EVFSASiteSettings cannot determine the site, you are prompted to enter the site ID.
To configure these settings at the server level, use Set-EVFSAComputerSettings.
Set-EVFSASiteSettings is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Set-EVFSASiteSettings -SiteId <String> [-NetAppCModeServerTransportType <String>] [-NetAppCModeServerPort <Integer>] [-NetAppCModeServerCertVerification [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Set-EVFSASiteSettings parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId (required) | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to update the settings. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-NetAppCModeServerTransportType | The transport type that is used by the ONTAPI Management API to communicate with the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. The valid transport types are:
Note that the values are not case-sensitive. |
-NetAppCModeServerPort | The port number that the ONTAPI Management API should use to communicate with the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. The port number should be same as the one that is configured on the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. The valid range is from 1 through 65535. |
-NetAppCModeServerCertVerification | Specifies whether the ONTAPI Management API should verify the server certificate that is issued to the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. To verify the server certificate, make sure that the certificate of the certificate issuing authority is in the cacert.pem file in the Enterprise Vault installation folder. The valid values are:
Note that the values are not case-sensitive. |
Set-EVFSASiteSettings -NetAppCModeServerTransportType HTTP -NetAppCModeServerPort 80 -NetAppCModeServerCertVerificationDoNotVerifyCertificate
Updates the settings for NetApp C-Mode server communication for the specified site. The transport type used is HTTP, the server listens on port 80, and the ONTAPI Management API ignores server certificate verification.
Set-EVFSASiteSettings -NetAppCModeServerTransportType HTTPS -NetAppCModeServerPort 443
Updates the settings for NetApp C-Mode server communication for the specified site. The transport type used is HTTPS, the server listens on port 443, and the ONTAPI Management API verifies the certificate, but ignores any mismatch that is found between the host name that is specified in the certificate and the host name of the management LIF.
Set-EVFSASiteSettings returns an object of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.FsaSiteSettings, which contains the properties listed in the following table.
Table: Set-EVFSASiteSettings properties
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | String | The ID of the site to which the Enterprise Vault server belongs. |
NetAppCModeServerTransportType | String | The transport type that is used by the ONTAPI Management API to communicate with the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. |
NetAppCModeServerPort | Integer | The port number that the ONTAPI Management API uses to communicate with the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. |
NetAppCModeServerCertVerification | String | Specifies whether the ONTAPI Management API should verify the server certificate that is issued to the NetApp C-Mode Vserver. |
See Get-EVSite.