Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy returns a list of all the Exchange mailbox policies that are configured in an Enterprise Vault site. You can also return the properties of a specific policy using the -Name parameter.
Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy [-Name <String>] [-SiteId <String>] [-EntryId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy parameters
Parameter | Description |
-Name | The name of the Exchange mailbox policy to return. |
-SiteId | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which to return the Exchange mailbox policy details. If you omit this parameter, and the cmdlet cannot determine the ID by looking in the registry, then Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy prompts you to enter the required ID. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-EntryId | The directory entry ID of the policy that you want to retrieve. |
Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -Name "Default Exchange mailbox policy"
Returns the properties of the Exchange mailbox policy called "Default Exchange mailbox policy".
Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -SiteId 198...example.com
Lists all the Exchange mailbox policies that are configured in the specified site. The properties for each policy are also returned.
This command returns an object of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.ExchangeMailboxPolicy, which has the properties that are listed in Table: Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy properties.
The values of several parameters are enumeration values. For details of the Exchange Mailbox policy enumerations, type the following command:
get-help about_ExchMbxPolicyEnumerations.
Table: Get-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy properties
Name | Type | Description |
ArchivingStrategy | Enumeration | The archiving strategy for the Exchange Mailbox policy. (ArchivingStrategyEnum) |
LockArchivingStrategy | Boolean | Whether to prevent users from changing the archiving strategy for this policy using Outlook. |
ArchiveItemsOlderThan | Integer | The Exchange mailbox tasks archive items that have not been modified for the length of time set. |
ArchiveItemsOlderThanUnits | Enumeration | The unit of time used with ArchiveItemsOlderThan, for example Days, Weeks, or Years. (AgeUnitsEnum) |
PercentageOfQuota | Integer | The Exchange mailbox tasks archive items until each mailbox has this percentage of mailbox storage limit free. |
MinimumArchiveAge | Integer | The minimum age of items that are archived. |
MinimumArchiveAgeUnits | Enumeration | The unit of time used with MinimumArchiveAge, for example Days, Weeks, or Years. (AgeUnitsEnum) |
SizePriority | Boolean | Whether the Exchange mailbox tasks give priority to items that are larger than MinimumItemSizeKB. |
MinimumItemSizeKB | Integer | The Exchange mailbox tasks give priority to items that are larger than this size. |
ArchiveMsgsWithAttachmentsOnly | Boolean | Whether a mailbox item is archived only if it has an attachment. |
ShortcutInactivityPeriod | Integer | The archiving task deletes shortcuts that are older than the age specified. |
ShortcutInactivityUnits | Enumeration | The unit of time used with ShortcutInactivityPeriod. (AgeUnitsEnum) |
DeleteAfterArchive | Boolean | Whether Enterprise Vault deletes items from mailboxes when the items have been successfully stored in an archive. |
LockDeleteAfterArchive | Boolean | Whether users are prevented from changing this setting in their personal settings. |
CreateShortcutAfterArchive | Boolean | Whether Enterprise Vault adds a shortcut for newly-archived items. |
LockCreateShortcutAfterArchive | Boolean | Whether users are prevented from changing this setting in their personal settings. |
ArchiveUnreadItems | Boolean | Whether Enterprise Vault archives items that have not yet been read. |
LockArchiveUnreadItems | Boolean | Whether users are prevented from changing this setting in their personal settings. |
OverallLock | Boolean | Whether users are forced to use policy and target settings for mailbox archiving. |
IncludeRecipientInformation | Boolean | Whether shortcuts include details of To and Cc recipients in shortcuts. Shortcuts always contain the From and Subject information. |
ContentOfShortcutBody | Enumeration | What is used as the content of the shortcut body. (ShortcutBodyContent) |
IncludeBanner | Boolean | Whether customized shortcuts contain a colored banner at the top. |
IncludeLinkToArchivedItem | Boolean | Whether customized shortcuts contain links to the archived items. |
MessageCharsToInclude | Integer | How many characters of the message body section are included in customized shortcut. |
DisplayAttachmentsAs | Enumeration | The type of attachment list in customized shortcuts. (AttachmentsDisplay) |
IndexLevel | Enumeration | The indexing level set for the user archive. (IndexingLevelEnum) |
IndexPreviewLength | Integer | The amount of text that Enterprise Vault shows for each item in a search results list. |
CreateAttachmentPreview | Boolean | Whether Enterprise Vault creates previews of attachment content. Note that these previews cannot be viewed in this release of Enterprise Vault. |
PolicyType | Enumeration | The type of the policy. |
Name | String | The name of the Exchange mailbox policy. |
Description | String | The description of the Exchange mailbox policy. |
IsADefaultPolicy | Boolean | Whether the policy is the default policy. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the policy is configured. |
SiteNameOrId | String | The name or ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the policy is configured. |
EntryId | String | The directory entry ID of the policy. |