Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget adds a new Skype for Business archiving target. If you do not specify a site ID using the -SiteId parameter and New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget cannot determine the site, you are prompted to enter the site ID.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget adds information about the Skype for Business archiving target to the Enterprise Vault directory.
To add a new Skype for Business target, specify the following:
The fully qualified domain name of the computer running Skype for Business Server. Use -TargetComputerFQDN.
You must specify the fully qualified domain name of an individual Skype for Business computer, and not a Front End pool.
Whether to start exporting from the Skype for Business target to the holding folder immediately. Use -Enabled.
The Enterprise Vault server that processes the target. Use -EVServer.
The retention category to associate with the Skype for Business archiving target. Use -RetentionCategory or -RetentionCategoryId.
The archive to associate with the Skype for Business target. Use -ArchiveId, or -ArchiveName with -ArchiveType.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget fails if you specify a Skype for Business archiving target that already exists.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget fails if you specify the -Enabled parameter to start archiving immediately, and the SMTP Archiving task is stopped.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget displays a warning if you specify an archive that is incompatible with Compliance Accelerator sampling.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget [[-SiteId] <String>] [-TargetComputerFQDN] <String> [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-EVServer <String>] [-RetentionCategory <String>] [-RetentionCategoryId <String>] [-ArchiveName <String>] [-ArchiveId <String>] [-ArchiveType <Object>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId | The ID of the site to which you want to add the Skype for Business archiving target. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-TargetComputerFQDN (required) | The fully qualified domain name of the computer running Skype for Business Server. |
-Enabled (required) | Whether to start exporting from the Skype for Business target to the holding folder immediately ($True) or not ($False). If you create the target with the -Enabled parameter set to $False, you must set the parameter to $True using Set-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget before export begins. |
-EVServer | The Enterprise Vault server that hosts the SMTP Archiving task. This task processes conversations that are associated with the Skype for Business archiving target. |
-RetentionCategory | The name of an existing retention category to be associated with the Skype for Business target. If you specify a retention category, you can use any archive type. However, if you specify a retention plan, you can only use an SMTP archive. If the archive that is associated with the target has a retention plan, the retention category that is associated with the plan takes precedence and is applied to the target. You can specify the RetentionCategoryId parameter instead of this parameter. |
-RetentionCategoryId | The ID of the retention category to be associated with the Skype for Business target. If you specify a retention category, you can use any archive type. However, if you specify a retention plan, you can only use an SMTP archive. If the archive that is associated with the target has a retention plan, the retention category that is associated with the plan takes precedence and is applied to the target. You can specify the RetentionCategory parameter instead of this parameter. |
-ArchiveName | The name of the archive in which Enterprise Vault archives the conversations from the target. You must specify the ArchiveType parameter with this parameter. You can specify the ArchiveId parameter instead of the ArchiveName parameter and the ArchiveType parameter. |
-ArchiveId | The ID of the archive in which Enterprise Vault archives the conversations from the target. You can specify the ArchiveName parameter and the ArchiveType parameter instead of this parameter. |
-ArchiveType | The type of archive in which Enterprise Vault archives the conversations from the target. The valid archive types are:
In addition, the archive types that the Get-EVArchive cmdlet returns are also valid:
If you intend to use Compliance Accelerator with Skype for Business, we recommend that you use an SMTP archive. You must specify the ArchiveName parameter with this parameter. You can specify the ArchiveId parameter instead of the ArchiveName parameter and the ArchiveType parameter. |
-WhatIf | If specified, WhatIf runs the command in test mode. You can see the expected changes without implementing them. |
-Confirm | Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. |
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget -TargetComputerFQDN "skype01.example.com" -Enabled $True -EVServer 'EVServer.example.com' -RetentionCategory 'Standard retention' -ArchiveName SFBLocal -ArchiveType SMTP
Adds skype01.example.com as a new Skype for Business archiving target.
$archiveType = (Get-EVArchive -ArchiveName "SkypeForBusiness Archive 2015_Target").ArchiveType;
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget -TargetComputerFQDN "skype01.example.com" -Enabled $True -EVServer 'EVServer.example.com' -RetentionCategory "SkypeForBusiness Retention" -ArchiveName "SkypeForBusiness Archive 2015_Target" -ArchiveType $archiveType
Uses Get-EVArchive to retrieve the archive type, and then stores the value in a variable. Adds a new Skype for Business archiving target using the stored archive type value.
New-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget returns an object of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.EVSkypeForBusinessTarget, which comprises the following properties:
Table: Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SkypeForBusinessTarget properties
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | String | The ID of the site to which the Skype for Business archiving target belongs. |
TargetComputerFQDN | String | The fully qualified domain name of the computer running Skype for Business Server. |
EVServer | String | The Enterprise Vault server that hosts the SMTP Archiving task. This task processes conversations that are associated with the Skype for Business archiving target. |
SMTPTaskId | String | The ID of the SMTP Archiving task that archives Skype for Business data. |
RetentionCategory | String | The name of the retention category that is associated with the Skype for Business target. If Enterprise Vault appends the words "(From Plan)" to the retention category name, a retention plan has been applied to the archive that is associated with the target. Enterprise Vault applies the retention category that is defined in the plan to the conversations. If you have not assigned a retention plan to the archive, the effective retention category is the one that is defined in the target properties. |
RetentionCategoryId | String | The ID of the retention category that is associated with the Skype for Business target. If the archive that is associated with the target has a retention plan, the retention category that is associated with the plan takes precedence and is applied to the target. |
ArchiveName | String | The name of the archive that is associated with the Skype for Business target. |
ArchiveId | String | The ID of the archive that is associated with the Skype for Business target. |
ArchiveType | Object | The type of archive that is associated with the Skype for Business target. |
ArchiveSamplingReady | Boolean | Whether the archive that is associated with the Skype for Business target is compatible with Compliance Accelerator sampling (True) or not (False). |
VaultStoreName | String | The name of the vault store that is associated with the Skype for Business target. |
Enabled | Boolean | Whether the Skype for Business target is enabled for exporting data to the holding folder (True) or not (False). |
ExportLogOnAccount | String | The account that Enterprise Vault uses to access the Skype for Business target. By default, the account that is assigned to the SMTP Archiving task is used. You can specify a different account for each individual target using Set-EVSkypeforBusinessTarget if required. |