Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Get-EVJournalReport generates report of successfully archived messages from specified journal archive for given date interval.
Get-EVJournalReport [-ArchiveId] <String> [-Properties] <String>] [-StartDate] <Date> [-EndDate] <Date> [-ReportFileLocation] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVJournalReport parameters
Parameter | Description |
-ArchiveId | Specifies the ID of the journal archive from which successfully archived items to be searched. You can use Get-EVArchive to obtain the required ID. |
-Properties | A comma-separated list of index properties is required for the journal report. Refer to the API Reference Guide to learn more about these properties. |
-StartDate | Date from which successfully archived items are to be fetched in the report. Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. |
-EndDate | Date till which successfully archived items are to be fetched in the report. Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. |
-ReportFileLocation | Folder path where journal report will be saved. |
Get-EVJournalReport returns no output. It generates a report at the ReportFileLocation provided.
C:\PS> Get-EVJournalReport -ArchiveId "19075DCBC51C8694CA623D39005346DCD1110000royaleva" -StartDate 01/15/2010 -EndDate 01/30/2010 -ReportFileLocation "E:\REPORT"
Generates report of successfully archived messages from specified journal archive for given date interval with default properties (mdat,adat,iden) in the journal report.
C:\PS> Get-EVJournalReport -ArchiveId "19075DCBC51C8694CA623D39005346DCD1110000royaleva" -Properties "rcat,edat,ndte,subj,auth,ssid" -StartDate 01/15/2010 -EndDate 01/30/2010 -ReportFileLocation "E:\REPORT"
Generates report of successfully archived messages from specified journal archive for given date interval with default properties (mdat,adat,iden) and supplied properties in the journal report.
C:\PS> Get-EVArchive | ForEach-Object { Get-EVJournalReport -ArchiveId $_.ArchiveId -StartDate 01/15/2010 -EndDate 01/30/2010 -ReportFileLocation "E:\REPORT"}
Generates a report of successfully archived messages for each journal archive for given date interval with default properties (mdat,adat,iden) in the journal report.
C:\PS> Get-EVArchive | ForEach-Object { Get-EVJournalReport -ArchiveId $_.ArchiveId -Properties "rcat,edat,ndte,subj,auth,ssid" -StartDate 01/15/2010 -EndDate 01/30/2010 -ReportFileLocation "E:\REPORT"}
Generates a report of successfully archived messages for each journal archive for given date interval with default properties (mdat,adat,iden) and also the extra properties provided in the cmdlet.