Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Remove-EVFSAFileServer removes the specified file server from the Enterprise Vault site. You are prompted to confirm the removal of the file server. Make sure that you stop the File System Archiving task that processes the file server volume before you run the cmdlet.
Remove-EVFSAFileServer is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Remove-EVFSAFileServer [-SiteId <String>] [-Identifier] <String> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Remove-EVFSAFileServer parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId (required) | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server is configured. If you omit this parameter, Remove-EVFSAFileServer uses the ID of the site of the Enterprise Vault server where the command is running. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Identifier (required) | The fully-qualified DNS name, UNC name, or Entry ID of the file server target that is configured in the Enterprise Vault site. The name should be the same as the name that was used when you added the file server, or the name that the Administration Console displays. You can use Get-EVFSAFileServer to obtain the file server name. Parameter aliases: FileServerDNSName, FileServerName, FileServerId. |
-Confirm | Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. To suppress the confirmation prompt, type -Confirm:$false. |
-WhatIf | Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not actually run. |
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -Identifier \\abc
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -FileServerName \\abc
Removes the file server with the UNC name '\\abc'.
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -SiteId 198...example.com -Identifier abc.example.com
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -SiteId 198...example.com -FileServerDNSName abc.example.com
Removes the file server with the fully qualified domain name 'abc.example.com' from the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -Identifier 198...example.com
Remove-EVFSAFileServer -FileServerId 198...example.com
Removes the file server with the Entry ID '198...example.com'.
"abc.example.com" | Remove-EVFSAFileServer
Removes the file server with the fully-qualified domain name 'abc.example.com'.
Get-EVFSAFileServer | Remove-EVFSAFileServer
Removes all the file servers that are configured in the Enterprise Vault site in which the local Enterprise Vault server has been configured.
This cmdlet does not return any output.
See Get-EVSite.
See Get-EVFSAFileServer.
See New-EVFSAFileServer.
See Set-EVFSAFileServer.