Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
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- Vault stores and archives
Gets information about vault store partitions.
Get-EVVaultStorePartition is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.Core.dll
Get-EVVaultStorePartition [<CommonParameters>]
PowerShell common parameters only.
Returns database details about all the Vault Store partitions on the current server.
Table: Get-EVVaultStorePartition properties lists the properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVVaultStorePartition properties
Name | Type | Description |
CollectorType | String | An indication of the collector type. |
Computer | String | The name of the server that hosts the partition. |
CreationDate | DateTime | The date and time that the partition was created. |
DeviceType | String | The type of device on which the partition resides. For example, "NTFS Volume". |
EntryId | String | The vault store partition Entry Id. |
HoursSinceLastBackup | Int32 | The number of hours since the partition was last backed up. |
InterfaceType | VaultStorePartitionInterfaceType | One of the following: "Unknown", "NonWorm", "VolumeLevelRetPolicy", "Snaplock", "Snaplike", "Atime", "Streamer", "Max". |
IsSmartPartition | Boolean | Whether the partition is a smart partition (True) or a standard vault store partition (False). |
LastBackupDate | DateTime | The date and time that the partition was last backed up. This value is null if the partition has never been backed up. |
LastOpenedDate | DateTime | The date and time that the partition was last placed in an open state. This value is null if the partition has never been open. |
Location | String | The path to the partition. |
MigratorType | String | An indication of the migrator type. |
Name | String | The name of the partition. |
RollOver | RolloverType | One of the following: "NotEnabled", "EnabledBasedOnVolumeSize", "EnabledBasedOnVolumePercentage", "EnabledBasedOnDateTime", "EnabledBasedOnVolumeSizeAndDateTime", "EnabledBasedOnVolumePercentageAndDateTime", "EnabledBasedOnTimerAfter", "EnabledBasedOnVolumeSizeAndTimerAfter", "EnabledBasedOnVolumePercentageAndTimerAfter". |
Status | PartitionState | One of the following: "Undefined", "Closed", "Open", "Standby", "BeingDeleted", "Ready". |
Tags | String | For a smart partition only, the classification tags that you have associated with the partition. |
TotalQuotaGBytesAvailable | Double | The total amount of space available, in gigabytes. This value can be null. |
TotalQuotaGBytesFree | Double | The total amount of free space, in gigabytes. This value can be null. |
TotalQuotaGBytesUsed | Double | The amount of used space, in gigabytes. This value can be null. |
VaultStoreEntryId | String | The vault store Entry Id. |
VaultStoreGroupName | String | The vault store group name. |
VaultStoreName | String | The vault store name. |