Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget removes a Skype for Business archiving target from the Enterprise Vault directory. If you do not specify a site ID using the -SiteId parameter and Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget cannot determine the site, you are prompted to enter the site ID.
To remove a Skype for Business archiving target, you must specify the fully qualified domain name of the computer running Skype for Business Server.
When you create a target, you associate it with an account on the Enterprise Vault server. This account requires the following permissions on the server that processes the Skype for Business target:
Membership of the local Administrators group.
The Log On As a Service right.
Full access to the SMTP holding folder.
By default, the Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget cmdlet prompts you to revoke the permissions. Include the -RevokePermission parameter to suppress this prompt when you run the cmdlet as part of a PowerShell script.
Before you remove a target, you must disable it and wait for the holding folder to empty. If you do not disable the target, Enterprise Vault stops you from deleting it. After you have deleted the target, you must restart the SMTP Archiving task. If you do not complete these activities in this order, you may lose data.
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget fails if you specify a Skype for Business archiving target that does not exist.
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget [[-SiteId] <String>] [-TargetComputerFQDN] <String> [-RevokePermission <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId | The ID of the site that contains the Skype for Business archiving target that you want to remove. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-TargetComputerFQDN (required) | The fully qualified domain name of the computer running Skype for Business Server. |
-RevokePermission | Enterprise Vault can remove the required permissions from the account on the Enterprise Vault server that is associated with the target:
When you set this parameter to $True, Enterprise Vault removes the permissions automatically. When you set it to $False, Enterprise Vault does not remove the permissions. You must remove them manually. Setting this parameter stops the cmdlet from prompting you to remove the permissions. If you omit this parameter, Enterprise Vault prompts you to remove the permissions. |
-WhatIf | If specified, WhatIf runs the command in test mode. You can see the expected changes without implementing them. |
-Confirm | By default, you are prompted before the delete operation is actioned. To avoid the confirmation prompt, use -Confirm:$False. |
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget -TargetComputerFQDN "skype01.example.com"
Removes the Skype for Business archiving target that is associated with the target computer skype01.example.com.
Get-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget | Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget
Removes all Skype for Business archiving targets for the current site.
Remove-EVSkypeForBusinessTarget -TargetComputerFQDN "skype01.example.com" -RevokePermission $false
Removes the Skype for Business archiving target that is associated with the target computer skype01.example.com, without removing the permissions from the account that is associated with the target.