Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
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- Vault stores and archives
Get-EVSMTPTarget returns all the SMTP target addresses that are configured in the Enterprise Vault site. If you do not specify a site ID using the -SiteID parameter, and Get-EVSMTPTarget cannot determine the site, you are prompted to enter the site ID. If you specify the name of an SMTP target, then Get-EVSMTPTarget gets the properties of that target address. See the help for New-EVSMTPTarget for a description of the properties.
When you run New-EVSMTPTarget, Set-EVSMTPTarget, or Remove-EVSMTPTarget, Enterprise Vault updates the SMTP target information in the Enterprise Vault directory, and on each Enterprise Vault SMTP server in the site. If Enterprise Vault is unable to update the SMTP target on any of the SMTP servers, you can use the GetFailedEVServerList function to list the servers that Enterprise Vault could not update.
Get-EVSMTPTarget is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Get-EVSMTPTarget [-SiteId] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVSMTPTarget parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId (required) | The ID of the site whose SMTP target you want to retrieve. |
-Name | The address of the SMTP target to retrieve. |
Get-EVSMTPTarget -SiteId 13E...example.com
Returns all the SMTP targets that are configured in the Enterprise Vault site.
You can use the following sequence of commands to return information about the SMTP target JohnDoe@example.com:
$st = New-Object Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SMTPTarget
Uses New-Object to create a new variable called $st to hold an SMTPTarget object.
$st.Name = "JohnDoe@example.com"
Specifies JohnDoe@example.com as the target to be retrieved, using the Name parameter.
Retrieves information about the specified SMTP target into $st using the Read method.
Displays the target information contained in the $st variable. For example:
Name : JohnDoe@example.com PolicyName : Default SMTP Policy PolicyId : 138...example.com RetentionCategory : Default Retention Category (From Plan) RetentionCategoryId : 100...example.com ArchivingEnabled : true TargetArchives : {exchangearchive} SiteId : 13E...example.com TargetType : SMTPMailboxJournaling
In this case, the cmdlet appends the words "(From Plan)" to the retention category name. A retention plan has been applied to the archive that is associated with the SMTP target. The retention category that Enterprise Vault applies to the archived items is the one that is defined in the retention plan.
You can also display this information using either of the following commands:
Get-EVSMTPTarget -SiteId 13E...example.com -Name JohnDoe@example.com
Get-EVSMTPTarget 13E...example.com JohnDoe@example.com
You can use the following sequence of commands to return information about an SMTP target, and find the list of servers on which the target was not updated by any of New-EVSMTPTarget, Set-EVSMTPTarget, or Remove-EVSMTPTarget:
$st = Get-EVSMTPTarget 13E...example.com JohnDoe@example.com
Retrieves the SMTP target into the $st variable.
Displays the target information held in $st. For example:
Name : JohnDoe@example.com PolicyName : Default SMTP Policy PolicyId : 138...example.com RetentionCategory : Default Retention Category (From Plan) RetentionCategoryId : 100...example.com ArchivingEnabled : true TargetArchives : {exchangearchive} SiteId : 13E...example.com TargetType : SMTPMailboxJournaling
Displays in tabular format the following details of the archives associated with the target in $st:
Column title
Example value
Express Vault Store
Displays the list of Enterprise Vault servers on which the target was not updated. For example:
EV1101, EVSMTP11
Get-EVSMTPTarget returns objects of the type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SMTPTarget and Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SmtpTargetArchiveInformation, which contain the properties listed in the following tables.
Table: Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SMTPTarget properties
Name | Type | Description |
ArchivingEnabled | Boolean | $true if messages sent to or from the SMTP target are currently being archived, or $false if they are not. |
Name | String | The SMTP target address. |
PolicyId | String | The ID of the SMTP policy associated with the SMTP target. |
PolicyName | String | The SMTP policy associated with the SMTP target. |
RetentionCategory | String | The name of the retention category that Enterprise Vault applies to newly-archived items. If Enterprise Vault appends the words "(From Plan)" to the retention category name, a retention plan has been applied to the archive that is associated with the SMTP target. Enterprise Vault applies the retention category that is defined in the plan to the items. If you have not assigned a retention plan to the archive, the effective retention category is the one that is defined in the SMTP target properties. |
RetentionCategoryId | String | The ID of the retention category that Enterprise Vault applies to newly-archived items. As with RetentionCategory, this is dependent on whether you have assigned a retention plan to the archive in which Enterprise Vault stores the items. |
SiteId | String | The ID of the site to which the target belongs. |
TargetArchives | Object | Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SmtpTargetArchiveInformation: Provides a list of archives that are associated with the SMTP target address. For more information on TargetArchives details, type get-help about_SmtpTargetArchiveInformation at the PowerShell prompt. |
TargetType | Object | The type of the SMTP journaling configuration associated with the target. |
Table: Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.SmtpTargetArchiveInformation properties
Name | Type | Description |
ArchiveId | String | The ID of the archive associated with the SMTP target. |
ArchiveName | String | The name of the archive associated with the SMTP target. |
ArchiveType | Object | The type of the archive associated with the SMTP target. |
EVServerName | String | The Enterprise Vault server that hosts the vault store. |
Name | String | The SMTP target address. |
VaultStoreName | String | The name of the vault store that contains the archive that is used for the SMTP target. |
See New-EVSMTPTarget.
See Remove-EVSMTPTarget.
See Set-EVSMTPTarget.