Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
New-EVMDSBuildTask creates an indexing task that builds (or rebuilds) a Metadata Store for an archive. The cmdlet must be run by a user with permission to manage indexes.
New-EVMDSBuildTask is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.Snapin.dll
New-EVMDSBuildTask [-ArchiveId] <String> -Mode <MDSBuildTaskMode> [-VerifyIndex [<MDSBuildTaskVerifyIndex>]] [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: New-EVMDSBuildTask parameters
Parameter | Description |
-ArchiveId (required) | Identifies an Enterprise Vault archive. |
-Mode (required) | Build, Rebuild. Use Build to create a new Metadata Store for the archive, or fill in gaps in the existing one. Use Rebuild to recreate the entire Metadata Store for the archive, overwriting any existing data. |
-VerifyIndex | Default, Verify, NoVerify. In some cases the Metadata Store build task triggers an index verify task to ensure the Metadata Store is complete. This parameter can be used to enable or disable this behavior, overriding any default. |
-Force | Creates the Metadata Store build task without prompting for confirmation. |
-WhatIf | Describes what would happen if you executed the cmdlet without actually executing the cmdlet. |
New-EVMDSBuildTask -Mode Build -ArchiveId 14B...EVSERVER.LOCAL
Creates an indexing task that builds the Metadata Store for the specified archive. If the archive already has a Metadata Store, any missing items will be added where possible, but existing data will not be recreated.
New-EVMDSBuildTask -Mode Rebuild -ArchiveId 14B...EVSERVER.LOCAL
Creates an indexing task that rebuilds the Metadata Store for the specified archive. Any existing data in the archive's Metadata Store will be overwritten.
New-EVMDSBuildTask -Mode Build -VerifyIndex NoVerify -ArchiveId 14B...EVSERVER.LOCAL
Creates an indexing task that builds the Metadata Store for the specified archive, but will NOT allow the task to trigger a verification of the archive's index.
Import-Csv c:\archives.csv | New-EVMDSBuildTask -Mode Build
Reads a list of archives from a CSV file, and creates a Metadata Store build task for each archive. One of the columns in the CSV file must be called 'ArchiveId'.
Get-Content c:\archives.txt | New-EVMDSBuildTask -Mode Build
Reads a list of archive IDs from a text file (one per line), and creates a Metadata Store build task for each archive.
New-EVMDSBuildTask -Force -Mode Build -ArchiveId 14B...EVSERVER.LOCAL
Uses the -Force parameter to suppress confirmation prompting.
New-EVMDSBuildTask -WhatIf -Mode Build -ArchiveId 14B...EVSERVER.LOCAL
Uses the -WhatIf parameter to display the Metadata Store build tasks that would be created by the cmdlet, without actually creating the tasks.
Table: New-EVMDSBuildTask properties lists the properties that are available.
Table: New-EVMDSBuildTask properties
Name | Type | Description |
ArchiveId | String | The ArchiveId of the archive for which a task has been created. |
ArchiveName | String | The name of the archive for which a task has been created. |
Mode | MDSBuildTaskMode | The mode that is being used when building the archive. Possible values:"Build", "Rebuild". |
VerifyIndex | MDSBuildTaskVerifyIndex | Indicates whether an index verify task will be created to verify that the Metadata Store is complete. Possible values: "Default", "Verify", "NoVerify". |
See Get-EVMDSStatus.