Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Get-EVIndexVolume returns a list of index volumes in the Enterprise Vault site.
You can filter this list of index volumes to show the following:
Index volumes that contain a string in their ArchiveName, IndexServer, or IndexServerGroup
Index volumes that have one or more attributes, such as Online, Offline, Failed, ExtraItems, MixedIndexingLevel, MissingItems, or NotYetCreated
Index volumes of a platform, such as 64-bit, 32-bit, Elasticsearch, or all
Include/exclude index volumes that are currently being processed
Show index volumes in fixed-sized groups/pages with a PageSize and traverse through them with a PageIndex
Additional info:
PageSize - If PageSize is greater than the total number of index volumes present on the system, then all index volumes will be displayed. If PageSize is less than the total number of index volumes on the system, then only the index volumes 1 to PageSize will be displayed along with a warning stating that more index volumes are found but not displayed.
PageIndex - Indexing starts from 1 and not 0.
Get-EVIndexVolume is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Get-EVIndexVolume [[-SiteId] <String>] [-FilterBy {ArchiveName | IndexServerGroup | IndexServer}] [-FilterValue <String>] [-Attributes {All | Online | Offline | Failed | ExtraItems | MixedIndexingLevel | MissingItems | NotYetCreated}] [-Platform {All | 32bit | 64bit | Elasticsearch}] [-ExcludeBeingProcessed [<SwitchParameter>]] [-PageIndex <int>] [-PageSize <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Parameters for Get-EVIndexVolume
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to get the index volumes. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-FilterBy | String | Possible values: ArchiveName, IndexServer, or IndexServerGroup Identifies the property on which the search string provided in the FilterValue parameter will be applied. FilterBy must be used along with -FilterValue. |
-FilterValue | String | Defines the search string that will be used to filter the index volumes based on the property mentioned by the FilterBy parameter. A string consisting of any valid alpha-numeric characters is a valid input. FilterValue must be used along with -FilterBy. |
-Attributes | List<String> | Possible values: Online, Offline, Failed, ExtraItems, MixedIndexingLevel, MissingItems, NotYetCreated, or All Default value: All Filters the index volume list according to the status and condition of the index volumes based on the list of one or more pre-defined attributes. The parameter can be set to any combination of the allowed values or simply "All" to include all attributes. Duplicates in the list of Attributes will be ignored. For example: "Online, Online, Failed, NotYetCreated, Failed". |
-Platform | List<String> | Possible values: 32bit, 64bit, Elasticsearch, or All Default value: All Filters the index volume list according to the platform of the index volumes, whether they are 32-bit, 64-bit, or Elasticsearch. The parameter can be set to any combination of the allowed values or simply "All" to include all platforms. Duplicates in the list of platforms will be ignored. For example: "32bit", "64bit", "Elasticsearch", "All". |
-ExcludeBeingProcessed | SwitchParameter | Default value: $false Excludes the index volumes that are currently being processed from the list of index volumes that are returned. Do not mention this parameter to include the index volumes being processed into the index volume list. |
-PageSize | Integer | Default value: 50000 Specifies the maximum number of index volumes that will be returned by the cmdlet at once. PageSize can be used along with PageIndex to perform pagination on the list of index volumes. |
-PageIndex | Integer | Default value: 1 Specifies the index of the page of index volumes that need to be returned. It should be used in conjunction with PageSize to divide the index volumes into groups of preferred size, where the size is defined by PageSize and the index of the group/page is provided by the PageIndex. For example: on a system with 1000 index volumes with PageSize provided as 100, PageIndex 1 will return index volumes 1 - 100, PageIndex 2 will return index volumes 101 - 200, and so on. |
Table: Outputs of Get-EVIndexVolume
Name | Type | Description |
IndexVolumeIdentity | Integer | The ID of index volume. |
ArchiveName | String | The name of the archive that the index volume is associated with. |
ArchiveType | EV_STG_API_ARCHIVE_TYPE | The type of the archive that the current index volume is associated with. |
ArchiveID | String | The ID of the archive that the index volume is associated with. |
BackupMode | String | Indicates whether the index volume is in backup mode. |
IndexedItems | Long | The total number of items that are currently indexed by the index volume. |
Indexer | String | The name of the index server that the index volume belongs to. |
IndexServerGroup | String | The name of the index server group that the index volume belongs to. |
Location | String | The physical location of the index volume on the disk. |
MissingItems | Long | The total number of items that are missing from the index volume. |
Range | String | The range of items indexed by the index volume. |
Status | String | The current status of the index volume. It can be Online, Offline, Failed, or NotYetCreated. |
Platform | String | The platform of the index volume. It can be 32-bit, 64-bit, or Elasticsearch. |
TaskName | String | The name of the indexing task that the index volume is a part of. If the index volume is not part of any task, then this field returns the value '(None)'. |
YoungestItemDate | String | The archived date of the most recent item in the index volume. |
OldestItemDate | String | The archived date of the oldest item in the index volume. |
Lists all index volumes in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVIndexVolume -FilterBy ArchiveName -FilterValue "SMTP"
Filters the list of index volumes to show only those index volumes that contain the string "SMTP" in their ArchiveName.
Get-EVIndexVolume -Attributes Offline, NotYetCreated -Platform 32bit
Filters the list of index volumes to show only those index volumes that are either Offline or NotYetCreated and are 32-bit index volumes.
Get-EVIndexVolume -FilterBy IndexServerGroup -FilterValue GenericGroupName -ExcludeBeingProcessed
Filters the list of index volumes to show only those index volumes that belong to index server groups that have the string GenericGroupName in their name, and which are not currently being processed.
Get-EVIndexVolume -Attributes Online -Platform 64bit -PageSize 4 -PageIndex 3
Filters the list of index volumes to show the 9th to 12th index volumes (after being sorted by ArchiveName) that are Online and are 64-bit index volumes.
See Get-EVSite.
See Get-EVArchive.
See Get-EVIndexLocation.