Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
The Submit-EVIndexingSubTask cmdlet submits new indexing related subtasks, such as Rebuild, Synchronize, Verify, and Upgrade specified using the Type parameter.
Table: Subtask types and usage
Subtask type | Usage |
Rebuild | To completely rebuild index volumes. It also upgrades 32-bit and 64-bit index volumes to Elasticsearch, if necessary. The old index volumes remain searchable during the rebuild to avoid any impact on users. |
Synchronize | To synchronize index volumes and fix the known issues. The Synchronize task attempts to index items that were not indexed previously and are reported as missing items in the Index Volume Brower. |
Verify | To check that index volumes are accessible and healthy. You can apply verification level as Complete verification or Basic verification. The Basic verification checks index volumes for critical issues. The Complete verification checks for critical issues, and also runs an item-level verification to check for items that are indexed but not present in the archive, and items that are archived but not indexed. |
Upgrade | To upgrade the archives that have 32-bit and 64-bit index volumes to use Elasticsearch index volumes. The old indexes remain available during the upgrade so that user searches are unaffected. Note: Before you upgrade an index volume, execute Synchronize on the same index volume to fix issues that have been identified already. |
You need to specify the targets by mentioning a list of ArchiveIDs, IndexLocationIDs and/or IndexVolumeIDs parameters, the values can be retrieved from Get-EVArchive, Get-EVIndexLocation, and Get-EVIndexVolume cmdlets respectively. Optionally, by using the Name parameter, you can specify a name for the subtask to be created.
You get errors in the following scenarios:
If you do not mention index locations, archives, and/or index volumes.
If you mention invalid combinations of parameters.
You get warnings in the following scenarios:
If you specify already processing index locations, archives, and/or index volumes.
If you specify index locations, archives, and/or index volumes that do not exist in the database.
If you specify index locations, archives, and/or index volumes that are already mentioned in the command.
If you specify the index location of Elasticsearch type or that does not contain any index volumes.
If you specify the archives to upgrade that do not have 32-bit or 64-bit index volumes.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask [[-SiteId] <string>] -Type {Rebuild | Synchronize | Verify | Upgrade} [-Name <String>] [-IndexLocationIDs <List<String>>] [-ArchiveIDs <List<String>>] [-IndexVolumeIDs <List<int>>] [-IgnoreFailedItems [<SwitchParameter>]] [-VerificationLevel {Basic | Complete}] [-AutoSynchronize [<SwitchParameter>]] [-IncludeContentMissingDetails [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Parameters for Rebuild
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to submit the index sub task. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Type (required) | INDEXING_SUBTASK_TYPE | Possible values: Rebuild, Synchronize, Verify, or Upgrade The type of indexing subtask you want to perform. |
-Name | String | The name for the indexing subtask. You can give any custom name where allowed characters are alpha-numeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_), space, colon (:), brackets ([]). If you do not specify this parameter, then the cmdlet will automatically generate a unique name. |
-ArchiveIDs | List<String> | The list of IDs of the archives on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must follow the EV GUID format. You can use Get-EVArchive to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-IndexVolumeIDs | List<int> | The list of IDs of the index volumes on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must be of integer type. You can use Get-EVIndexVolume to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-IgnoreFailedItems | SwitchParameter | Default value: $false This parameter can be specified only if Type is mentioned as Upgrade or Rebuild. If specified, the cmdlet ignores any errors and completes the subtasks. Otherwise, by default, the cmdlet waits for the user interaction to complete the task in case of errors. |
Table: Parameters for Synchronize
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to submit the index sub task. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Type (required) | INDEXING_SUBTASK_TYPE | Possible values: Rebuild, Synchronize, Verify, or Upgrade The type of indexing subtask you want to perform. |
-Name | String | The name for the indexing subtask. You can give any custom name where allowed characters are alpha-numeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_), space, colon (:), brackets ([]). If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet will automatically generate a unique name. |
-IndexVolumeIDs | List<int> | The list of IDs of the index volumes on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must be of integer type. You can use Get-EVIndexVolume to obtain the list of available IDs. |
Table: Parameters for Verify
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to submit the index sub task. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Type (required) | INDEXING_SUBTASK_TYPE | Possible values: Rebuild, Synchronize, Verify, or Upgrade. The type of indexing subtask you want to perform. |
-Name | String | The name for the indexing subtask. You can give any custom name where allowed characters are alpha-numeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_), space, colon (:), brackets ([]). If you do not specify this parameter, then the cmdlet will automatically generate a unique name. |
-IndexLocationIDs | List<String> | The list of IDs of the index locations on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must follow the EV GUID format. You can use Get-EVIndexLocation to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-ArchiveIDs | List<String> | The list of IDs of the archives on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must follow the EV GUID format. You can use Get-EVArchive to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-IndexVolumeIDs | List<int> | The list of IDs of the index volumes on which the indexing subtask will be performed. Each value must be of integer type. You can use Get-EVIndexVolume to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-VerificationLevel | VERIFICATION_LEVEL | Possible values: Complete, Basic Type of verification level you want to apply on archives, index volumes, or index locations. The Verification Level should be either Complete or Basic. The Complete verification level checks that the index volume is accessible and healthy, and completes an item-level verification of the index volume. It identifies items that exist in the archive but are not indexed, and items that are indexed but are no longer in the archive. The Basic verification level checks that the index volume is accessible and healthy. |
-AutoSynchronize | SwitchParameter | If specified, creates a synchronization task automatically for each index volume in which there are errors. It can be specified only if the Type is mentioned as Verify and the Verification Level is set to Complete. |
-IncludeContentMissingDetails | SwitchParameter | Specify if you want each item that is missing content to be logged individually. It can be specified only if the Type is mentioned as Verify and the Verification Level is set to Complete. |
Table: Parameters for Upgrade
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to submit the index sub task. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Type (required) | INDEXING_SUBTASK_TYPE | Possible values: Rebuild, Synchronize, Verify, or Upgrade The type of indexing subtask you want to perform. |
-Name | String | The name for the indexing subtask. You can give any custom name where allowed characters are alpha-numeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_), space, colon (:), brackets ([]). If you do not specify this parameter, then the cmdlet will automatically generate a unique name. |
-ArchiveIDs | List<String> | The list of IDs of the archives on which the indexing subtask is to be performed. Each value must follow EV GUID format. You can use Get-EVArchive to obtain the list of available IDs. |
-IgnoreFailedItems | SwitchParameter | Default value: $false It can be specified if Type is mentioned as Upgrade or Rebuild. If specified, the cmdlet ignores any errors and completes the subtasks. Otherwise, by default the cmdlet waits for the user interaction to complete the task in case of errors. |
Prints a message that the subtask was submitted successfully.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Rebuild -ArchiveIDs '111...example.com','122...example.com' -IndexVolumeIDs 123,456
This command creates a new indexing subtask to rebuild the specified archives and index volumes. You can also specify a custom name for the subtask by using the -Name parameter. Also, the newly-created subtask does not ignore any errors encountered during the processing and marks it as waiting for user interaction.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Rebuild -ArchiveIDs '111...example.com','122...example.com' -IndexVolumeIDs 123,456 -Name 'Rebuild task' -IgnoreFailedItems
This command creates a new indexing subtask with a name "Rebuild task" to rebuild the specified archives and index volumes. Also, the newly-created subtask ignores any errors encountered during processing and marks it as completed with errors.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Synchronize -IndexVolumeIDs 123,456
This command creates a new indexing subtask to synchronize the specified index volumes.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Verify -IndexLocationIDs '133...example.com', '144...example.com' -ArchiveIDs '111...example.com','122...example.com' -IndexVolumeIDs 123,456
This command creates a new indexing subtask to verify the specified index locations, archives, and index volumes. The verification level of the subtask is Complete.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Verify -IndexLocationIDs '133...example.com', '144...example.com' -VerificationLevel Complete -AutoSynchronize -IncludeContentMissingDetails
This command creates a new indexing subtask to verify the specified index locations. The verification level of the subtask is Complete. It creates a synchronization subtask automatically for each index volume in which there are errors. Also, each item in the subtask that is missing content is logged individually.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Verify -IndexLocationIDs '133...example.com', '144...example.com' -VerificationLevel Basic
This command creates a new indexing subtask to verify the specified index locations. The verification level of the subtask is Basic.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Upgrade -ArchiveIDs '111...example.com','122...example.com'
This command creates a new indexing sub-task to upgrade the specified archives. Also, the newly created sub-task does not ignore any errors encountered during the processing and marks it as waiting for user interaction.
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Upgrade -ArchiveIDs '111...example.com','122...example.com' -IgnoreFailedItems
This command creates a new indexing sub-task to upgrade the specified archives. Also, the newly created sub-task ignores any errors encountered during processing and marks it as completed with errors.
$archives = Get-EVArchive | where ArchiveName -Match 'abc' Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Rebuild -ArchiveIDs $archives.ArchiveId
This script first retrieves a list of archives having string "abc" in their name and then creates a new indexing subtask to rebuild those archives.
$volumes = Get-EVIndexVolume -Attributes ExtraItems,Failed,MissingItems
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Synchronize -IndexVolumeIDs $volumes.IndexVolumeIdentity
This script first retrieves a list of index volumes that are failed or has extra or missing items. It then creates a new indexing subtask to synchronize those index volumes.
$location = Get-EVIndexLocation | where IndexRootPath -eq "C:\EVStorage\Index\index7"
Submit-EVIndexingSubTask -Type Verify -IndexLocationIDs $location.IndexRootPathEntryId -VerificationLevel Complete
This script first retrieves an index location with the specified index root path and then creates a new indexing subtask to verify that index location.
See Get-EVSite.
See Get-EVArchive.
See Get-EVIndexVolume.
See Get-EVIndexLocation.