Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
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Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository retrieves details of all index snapshot repositories that are created on the specified Enterprise Vault index server in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository [-EVServerName <String>] [-Name <String>] [-Path <String>] [-ReadOnly <SwitchParameter>] [-OnlyInUse <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -SiteId <String> [-EVServerName <String>] [-Name <String>] [-Path <String>] [-ReadOnly <SwitchParameter>] [-OnlyInUse <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository retrieves details of all index snapshot repositories that are created on all Enterprise Vault index servers in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository is provided by Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll, which the Enterprise Vault Management Shell loads.
Table: Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
-SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to retrieve the index snapshot repositories. If you omit this parameter, Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository retrieves the SiteId from the Enterprise Vault index server specified as EVServerName parameter; otherwise, it uses the SiteId of the Enterprise Vault index server where the command is running. You can use the Get-EVSite command to obtain the SiteId. |
-EVServerName | String | The name of the Enterprise Vault index server for which you want to retrieve the index snapshot repositories. If you omit this parameter, Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository uses the host name of the Enterprise Vault index server where the command is running. You can use the Get-EVComputers command to obtain the Enterprise Vault server name. |
-Name | String | The name of the index snapshot repository you want to retrieve. |
-Path | String | The path of the index snapshot location you want to use to filter the list of index snapshot repositories. |
-ReadOnly | SwitchParameter | Filters the list to show only Read-Only index snapshot repositories. |
-OnlyInUse | SwitchParameter | Filters the list of index snapshot repositories based on the flag being used. |
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository
List all the index snapshot repositories of the current Enterprise Vault index server on which this command is executed.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ServerName win12r2.domain.local
List all the index snapshot repositories of the Enterprise Vault index server win12r2.domain.local.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -EVServerName win12r2
List all the index snapshot repositories of the Enterprise Vault index server win12r2.domain.local.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -Name 1afcfcef-2502-4ff4-a066-f3fb165c7f08
List all the index snapshot repository with name 1afcfcef-2502-4ff4-a066-f3fb165c7f08 for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ReadOnly
List all the Read-only index snapshot repositories for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ReadOnly:$false
List all the Non-Read-only snapshot repositories for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ReadOnly:$true
List all the Read-only index snapshot repositories for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -OnlyInUse
Lists all index snapshot repositories that are currently in use for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -OnlyInUse:$true
Lists all index snapshot repositories that are currently in use for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -OnlyInUse:$false
Lists all index snapshot repositories that are currently not in use for the current Enterprise Vault index server.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -Path C:\Location2
Lists all index snapshot repositories that are created on the current Enterprise Vault index server in index snapshot location 'C:\Location2'.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -SiteId 1400222F70EEFC04AA6B63C233696BB491d10000Win12R2.domain.local
Lists all index snapshot repositories of all Enterprise Vault index servers in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -SiteId 1400222F70EEFC04AA6B63C233696BB491d10000Win12R2.domain.local -EVServerName win12r2
Lists all index snapshot repositories of all Enterprise Vault index servers in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
C:\PS> C:\PS> Get-EVSite | Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository
Lists all index snapshot repositories of all Enterprise Vault index servers in the Enterprise Vault site returned by the Get-EVSite command.
C:\PS> Get-EVComputers | Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository
Lists all index snapshot repositories of all Enterprise Vault index servers returned by the Get-EVComputers command.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ServerName win12r2.domain.local -ReadOnly
Lists all Read-Only index snapshot repositories for the Enterprise Vault index server with the Servername win12r2.domain.local.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository -ServerName win12r2.domain.local -OnlyInUse
Lists all index snapshot repositories that are currently in use for the Enterprise Vault index server with the Servername win12r2.domain.local.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotLocation | Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository
Lists all index snapshot repositories associated with all index snapshot locations returned by the Get- EVIndexSnapshotLocation command.
C:\PS> Get-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -OnlyActive | Get-EVIndexSnapshotRepository
Lists all index snapshot repositories associated with the active index snapshot locations returned by the Get-EVIndexSnapshotLocation command.
This command returns the object(s) of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.IndexSnapshotRepository composed of the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the index snapshot repository is created. |
SiteNameOrId | String | The name or ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the index snapshot repository is created. |
EVServerEntryId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault index server in which the index snapshot repository is created. |
EVServerName | String | The name of Enterprise Vault index server in which the index snapshot repository is created. |
RepositoryIdentity | Integer | An identifier to identify the individual index snapshot repository. |
RepositoryName | String | Name of the index snapshot repository. |
Path | String | The path where the index snapshot repository is present. |
InUse | Boolean | Indicates whether the index snapshot repository is currently in use to store the index data snapshots or not. |
Version | String | The version of Elasticsearch being used to create the index snapshot repository. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | Indicates whether the index snapshot repository is Read-Only or not. |
NumberofSnapshots | Integer | Number of index snapshots in the index snapshot repository. |