Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
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- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
Set-EVFSAFolder updates the specified settings of an existing folder.
Set-EVFSAFolder is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Set-EVFSAFolder [-SiteId <String>] [-FileServer] <String> [-Volume] <String> [-FolderRelativePath] <String> [-Policy <String>] [-IgnoreVolumeRules [<SwitchParameter>]] [-UseVolumePolicy [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnFolder [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnSubFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-IncludeRetentionFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-EVFSAFolder [-SiteId <String>] -Identifier <String> [-Policy <String>] [-IgnoreVolumeRules [<SwitchParameter>]] [-UseVolumePolicy [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnFolder [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnSubFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-IncludeRetentionFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-EVFSAFolder [-SiteId <String>] [-FsaFolder] <FSAFolder> [-Policy <String>] [-IgnoreVolumeRules [<SwitchParameter>]] [-UseVolumePolicy [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnFolder [<SwitchParameter>]] [-DisableArchivingOnSubFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-IncludeRetentionFolders [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Set-EVFSAFolder parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId (required) | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the file server volume is configured. If you omit this parameter, Set-EVFSAFolder uses the ID of the site of the Enterprise Vault server where the cmdlet is running. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-FileServer (required) | The fully-qualified DNS name, UNC name, alias name, or entry ID of the file server that hosts the folder. The name should be the same as the name that was used when you added the file server, or the name that the Administration Console displays. You can use Get-EVFSAFileServer to obtain the file server name. You can specify the UNC name with or without the \\ prefix and you can specify either the hostname or the alias as the UNC name. Parameter aliases: FileServerDNSName, FileServerName, FileServerId. |
-Identifier (required) | The path of the folder that you want to update, in the following format: \\file server name\volume name\folder relative path |
-FsaFolder (required) | Specifies the FSAFolder object. Note that the cmdlet uses the FileServerName, VolumeName, and FolderName properties from the specified object to identify the folder target. You must also specify the parameters that you want to update. |
-Volume (required) | The name or the entry ID of the file server volume that hosts the folder. Parameter aliases: VolumeId, VolumeName |
-FolderRelativePath (required) | The relative path of the folder that you want to update. Parameter alias: FolderName |
-Policy | The name or the entry ID of the folder policy that Enterprise Vault should use to archive items from the folder. You are prompted for confirmation if the specified folder is on a Celerra/VNX file server and the policy has the setting enabled.Parameter aliases: PolicyId, PolicyName |
-IgnoreVolumeRules | Specifies that Enterprise Vault should ignore volume policy rules when it archives the folder. This option is not available if you have not specified a folder policy. |
-UseVolumePolicy | Specifies that Enterprise Vault should use the volume policy to archive items from the folder. You cannot specify both the -UseVolumePolicy and -Policy parameters. |
-DisableArchivingOnFolder | Disables File System Archiving on the specified folder. |
-DisableArchivingOnSubFolders | Disables File System Archiving on the subfolders of the specified folder. |
-IncludeRetentionFolders | Specifies whether Enterprise Vault should update retention folders. Use with -DisableArchivingOnFolder and -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders to disable File System Archiving on the specified folder or subfolder. |
-Confirm | Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. You can use this to suppress the confirmation prompt that appears when this cmdlet is run for a folder on a Celerra/VNX file server. To suppress the prompt, type -Confirm:$false. |
-WhatIf | Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not actually run. |
Set-EVFSAFolder \\abc volume1 folder1 -Policy 'office files'
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServer \\abc -Volume volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 -Policy 'office files'
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServerName \\abc -VolumeName volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 -Policy 'office files'
Set-EVFSAFolder -Identifier \\abc\volume1\folder1 -Policy 'office files'
Set-EVFSAFolder -FolderPath \\abc\volume1\folder1 -Policy 'office files'
Applies the 'office files' folder policy to the folder 'folder1' on the file server volume 'volume1' that is configured on the file server with the UNC name '\\abc'.
Set-EVFSAFolder '123...example.com' '456...example.com' folder1 -Policy '789...example.com' -DisableArchivingOnFolder -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders -IgnoreVolumeRules
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServer '123...example.com' -Volume '456...example.com' -FolderRelativePath folder1 -Policy '789...example.com' -DisableArchivingOnFolder -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders - IgnoreVolumeRules
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServerId '123...example.com' -VolumeId '456...example.com' -FolderRelativePath folder1 -PolicyId '789...example.com' -DisableArchivingOnFolder -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders -IgnoreVolumeRules
Applies the folder policy with entry ID '789...example.com' to the folder 'folder1' on the file server volume with the entry ID '456...example.com' that is configured on the file server with the entry ID '123...example.com'. This command also disables archiving on the specified folder and its subfolders, and ignores volume policy rules when it archives the folder.
Set-EVFSAFolder abc.example.com volume1 folder1 - UseVolumepolicy
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServer abc.example.com -Volume volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 - UseVolumepolicy
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServerDNSName abc.example.com -VolumeName volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 - UseVolumepolicy
Set-EVFSAFolder -FolderPath \\abc.example.com\volume1\folder1 -UseVolumepolicy
Applies the volume policy on the folder 'folder1' on the file server volume 'volume1' that is configured on the file server with the fully-qualified domain name 'abc.example.com'.
Set-EVFSAFolder -FsaFolder $obj -UseVolumepolicy
Applies the volume policy on the folder that is identified by using the input FsaFolder object.
To create the FsaFolder object, run the following command: $obj = Get-EVFSAFolder -Identifier \\abc.example.com\volume1\folder1
Get-EVFSAFolder - Identifier \\abc.example.com\volume1\folder1 | Set-EVFSAFolder -UseVolumepolicy
Pipes the FsaFolder object that is obtained from the Get-EVFSAFolder cmdlet to the Set-EVFSAFolder cmdlet and applies the volume policy on the folder.
Set-EVFSAFolder abc.example.com volume1 folder1 -IncludeRetentionFolders -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServer abc.example.com -Volume volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 -IncludeRetentionFolders -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders
Set-EVFSAFolder -FileServerDNSName abc.example.com -VolumeName volume1 -FolderRelativePath folder1 -IncludeRetentionFolders -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders
Set-EVFSAFolder -FolderPath \\abc.example.com\volume1\folder1 -IncludeRetentionFolders -DisableArchivingOnSubFolders
Disables archiving on subfolders of the retention folder 'folder1' on the file server volume 'volume1' that is configured on the file server with the fully-qualified domain name 'abc.example.com'.
The Set-EVFSAFolder properties that are available are listed in the following table:
Table: Set-EVFSAFolder properties
Name | Type | Description |
FolderPath |
String |
The full path of the folder that is enabled for File System Archiving. The path is in the format \\file server name\volume name\folder relative path. |
FolderName | String | The relative path of the folder. |
IsRetentionFolder | Boolean | Specifies whether the folder is a retention folder. |
FolderPolicyName | String | The name of the folder policy that Enterprise Vault uses to archive items from the folder. |
VolumePolicyName | String | The name of the volume policy that Enterprise Vault uses to archive items from the volume. |
IgnoreVolumeRules | String | Specifies that Enterprise Vault should ignore volume policy rules when it archives items from the folder. |
ArchivingEnabledOnFolder | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled on the folder. |
ArchivingEnabledOnSubfolders | Boolean | Specifies whether File System Archiving is enabled on the subfolders of the folder. |
FileServerName | String | The fully-qualified DNS name of the file server that hosts the folder. |
FileServerId | String | The ID of the file server that hosts the folder. |
VolumeName | String | The name of the volume that hosts the folder. |
VolumeId | String | The ID of the volume that hosts the folder. |
FolderId | String | The ID of the folder. |
FolderPolicyId | String | The ID of the folder policy that Enterprise Vault uses to archive items from the folder. |
VolumePolicyId | String | The ID of the volume policy that Enterprise Vault uses to archive items from the volume. |
See Get-EVSite.
See Get-EVFSAFolder.
See New-EVFSAFolder.
See Remove-EVFSAFolder.