Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
This cmdlet is only for use with the classification feature that was introduced in Enterprise Vault 12. This feature uses the Microsoft File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) to classify archived content. The cmdlet is not designed for use with the later, Veritas Information Classifier method of classification.
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules exports all the Enterprise Vault classification properties and rules from a nominated server to an XML file in the specified location. Enterprise Vault then uses this file to import the classification properties and rules into the target servers. Before the cmdlet does this, it clears any existing properties and rules from those servers.
This cmdlet performs a similar function to the Import-EVClassificationFCIRules cmdlet. However, Import-EVClassificationFCIRules does not create the XML file that Enterprise Vault subsequently imports into the target servers; the cmdlet uses an existing XML file to perform the import part of the operation only.
Note the following:
You can run the cmdlet on a different server from the server on which you have configured the classification properties and rules.
To run this cmdlet, you must have the system administrator role on both the server where you run the cmdlet and on all the target servers.
You must install the Microsoft Data Classification Toolkit on the computer where you run this cmdlet. You can download the toolkit from the following webpage:
If you do not run the cmdlet on an Enterprise Vault server, you must specify either the -SiteId or -Servers parameter. If you run the cmdlet on an Enterprise Vault server and omit these parameters, the cmdlet uses the site of the current server to publish to all the other Enterprise Vault servers in the site.
In a cluster configuration (either Windows Server Failover Clustering or Veritas Cluster Server), if you publish the classification properties and rules to one cluster node then all the other nodes are also updated. So, after a failover to another node, classification continues with the same rules as before.
In an Enterprise Vault building blocks environment, this cmdlet imports only to servers that are currently hosting Enterprise Vault tasks and services.
This cmdlet stops the Enterprise Vault Storage service on each target server and then, after it has imported the classification properties and rules, restarts the service.
Other methods for publishing the classification properties and rules do not automatically stop and then restart the Storage service, and this can lead to classification errors. For example, this is the case if you use the PowerShell cmdlets that come with the Microsoft Data Classification Toolkit. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules (or Import-EVClassificationFCIRules) to publish the classification properties and rules.
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.Snapin.dll
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules [-StagingServer <String>] [-ExportRulesFile <String>] [-SiteId <String>] [-Servers <String>] [-TimeoutSecs <Integer>] [-Confirm <Boolean>]
Table: Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules parameters
Parameter | Description |
-StagingServer (required) | Specifies the name of the server on which you have configured the classification properties and rules and from which you now want to export them. |
-ExportRulesFile (required) | Specifies the path to a file to which the cmdlet exports the classification properties and rules, before importing them into the target servers. The cmdlet creates the file locally, so you must specify a local path such as |
-SiteId | Identifies the Enterprise Vault site to which you want to publish the classification properties and rules. If you set this parameter, you cannot set the -Servers parameter as well. |
-Servers | Nominates the servers that will receive the set of classification properties and rules. Type the NETBIOS name, IP address, or fully-qualified domain name of one or more servers in a comma-separated list. To specify the local computer, type the computer name "localhost". If you set this parameter, you cannot set the -SiteId parameter as well. |
-TimeoutSecs | Sets the timeout value in seconds when stopping or starting the Enterprise Vault Storage service on each of the target servers. The default is 300 seconds. Note: If the cmdlet fails to restart a service within the specified period, check the state of the classification rules and Storage services on the failed servers. A server can be left without classification rules if the cmdlet clears the existing rules without also importing the new ones. |
-Confirm | When set to $true (the default value), causes the cmdlet to prompt you for confirmation before it publishes the classification data. Set to $false to suppress the prompts. |
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules -StagingServer SERVERXYZ -ExportRulesFile c:\Data\RulesFile.xml
Exports the classification properties and rules from server SERVERXYZ to the specified local file. The cmdlet then publishes the properties and rules to all the Enterprise Vault servers that are in the current site (that is, the same site as the server on which you run the cmdlet).
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules -StagingServer SERVERXYZ -ExportRulesPath c:\Data\RulesFile.xml -SiteId 13E...EV.example.com
Publishes the exported classification properties and rules to all the Enterprise Vault servers that are in the specified site.
Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules -StagingServer SERVERXYZ -ExportRulesPath c:\Data\RulesFile.xml -Servers SERVER1,SERVER2.ABC.DEF.COM
Publishes the exported classification properties and rules to the specified servers.
This cmdlet returns objects of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.Commands.ServerInfo, which has the following default properties.
Table: Publish-EVClassificationFCIRules properties
Name | Type | Description |
ServerName | String | The name of the Enterprise Vault server. |
ServerFQDN | String | The fully qualified domain name of the Enterprise Vault server. |
Result | String | The publish result (Succeeded/Failed/DuplicateServer). |
ErrorMessage | String | The error reason, if the import to the server was not successful. |