Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
- Backup
- Classification
- Databases
- IMAP access
- Indexing
- Records management
- Reports
- Retention plans
- Roles-based administration
- Sites and servers
- Tasks and services
- Vault stores and archives
About the imported Boolean value while using the Import-Csv cmdlet
Specific PowerShell cmdlets support inputs from the pipeline (including inputs from a CSV file).
Due to a known limitation of the Import-Csv cmdlet, if you use the Import-Csv cmdlet with pipelining, the Boolean values do not get pipelined and are specified as $false. To resolve this issue, after you import the string value, convert it to a Boolean before piping it to the next cmdlet in the pipeline.
Following is an example of pipelining the inputs from a CSV file and sending those to the New-EVArchive cmdlet:
Import-Csv C:\a.csv | ForEach-Object {
$_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object Name -ceq 'CreateAttachmentPreview' | ForEach-Object {
$_.Value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.Value -replace '\$')
} | New-EVArchive | Format-Table ArchiveName,CreateAttachmentPreview
The Boolean values supported by the above-referenced script are FALSE, TRUE, False, True, false, true, $false, and $true.