Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
- Archiving: Exchange
- Archiving: FSA
- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
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- Vault stores and archives
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy sets or updates the properties of an existing Exchange mailbox policy.
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
Several parameters use enumeration values. For details of the Exchange Mailbox policy enumerations, type get-help about_ExchMbxPolicyEnumerations.
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -Name <String> [-ArchivingStrategy <ArchivingStrategyEnum>] [-LockArchivingStrategy <Boolean>] [-ArchiveItemsOlderThan <Integer>] [-ArchiveItemsOlderThanUnits <AgeUnitsEnum>] [-PercentageOfQuota <Integer>] [-MinimumArchiveAge <Integer>] [-MinimumArchiveAgeUnits <AgeUnitsEnum>] [-SizePriority <Boolean>] [-MinimumItemSizeKB <Integer>] [-ArchiveMsgsWithAttachmentsOnly <Boolean>] [-ShortcutInactivityPeriod <Integer>] [-ShortcutInactivityUnits <AgeUnitsEnum>] [-DeleteAfterArchive <Boolean>] [-LockDeleteAfterArchive <Boolean>] [-CreateShortcutAfterArchive <Boolean>] [-LockCreateShortcutAfterArchive <Boolean>] [-ArchiveUnreadItems <Boolean>] [-LockArchiveUnreadItems <Boolean>] [-OverallLock <Boolean>] [-IncludeRecipientInformation <Boolean>] [-ContentOfShortcutBody <ShortcutBodyContent Enum>] [-IncludeBanner <Boolean>] [-IncludeLinkToArchivedItem <Boolean>] [-MessageCharsToInclude <Integer>] [-DisplayAttachmentsAs <AttachmentsDisplay Enum>] [-IndexLevel <IndexingLevelEnum>] [-IndexPreviewLength <Integer>] [-CreateAttachmentPreview <Boolean>] [-IsADefaultPolicy <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-SiteId <String>] [-EntryId <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy parameters
Parameter | Description |
-Name (required) | The name of the existing Exchange mailbox policy. |
-ArchivingStrategy | The archiving strategy for the Exchange mailbox policy. The enumeration values are as follows:
-LockArchivingStrategy | Whether to prevent users from changing the archiving strategy in Outlook for this policy. The default is $true. |
-ArchiveItemsOlderThan | The Exchange mailbox tasks archive items that have not been modified for the length of time that you specify. |
-ArchiveItemsOlderThanUnits | The unit of time to use with ArchiveItemsOlderThan. The enumeration values are as follows:
-PercentageOfQuota | If you implement a quota based archiving strategy, this specifies the percentage of each user's Exchange mailbox storage limit that is to be kept free. The Exchange mailbox tasks archive items until each mailbox has this percentage of the mailbox storage limit free. The default value is 10. |
-MinimumArchiveAge | The minimum age of items that are archived. The default value is 2. |
-MinimumArchiveAgeUnits | The units of time to use with MinimumArchiveAge. The enumeration values are as follows:
-SizePriority | Whether the Exchange mailbox tasks give priority to items that are larger than MinimumItemSizeKB. The default is $false. |
-MinimumItemSizeKB | The Exchange mailbox tasks give priority to items that are larger than this size in KB. The default size is 10240. |
-ArchiveMsgsWithAttachmentsOnly | Whether a mailbox item is archived only if it has an attachment. The default is $false. |
-ShortcutInactivityPeriod | Delete shortcuts that are older than the age specified. The default is 0. |
-ShortcutInactivityUnits | The units of time to use with ShortcutInactivityPeriod. The enumeration values are as follows:
-DeleteAfterArchive | Whether Enterprise Vault deletes items from mailboxes when the items have been successfully stored in an archive. The default is $true. |
-LockDeleteAfterArchive | Whether users are prevented from changing the DeleteAfterArchive setting in their personal settings. The default is $true. |
-CreateShortcutAfterArchive | Whether Enterprise Vault creates a shortcut for newly-archived items. The default is $true. |
-LockCreateShortcutAfterArchive | Whether users are prevented from changing the CreateShortcutAfterArchive setting in their personal settings. The default is $true. |
-ArchiveUnreadItems | Whether Enterprise Vault archives items that have not yet been read. |
-LockArchiveUnreadItems | Whether users are prevented from changing the ArchiveUnreadItems setting in their personal settings. The default is $true. |
-OverallLock | Prevents users from changing the following settings: DeleteAfterArchive, CreateShortcutAfterArchive, ArchiveUnreadItems, and ArchivingStrategy. Specifying a value of $true (the default) forces users to use policy and target settings for mailbox archiving. |
-IncludeRecipientInformation | Whether to include details of To and Cc recipients in shortcuts. Shortcuts always contain the From and Subject information. The default is $true. |
-ContentOfShortcutBody | What to use as the shortcut body. The enumeration values are as follows:
The default value is Customize. |
-IncludeBanner | For customized shortcuts, specifies whether the shortcut contains a
colored banner at the top. You can modify the text that appears in the
banner by editing the |
-IncludeLinkToArchivedItem | For customized shortcuts, specifies whether you have selected to make shortcuts contain links to the archived items. The default is $false. |
MessageCharsToInclude | For customized shortcuts, specifies how many characters of the message body section to include in the shortcut. The default value is 1000. |
-DisplayAttachmentsAs | For customized shortcuts, the type of attachment list that you want Enterprise Vault to include in shortcuts. The enumeration values are as follows:
The default value is None. |
-IndexLevel | The indexing level to assign to the archive index. The enumeration values are as follows:
The default value is Full. |
-IndexPreviewLength | The amount of text that Enterprise Vault shows for each item in search results. The default value is 128. |
-CreateAttachmentPreview | Whether Enterprise Vault creates previews of attachment content. Note that these previews cannot be viewed in this release of Enterprise Vault. The default is $false. |
-IsADefaultPolicy | Whether the policy is the default policy. The default is $false. |
-Description | Description of the Exchange mailbox policy. The description can contain up to 127 alphanumeric, space, or special characters. |
-SiteId | The directory entry ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the policy is configured. |
-EntryId | The directory entry ID of the policy. |
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -Name "Default Exchange Mailbox Policy" -DisplayAttachmentsAs LINKS
Sets properties in the policy called Default Exchange Mailbox Policy. It is assumed that the default Exchange mailbox policy is already configured to use customized shortcuts.
This example sets the DisplayAttachmentsAs property to include a list of links to attachments in the customized shortcuts.
Set-EVExchangeMailboxPolicy -Name "Default Exchange Mailbox Policy" -ArchivingStrategy BASEDONAGE -ArchiveItemsOlderThan 3 -ArchiveItemsOlderThanUnits YEARS MinimumArchiveAge 2 MinimumArchiveAgeUnits MONTHS SizePriority $true MinimumItemSizeKB 5000
Changes archiving strategy properties in the policy called Default Exchange Mailbox Policy. The archiving strategy is changed so that it is now based on age. Items that are larger than 5 MB (SizePriority/MinimumItemSizeKB ) and older than 2 months (MinimumArchiveAge/MinimumArchiveAgeUnits) are archived first. The three year age limit (ArchiveItemsOlderThan and ArchiveItemsOlderThanUnits) does not apply to these large items. MinimumArchiveAge and MinimumArchiveAgeUnits prevent Enterprise Vault from archiving of any items that are younger than two months.
To make the new strategy effective, synchronize the target mailboxes using the Synchronization tab in the Exchange Mailbox task properties.