Enterprise Vault™ PowerShell Cmdlets
- Introducing the Enterprise Vault PowerShell cmdlets
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- Archiving: Skype for Business
- Archiving: SMTP
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Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation configures an index snapshot location with the specified path on the specified Enterprise Vault index server in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation [-EVServerName <String>] -SnapshotLocationPath <String> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SiteId <String> [-EVServerName <String>] -SnapshotLocationPath <String> [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation configures an index snapshot location with the specified path on the specified Enterprise Vault index server in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation configures an index snapshot location with the specified path on all Enterprise Vault index servers in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
This command will also deactivate the existing active index snapshot location for the Enterprise Vault index server(s). As a result, the existing index snapshot repositories associated with the previous index snapshot location will not be used for creating snapshots of indexing data. The new index snapshot location will take effect after restarting the Enterprise Vault Indexing service on the Enterprise Vault index server(s), and a new index snapshot repository will be created for the newly configured index snapshot location. The next immediate snapshot of indexing data will be a full snapshot.
Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation is provided by Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
, which the Enterprise Vault Management Shell loads.
Table: Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which you want to configure an index snapshot location with the specified path on each Enterprise Vault index server. If you omit this parameter, Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation retrieves the SiteId from the Enterprise Vault index server specified as EVServerName parameter; otherwise, it uses the ID of the site of the Enterprise Vault index server where the command is running. You can use the Get-EVSite command to obtain the SiteId. |
-EVServerName | The name of the Enterprise Vault index server for which you want to configure an index snapshot location with the specified path. If you omit this parameter, Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation uses the host name of the Enterprise Vault index server where the command is running. You can use the Get-EVComputers command to obtain the Enterprise Vault index server name. |
-SnapshotLocationPath | The path of the directory you want to configure for taking snapshots of the indexing data. The directory path could be either locally present on the Enterprise Vault index server or preferably on a network file share. The Enterprise Vault Service account should have read and write permissions on this location. This location should not be a root directory. Note: The path of a mapped network drive is not supported because Elasticsearch does not allow it. |
-Confirm | You can use the Confirm switch to suppress the confirmation prompt that may appear during the execution of this cmdlet. To suppress the confirmation prompt, use the syntax -Confirm:$False. You must include a colon ( : ) in the syntax. |
-WhatIf | The WhatIf switch instructs the command to simulate the actions that it would take on the object. By using the WhatIf switch, you can preview the changes that would occur without applying any of those changes. You do not need to specify a value with the WhatIf switch. |
C:\PS> Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SnapshotLocationPath "C:\Location1"
Configures "C:\Location1" as an index snapshot location for the current Enterprise Vault index server on which this command is executed.
C:\PS> Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SnapshotLocationPath "\\Share1\Directory1" -ServerName SMTPEV2.domain.local
Configures "\\Share1\Directory1" as an index snapshot location for the Enterprise Vault index server 'SMTPEV2.domain.local'.
C:\PS> Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SnapshotLocationPath "\\Share1\Directory2" -ServerName SMTPEV2.domain.local
Configures "\\Share1\Directory2" as an index snapshot location for the Enterprise Vault index server 'SMTPEV2.domain.local'. It also deactivates the existing active index snapshot location "\\Share1\Directory1" for the Enterprise Vault index server 'SMTPEV2.domain.local'. As a result, the existing index snapshot repositories associated with the previous index snapshot location will not be used to create the indexing data. The new index snapshot location will take effect after restarting the Enterprise Vault Indexing service on the Enterprise Vault index server 'SMTPEV2.domain.local' and a new index snapshot repository will be created for the newly configured index snapshot location. The next immediate snapshot of indexing data will be a full snapshot.
C:\PS> Get-EVComputers | Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SnapshotLocationPath "\\Share1\Directory3"
Configures "\\Share1\Directory3" as an index snapshot location for all the Enterprise Vault index servers returned by Get-EVComputers command.
C:\PS> Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SiteId 143D204F2CD9C674AAE40FB8058B96A351d10000SMTPEV2 -SnapshotLocationPath "\\Share1\Directory4"
Configures "\\Share1\Directory4" as an index snapshot location for all the Enterprise Vault index servers in specified Enterprise Vault site.
C:\PS> Get-EVSite | Set-EVIndexSnapshotLocation -SnapshotLocationPath "\\Share1\Directory5"
Configures "\\Share1\Directory5" as an index snapshot location or all the Enterprise Vault index servers in the Enterprise Vault site returned by Get-EVSite command.
This command returns the object(s) of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.IndexSnapshotLocation which is composed of the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the index snapshot location is configured. |
SiteNameOrId | String | The name or ID of the Enterprise Vault site in which the index snapshot location is configured. |
EVServerEntryId | String | The ID of the Enterprise Vault index server in which the index snapshot location is configured. |
EVServerName | String | The name of Enterprise Vault index server in which the index snapshot location is configured. |
Path | String | The path configured for the index snapshot location where the index snapshot repositories are created, and the indexing data snapshots are stored. |
BackupMode | Boolean | Indicates whether the index snapshot location is in the backup mode or not. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates whether the index snapshot location is active or not. |
LocationIdentity | Number | The identity number of the index snapshot location. |