NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbsqladm — configure SQL Server instances for a SQL Server Intelligent backup policy
[-S master_server] -list_instances [instance_name] [-host name] [-active | -inactive] [-registered | -unregistered]
[-S master_server] -add_instance instance_name -host name [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-force]
[-S master_server] -register_instance instance_name [-host name] [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-force]
[-S master_server] -delete_instance instance_name [-host name]
[-S master_server] -modify_instance instance_name -host name [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-active | -inactive] [-force]
[-S master_server] -remove_from_instance_group instance_name [-instance_group name] [-host name]
[-S master_server] -initiate_availability_group_browse instance_name -host name
[-S master_server] -initiate_discovery
[-S master_server] -list_instance_groups [instance_group_name]
[-S master_server] -add_instance_group instance_group_name [-local_credentials | -user name -domain name]
[-S master_server] -delete_instance_group name
[-S master_server] -modify_instance_group name [-new_instance_group name] [[-local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-validate]]
[-S master_server] -list_availability_groups [-ag_name name] [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
[-S master_server] -add_availability_group -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID} [-instance instance_name -host name]
[-S master_server] -delete_availability_group -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID}
[-S master_server] -list_replicas -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID}
[-S master_server] -add_replica -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID} -instance instance_name -host name [-force]
[-S master_server] -delete_replica -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID} -instance instance_name -host name
[-S master_server] -list_dbas
[-S master_server] -add_dba host_nameuser_name
[-S master_server] -delete_dba host_nameuser_name
[-S master_server] -auto_registration instance_group_name
[-S master_server] -disable_auto_registration
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The nbsqladm command configures SQL Server instances, instance groups, and availability groups for use with a SQL Server Intelligent Policy. Supported availability groups include basic, advanced, and read-scale. You can also use this command on the master server to authorize DBAs to use the nbsqladm on a specific host.
You can disable or enable the nbsqladm command with the ENABLE_NBSQLADM option in the bp.conf
file or in the registry. This command is enabled by default. To disable the command, use ENABLE_NBSQLADM=0.
- -add_availability_group -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID} -instance instance_name -host name
Add an availability group to the NetBackup catalog. You can add only the availability group and at a later point add the instances. This way you can build the availability group topology more quickly. For advanced and basic availability groups provide the -cluster cluster_name, which is the name of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. For read-scale availability groups provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
To add the full AG topology including the instances, use the -instance instance_name -host name option.
- -add_dba host_name user_name
Authorizes the specified DBA (user_name) to use the nbsqladm command on a specific host (host_name). Can only be used on the master server.
If you have multiple NICs, provide the private interface name of the SQL Server host.
For a SQL Server cluster, authorize the DBA for each node in the cluster. (Do not authorize a DBA using the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.) For the -host name provide one of the node names in the SQL Server cluster.
For a SQL Server cluster with multiple NICs, authorize the DBA using the private interface name for each of the nodes in the SQL Server cluster.
- -add_instance instance_name -host name [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-force]
Add an instance to the NetBackup catalog. After you add an availability group instance, use the -add_replica option.
- -add_instance_group instance_group_name [-local_credentials | -user name -domain name]
Add an instance group to the NetBackup catalog. You can add credentials to the instance group with the -local_credentials or the -user name -domain name option.
- -auto_registration instance_group_name
Enables the automatic registration for the named instance group. Newly discovered instances are automatically registered with the group credentials and added to the instance group. If you want any instances that were previously discovered to be included in the instance group, you must add those instances manually. Only one instance group can be enabled for automatic registration.
- -add_replica -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID} -instance instance_name -host name [-force]
Add a replica of an availability group to the NetBackup catalog. Use this option after you add the availability group instance. For advanced and basic availability groups provide the -cluster cluster_name, which is the name of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. For read-scale availability groups provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -delete_dba host_name user_name
Removes the authorization to use the nbsqladm command for the specified host (host_name) and DBA (user_name). Can only be used on the master server.
If you have multiple NICs, provide the private interface name of the SQL Server host.
For a SQL Server cluster, remove authorization for the DBA for each node in the cluster. (You cannot remove authorization for a DBA using the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.) For the -host_name provide one of the node names in the SQL Server cluster.
For a SQL Server cluster with multiple NICs, remove authorization using the private interface name for each of the nodes in the SQL Server cluster.
- -delete_availability_group -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID}
Delete an availability group from the NetBackup catalog. For advanced and basic availability groups provide the -cluster cluster_name, which is the name of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. For read-scale availability groups provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -delete_instance instance_name [-host name]
Delete an instance from the NetBackup catalog.
- -delete_instance_group name
Delete an instance group.
- -delete_replica -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID}
Delete a replica of an availability group from the NetBackup catalog. For advanced and basic availability groups provide the -cluster cluster_name, which is the name of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. For read-scale availability groups provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -disable_auto_registration
Disables the automatic registration so that newly discovered instances are not automatically registered and added to an instance group.
- -force
Forces NetBackup to register the instance or the replica instance and skip the validation of the instance credentials. NetBackup for SQL Server cannot protect any instances that are not registered or that have invalid credentials.
- -host name
Specifies the name of the host where the SQL Server database resides.
If you have multiple NICs, provide the private interface name of the SQL Server host. For a SQL Server cluster, for the host name provide the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster. For a SQL Server cluster with multiple NICs, provide the private virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.
- -instance instance_name
Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance.
- -instance_group name
Specifies the name of the instance group to which you want to add or remove an instance.
Or indicates that the instance group you want to use to register an instance. Alternatively, you can register an instance with instance group credentials or specific credentials. Also see the -local_credentials and -user name -domain name options.
The credentials must have certain security privileges. See the NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator's Guide.
- -initiate_availability_group_browse instance_name -host name
Initiates discovery of a read-scale availability group. Any availability groups associated with the instance_name and host are discovered.
- -initiate_discovery
Start the discovery process to discover any SQL Server instances that were added to your environment since the last discovery.
- -list_availability_groups [-ag_name name] [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
List the SQL Server availability groups in the NetBackup catalog. To list an availability group with a specific name, use -ag_name name. To list an advanced or a basic availability group that is part of a specific Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, use -cluster cluster_name. To list read-scale availability groups, use the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -list_dbas
Display a list of all database administrators (DBAs) able to use nbsqladm. Can only be used on the master server.
- -list_instances [instance_name] [-host name] [-active | -inactive] [-registered | -unregistered]
List all SQL Server instances in the NetBackup catalog.
Use instance_name or -host name to list a specific instance. Use -registered or -unregistered to list the registered or unregistered SQL Server instances. The options -active and -inactive to display the instances that are active for NetBackup (available for backup) and the inactive instances.
- -list_instance_groups [instance_group_name]
List the SQL Server instance groups that exist. Use instance_group_name to list a specific instance group.
- -list_replicas -ag_name name {-cluster cluster_name | -ag_id availability_group_ID}
List all availability group replicas in the NetBackup catalog. The -ag_name name option indicates the availability group. To list replicas in an advanced or a basic availability group that is part of a specific Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, use -cluster cluster_name. For read-scale availability groups, use -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -local_credentials
Indicates that you want to register an instance with the credentials that were used to install NetBackup. Alternatively, you can register an instance with instance group credentials or specific credentials. See the -instance_group name and -user name -domain name options.
The credentials must have certain security privileges. See the NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator's Guide.
When it is used with the -validate option to modify an instance group you can also validate the credentials for each instance in the group.
- -modify_instance instance_name -host name [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-active | -inactive] [-force]
Change the attributes of the specified instance.
Use -active to make an instance that you deactivated in NetBackup available for backup. Or you can make an instance inactive in NetBackup with -inactive. For example, if the instance is under maintenance.
The options -new_instance and -new_host are deprecated. To change an instance or a host name, delete the instance and use the -add_instance option to add the instance again.
- -modify_instance_group [-new_instance_group name] [[-local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-validate]]
Change the attributes of the specified instance group.
-new_instance_group name changes the name of the instance group. Use -local_credentials or -user name -domain name to add or change the credentials for the instance group. The -validate option validates the group credentials for each instance in the instance group. This option is used with -local_credentials or -user name -domain name.
- -register_instance instance_name [-instance_group name | -local_credentials | -user name -domain name] [-force]
Register credentials for an instance. See the description for -instance_group name, -local_credentials, and -user name -domain name.
For a SQL Server cluster or multiple NICs, before you register an instance ensure that the instance was added with the correct host name. If you have multiple NICs, the host name is the private interface name of the SQL Server host. A SQL Server cluster requires only one entry in instance management; the host name is the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster. For a SQL Server cluster with multiple NICs, the host name is the private virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.
- -remove_from_instance_group instance_name [-instance_group name] [-host name]
Remove an instance from an instance group.
- -S master_server
Specifies the master server for the instance or the instance group that you want to add, change, or delete. Or use to indicate the master server on which you want to perform a specific command.
- -user name -domain name
Indicates that you want to register an instance with the specific credentials that you provide. Alternatively, you can register an instance with instance group credentials or local credentials. See the -instance_group name and -local_credentials options.
The credentials must have certain security privileges. See the NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator's Guide.
When it is used with the -validate option to modify an instance group you can also validate the credentials for each instance in the group.
Example 1 - Add local credentials to the instance group marketing without validating the credentials.
nbsqladm -modify_instance_group marketing -local_credentials
Example 2 - Add credentials for the user adminuser in the domain corp to the instance group marketing. Also validate the credentials for each instance in the group.
nbsqladm -modify_instance_group marketing -user adminuser -domain corp -validate