NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpplclients — administer clients within NetBackup policies
policy_name | [[-allunique | -allunique_hw_os] [-pt policy_type]] [-L | -l | -U | -noheader] [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-include_discovered]
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] -add host_name hardware_os [-priority priority]
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] -delete host_name ...
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] -modify host_name [-hardware hardware] [-os os] [-priority priority]
policy_name -rename old_client_name new_client_name [-os os] [-priority priority] [-hardware hardware] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"]
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] {-add_rac_database db_unique_namedbid } | {-delete_rac_database db_unique_namedbid} {-add_rac_pdb db_unique_namedbidpluggable_database_name} | {-delete_rac_pdb db_unique_namedbidpluggable_database_name}
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] {-add_availability_group -ag_name availability_group_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_idavailability_group_ID]} | {-delete_availability_group -ag_name availability_group_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]}
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] {-add_availability_group_database -ag_name availability_group_name -database database_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]} | {-delete_availability_group_database -ag_name availability_group_name -database database_name [-ag_id availability_group_ID] [-cluster cluster_name]}
[-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] -add_instance instance_namehost_name | -delete_instance {instance_namehost_name [instance_name2host_name2] [...]}
policy_name [-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] {-add_instance_database instance_name database_name host_name} | {-add_instance_pdb instance_name pluggable_database_name host_name} | {-delete_instance_database instance_name database_name host_name} | {-delete_instance_pdb instance_name pluggable_database_name host_name}
[-M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-reason "string"] -add_instance_group instance_group_name | -delete_instance_group instance_group_name ...
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpplclients does one of the following:
Produces a listing of clients.
Adds a new client to a policy.
Deletes a list of clients from a policy.
Modifies an existing client in a policy.
Adds a SQL Server object to a SQL Server Intelligent policy: instance, instance group, a specific database in an instance, availability group, or availability database.
Deletes a SQL Server object from a SQL Server Intelligent policy: instance, instance group, a specific database in an instance, availability group, or availability database.
Adds an Oracle object to an Oracle Intelligent Policy: instance, instance group, a specific pluggable database in an instance, or RAC database.
Deletes an Oracle object from an Oracle Intelligent Policy: instance, instance group, a specific pluggable database in an instance, or RAC database.
For the -add, -delete, and -modify options, bpplclients returns to the system prompt immediately after it submits the client change request to NetBackup. To determine whether the change was successful, run bpplclients again to list the updated client information.
When the listing option is used, the list is ordered alphabetically by client name. Each client entry is on a single line, with a single entry for each client.
Authorized users can initiate this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies.
If the user modifies the policy, they must make sure that the policy continues to meet the service level objective as defined by the protection plan.
If the user deletes the policy, they must make sure that the asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.
bpplclients consists of two forms. The bpplclients form that you use determines the options that you use with bpplclients.
The first form of bpplclients has no options and produces a listing of information about the clients for all policies. For SQL Server Intelligent policies, bpplclients produces a list of the instance groups or the instances and databases for all policies. If you have other policy types, it is best to use bpplclients policy_name to display the backup selections for an MS-SQL-Server policy.
The second form of bpplclients produces a listing of information about the clients for a single policy or for all policies. The following options apply to this form:
- -add_availability_group -ag_name availability_group_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
This option applies to SQL Server Intelligent Policies. Adds an availability group to the policy.
In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 3 (AVAILABILITY_GROUP). For advanced and basic availability groups, provide the -cluster cluster_name. For read-scale availability groups, provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID. You can add availability groups and availability databases to the same policy. You cannot add instance groups, instances, or standalone databases to a policy that contains availability groups or availability databases.
- -add_availability_group_database -ag_name availability_group_name -database database_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
This option applies to SQL Server intelligent policies. Adds a specific availability database to the policy.
In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 3 (AVAILABILITY_GROUP). For advanced and basic availability groups, provide the -cluster cluster_name. For read-scale availability groups, provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID. You can add availability groups and availability databases to the same policy. You cannot add instance groups, instances, or standalone databases to a policy that contains availability groups or availability databases.
- -add_rac_database db_unique_name dbid
This option applies to Oracle Intelligent Policies. Adds a RAC database to the policy. In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 4 (RAC DATABASE).
- -add host_name hardware os [priority]
Adds a client to the policy. If the local system has defined the maximum number of clients already, an error is returned. The maximum number of clients is unlimited (the installation default) for NetBackup Enterprise Server and 4 for NetBackup Server. Specify the host name, hardware type, and operating system. The priority option is not implemented at this time.
To back up a Nutanix Acropolis Cluster, you must add the display name of the virtual machine. The display name of a virtual machine is case-sensitive and it must not include a space.
For the NAS-Data-Protection policy, the clients are the NAS storage arrays or filers. You can add a NetApp filer as client entry in this policy in the form of cluster@StorageVirtualMachine and for Nutanix in the form of NutanixFileServer@NAS-Array-Asset.
- -add_instance_database instance_namedatabase_namehost_name
This option applies to SQL Server intelligent policies. Adds a specific database in an instance to the policy.
In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 1 (INSTANCE). You can add instances and databases to the same policy. You cannot add instances groups, availability groups, or availability databases to a policy that contains instances or standalone databases.
- -add_instance_pdb instance_name pluggable_database_name host_name
This option applies to Oracle Intelligent Policies. Adds a specific pluggable database in an instance to the policy.
- -add_instance instance_namehost_name
This option applies to SQL Server and Oracle Intelligent Policies. Adds an instance to the policy.
In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 1 (INSTANCE). You can add instances and databases to the same policy. You cannot add instances groups, availability groups, or availability databases to a policy that contains instances or standalone databases.
- -add_instance_group instance_group_name
This option applies to SQL Server and Oracle Intelligent Policies. Adds an instance group to the policy.
In the policy attributes (bpplinfo), -client_list_type must be set to 2 (INSTANCE_GROUP). You cannot add instances, standalone databases, availability groups or availability databases to a policy that contains or instances groups.
- -delete_availability_group -ag_name availability_group_name [-clustercluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
This option applies to SQL Server intelligent policies. Deletes an availability group from the policy. For advanced and basic availability groups, provide the -cluster cluster_name. For read-scale availability groups, provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -delete_availability_group_database -ag_name availability_group_name -database database_name [-cluster cluster_name] [-ag_id availability_group_ID]
This option applies to SQL Server intelligent policies. Deletes an availability database from the policy. For advanced and basic availability groups, provide the -cluster cluster_name. For read-scale availability groups, provide the -ag_id availability_group_ID.
- -delete_rac_db db_unique_name dbid
This option applies to Oracle Intelligent Policies. Deletes a RAC database from the policy.
- -delete host_name ...
Deletes one or more clients from the policy. Up to 20 clients can be deleted at a time. Specify the clients as a space-delimited list of host names.
- -delete_instance {instance_namehost_name [instance_name2host_name2] [...]}
This option applies to SQL Server and Oracle Intelligent Policies. Deletes an instance from the policy. Up to 20 instances can be deleted at a time. Group instances and host names in a space-delimited list.
- -delete_instance_database {instance_name1database_name1host_name1 [instance_name2database_name2host_name2] [...]}
This option applies to SQL Server intelligent policies. Deletes a database in an instance from the policy. Up to 20 databases can be deleted at a time. Group database names, instance names, and host names in a space-delimited list.
- -delete_instance_pdb instance_name pluggable_database_name host_name
This option applies to Oracle Intelligent Policies. Deletes a pluggable database in an instance from a policy.
- -delete_instance_group instance_group_name ...
This option applies to SQL Server and Oracle Intelligent Policies. Deletes an instance group from the policy. Up to 20 instance groups be deleted at a time. Specify the names in a space-delimited list.
- -generation generation
Ensures that the command acts on a specific generation or version of a policy. The generation value increments each time a policy is saved. Use bpplinfo or bppllist to list the current generation value. If no generation is specified, the command acts on the current version.
- -hardware hardware
Specifies the hardware type of this client. In the dialog box for adding clients to a policy with the Backup Policy Management utility, select one of the hardware types.
- -include_discovered
This option lists the virtual machines that were discovered and selected the last time a VMware or Hyper-V intelligent policy ran. It also lists the host that performed the virtual machine discovery, such as the media server. This option is ignored if the intelligent policy has never been run.
When the option is used with -allunique, it additionally lists the virtual machines that were discovered and selected in the last run of all VMware and Hyper-V intelligent policies.
When the option is used with -allunique -pt policy_type and the policy_type is either VMware or Hyper-V, it lists the virtual machines that were discovered and selected in the last run of all VMware or all Hyper-V intelligent policies
- -L
Displays the listing in long format. No two-line header appears at the top of the listing; the header is embedded in the line for each client. The line for each client includes the following fields:
Client/HW/OS/Pri: (the header)
Client name
Hardware type
Operating system
Ignore the four additional fields. They are either unused or used for internal processes.
- -l
Displays the listing in short format; this option produces a terse listing. It also is called raw output mode. No two-line header appears at the top of the listing; the header is embedded in the line for each client. The listing consists of the following fields:
Field 1 = Client name
Field 2 = Hardware. The operating system type of the client. Example: Linux
Field 3 = Operating system name of the client. Example: Red Hat
Field 4 = Priority. The priority of the client in the specified policy.
Fields 5-7 are unused.
This option is useful for scripts or the programs that rework the listing contents into a customized report format.
- -M master_server,...
Lists the alternative master servers. This option consists of a comma-delimited list of host names. If this option is present, each master server in the list runs the bpplclients command. Each master server in the list must allow access by the system that issues the bpplclients command. If an error occurs for any master server, the process stops at that point.
If bpplclients produces a list, the list is the composite of the returned information from all the master servers in this list.
If bpplclients adds, deletes, or modifies a client (explained later), the change is made on all the master servers in this list.
- -modify host_name ...
Modifies the attributes for a client within a policy. The client was added to the policy previously. The attribute values follow the client name and replace the previous equivalent attribute values for this client. You must modify at least one of the client's attributes. -priority is not implemented at this time.
- -noheader
Displays the listing without any header. The listing consists of one line for each client, which contains the hardware type, operating system, and client name.
- -os os
Specifies a different operating system for the client. In the dialog box for adding clients to a policy with the Backup Policy Management utility, select one of the operating systems.
The values that you choose for the hardware and the -os options must form a valid combination.
- policy_name | {[-allunique | -allunique_hw_os] [-pt policy_type]}
If the policy_name option is used it must be the first option on the command line.
The policy_name specifies the name of a policy. It lists client information only for that policy.
If you use -allunique without the -pt policy_type option, the command lists client information for all policies that are defined for NetBackup on the master server.
If you use -allunique -pt policy_type, the command lists the client information for only the clients that belong to that policy type.
The -allunique_hw_os without the -pt policy_type option lists all unique hosts based on host name, hardware, and operating system information.
If you use -allunique_hw_os -pt policy_type, the command lists all unique hosts based on host name, hardware, and operating system information for all clients that belong to that policy type.
- -pt policy_type
Specifies the policy type by entering one of the following character strings (the default is Standard):
BigData DataStore DataTools-SQL-BackTrack DB2 Deployment Enterprise-Vault FlashBackup Hyper-V Informix-On-BAR Lotus-Notes MS-Exchange-Server MS-SharePoint MS-SQL-Server MS-Windows NAS-Data-Protection NBU-Catalog NDMP Oracle SAP Split-Mirror Standard Sybase Universal-share Vault VMware
- -priority priority
Not implemented.
- policy_name
Identifies the policy that has the client. This option must be the first option on the command line.
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason that you choose this command action. The reason text string is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -rename old_client_name new_client_name
old_client_name specifies the current name of the client and new_client_name specifies the new name.
- -U
Displays the listing in user format. The listing consists of one line for each client, which contains the hardware type, operating system, and client name. A two-line header begins the listing which is the default format.
- -v
Selects the verbose mode. This option causes bpplclients to log additional information for debugging purposes. The information goes into the NetBackup administration daily debug log. This option is meaningful only when you enable the debug log function (that is, when the following directory is defined):
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin
This option must precede the -add, -delete, or -modify option on the command line.
Example 1 - While the master server runs, list the clients that are known to the master server.
# bpplclients Hardware OS Client --------------- --------------- -------------- HP9000-800 HP-UX 11.23 squash
This command can also be entered on a client named hatt, with the same results.
Example 2 - List the defined clients for the policy onepolicy:
# bpplclients onepolicy Hardware OS Client --------------- --------------- -------------- Solaris Solaris10 jeckle RS6000 AIX5 streaky HP9000-800 HP-UX 11.31 shark
Example 3 - Add the client marmot to the policy twopolicy on the master servers serv1
and serv2
. The hardware type for lynx is HP9000; the operating system is HP-UX 11.23. The default priority is used.
# bpplclients twopolicy -M serv1,serv2 -add lynx HP9000 HP-UX 11.23
Example 4 - Delete the clients marmot and vole from the policy twopolicy on the master servers serv1 and serv2.
# bpplclients twopolicy -M serv1,serv2 -delete marmot vole
Example 5 - While the master server hatt runs, list client information for policy BackTrack on master server beaver:
# bpplclients BackTrack -M beaver Hardware OS Client --------------- --------------- -------------- Solaris Solaris10 saturn
An exit status of zero (0) means that the command ran successfully.
Any exit status other than zero (0) means that an error occurred.
If the administrative log function is enabled, the exit status is logged in the administrative daily log under the log directory:
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin
It has the following form:
bpplclients: EXIT status = exit status
If an error occurred, a diagnostic precedes this message.
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin/* /usr/openv/NetBackup/db/policy/policy_name/clients
Windows systems:
install_path\netbackup\logs\admin\* install_path\NetBackup\db\policy\policy_name\clients
See bpplinfo.