NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nboracmd — utility for configuring NetBackup Oracle assets
list databases [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}][-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort]
list pdbs [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}] [-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort]
list instances [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}] [-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort] [-show_connect_descriptor]
list credentials [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}] [-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort]
list jobs [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}] [-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort]
list rman_catalogs [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}] [-limit limit] [-filter filter] [-sort sort]
list job_details -job_id job_id [-S primary_server] [-format {csv, json}]
modify database [-S primary_server] [-wallet_path wallet_path] [-tns_name tns_name] [-type SINGLE_INSTANCE | RAC | RAC_ONE_NODE] [-port port] [-service_name service_name] [-scan_name scan_name] [-state ACTIVE | INACTIVE] [-load_balanced_node_count load_balanced_node_count] [-rman_catalog rman_catalog] ASSET_ID
modify instance [-S primary_server] [-backup_client_name backup_client_name] [-oracle_home oracle_home] [-base_home base_home] [-base_config base_config] [-override_tns_admin tns] [-state ACTIVE | INACTIVE] ASSET_ID
backup -policy policy [-S primary_server] [-schedule schedule] ASSET_ID
manage credentials -name credential_name [-S primary_server] [-force] ASSET_ID
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The nboracmd command can list, modify, and backup Oracle assets. The nboracmd command performs the following operations:
list databases lists Oracle database assets.
list pdbs lists Oracle pdb assets.
list instances lists oracle instance assets.
list credentials lists NetBackup CMS Oracle credentials.
list jobs lists NetBackup Oracle jobs.
list rman_catalogs lists Oracle RMAN catalog assets.
list job_details lists Oracle job details.
modify database modifies an Oracle database asset with the given asset ID.
modify instance modifies an Oracle instance asset with the given asset ID.
backup runs an immediate backup with the provided policy and asset ID.
manage credentials associates the given credential with an asset.
A positional argument that must be specified at the end of the command. The asset ID of the asset to be backed up, modified, or managed.
- -backup_client_name name
The backup client name to be used with the given asset ID.
- -base_config path
The base config path to be set on the asset with the given asset ID.
- -base_home home
The base home path to be set on the asset with the given asset ID.
- -filter filter
Filters the data in the list. The filter value must be in OData format. Can only be used with -format json.
- -force
Used with manage credentials to associate a credential with an asset without validating the credential.
- -format {csv | json}
Specifies the format to be used for the output. Defaults to csv.
- -help
Prints the usage of a given action.
- -job_id ID
The ID of the job to print details of.
- -limit limit
The maximum items to return as a list. The maximum is 100.
- -load_balanced_node_count number
An integer that defines the maximum number of nodes NetBackup uses for backup. Backups proceed with a lower number, if the number of nodes that is specified is not available. If you specify 0 (zero) NetBackup uses all the available nodes.
- -name name
The name of the CMS credentials to associate with a given asset.
- -oracle_home oracle_home
Specifies the file path of the Oracle home directory where the instance resides.
- -override_tns_admin tns_admin
Used to override default TNS_ADMIN path.
- -policy name
The policy name the backup request uses.
- -port port
The port to be assigned to the database asset.
- -rman_catalog ID
The asset ID of an RMAN catalog to be associated with a given database.
- -S primary_server
Specifies the primary server that contains the asset to be listed or modified.
- -scan_name name
Specifies the new SCAN name to be associated with the given database asset.
- -schedule schedule
Specifies the schedule to be used when backing up an asset. If not specified, it defaults to a full schedule.
- -service_name name
Specifies the new service name to be associated with the given database asset.
- -show_connect_descriptor
Optional flag with list instances to include the connect descriptor for the RAC instances.
- -sort sort
Sorts the data in the list. The sort value must be in OData format. Can only be used with -format json.
Specifies the new state to be assigned to the given instance or database asset.
- -tns_name name
Specifies the new TNS name to be assigned to the given database asset.
Specifies the new database type to be assigned to the given database asset.
- -wallet_path path
Specifies the new wallet path to be assigned to the given database asset.
Example 1: List the databases, filtering on the database name.
nboracmd list databases -format json -filter "commonAssetAttributes/displayName eq 'orcl'"
Example 2: List the RMAN catalogs, sorting on the first discovered time.
nboracmd list rman_catalogs -format json -sort "commonAssetAttributes.detection.firstDiscoveredTime"
Example 3: Modify the database to ACTIVE and set the load_balanced_node_count to 1.
nboracmd modify database -state ACTIVE -load_balanced_node_count 1 b8402e70e3f788a43e643142cc27854f75c8e3d357dc
Example 4: Modify an instance's backup client name and state.
nboracmd modify instance -backup_client_name -state ACTIVE 2efa9157344448d40d001870e3ff75c8e3d357dc
Example 5: Run an immediate backup of a database.
nboracmd backup -policy oracle -schedule inc b8402e70e3f788a43e643142cc27854f75c8e3d357dc
Example 6: Manage an asset's credentials without validating.
nboracmd manage credentials -name oracle_creds -force b8402e70e3f788a43e643142cc27854f75c8e3d357dc